我们的培训课程 商务礼仪整合传播 Integrated Promotion of Business Etiquette (一)品牌课程 Superior Course 高级商务礼仪Senior Business Etiquette 销售商务礼仪Sales Etiquette 职业素养Vocational Traits 服务礼仪Service Etiquette 优质客户服务及礼仪Customer Service& Etiquette 职业形象塑造Shaping successful professional image 行政助理综合技能训练The Administrative Assistant 商务接待礼仪Business Reception Etiquette
(二)行业特色培训 The trainning of business feature 专业化的前台接待The Professional Reception 房地产销售顾问礼仪 Consultant Etiquette of realty sales 汽车销售礼仪 The Car Sales Etiquette 金融业礼仪培训 The Finance Industry Etiquette 电信业礼仪培训 The Telecommunications Etiquette 酒店服务礼仪 The Hotel Service Etiquette 商场超市服务礼仪 The Emporium and Supermarket Service Etiquette 医护人员接待礼仪 The Reception Etiquette of medical care personnel 服务业基层人员礼仪培训 The Staff Etiqurette of Serivice Industry
(三)沙龙活动Salon Activities 破解沟通密码Analysis of Personality and Communication 白领商务礼仪Business Etiquette for white color 职业女性魅力自造 The Self-shaping charm of professional women 巧用丝巾和化职业化妆 The Wearing Skills of Scarf and Fixing Vocational Make-up 心灵瑜伽 Soul Yoga
(四)个人形象管理服务 The Management of Personal Image 个人服饰色彩和风格规律诊断The Regular Diagnoses of personal Attire Color and Characteristics 最佳彩妆用色诊断 The Color Make-up Diagnoses 最佳发型诊断 The Best Hairstyle Diagnoses 场合着装指导 The Attire Guidance of different occasions 陪同购物 Escort Shopping
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商务礼仪整合传播 Integrated Promotion of Business Etiquette
(一)品牌课程 Superior Course
高级商务礼仪Senior Business Etiquette
销售商务礼仪Sales Etiquette
职业素养Vocational Traits
优质客户服务及礼仪Customer Service& Etiquette
职业形象塑造Shaping successful professional image
行政助理综合技能训练The Administrative Assistant
商务接待礼仪Business Reception Etiquette
(二)行业特色培训 The trainning of business feature
专业化的前台接待The Professional Reception
房地产销售顾问礼仪 Consultant Etiquette of realty sales
汽车销售礼仪 The Car Sales Etiquette
金融业礼仪培训 The Finance Industry Etiquette
电信业礼仪培训 The Telecommunications Etiquette
酒店服务礼仪 The Hotel Service Etiquette
商场超市服务礼仪 The Emporium and Supermarket Service Etiquette
医护人员接待礼仪 The Reception Etiquette of medical care personnel
服务业基层人员礼仪培训 The Staff Etiqurette of Serivice Industry
(三)沙龙活动Salon Activities
破解沟通密码Analysis of Personality and Communication
白领商务礼仪Business Etiquette for white color
职业女性魅力自造 The Self-shaping charm of professional women
巧用丝巾和化职业化妆 The Wearing Skills of Scarf and Fixing Vocational Make-up
心灵瑜伽 Soul Yoga
(四)个人形象管理服务 The Management of Personal Image
个人服饰色彩和风格规律诊断The Regular Diagnoses of personal Attire Color and Characteristics
最佳彩妆用色诊断 The Color Make-up Diagnoses
最佳发型诊断 The Best Hairstyle Diagnoses
场合着装指导 The Attire Guidance of different occasions
陪同购物 Escort Shopping