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Supply Chain Costing Course

  • 课程时间:2010/07/23 09:00 至 2010/07/24 16:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:北京市
  • 授课讲师: 专家团
  • 课程编号:84611
  • 课程分类:采购管理
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CEO, Senior management staff, CFO, Cost Controller,Supply Chain Manager, etc


Getting to know more about finance and costing (connecting Finance and Supply Chain);
Learn some new ideas, theory, technology and thinking from Colleagues;
Learn the ideas about value of Logistics in China;
Learn how to do a supply chain process analysis.


With the boom of globalization, there is an increasing stress on quick response to user needs. Integration of the supply chain offers many opportunities to improve customer service and eliminate unnecessary costs. However, many firms lack the capability to determine the cost of moving product to market and where potential savings may exist. Using cost information to evaluate channel performance has strategic implications regarding the composition and structure, evaluation of performance, and the allocation of benefits within the supply chain. Possessing the capability to improve customer value while targeting opportunities for cost reduction opens new frontiers for supply chain management.
The main target of supply chain cost course is to provides an approach for measuring the cost of activities spanning the entire channel. At the same time, the course refers to cost analysis, decision-making relating to supply chain management, factor analysis of other relevant components, and the practical implementation of control measures.
[Training Contents]

Day One:

1) Learn how to do a supply chain (SC) process analysis

Understand the “nodal” concept in SC networks and identify supply chain “dimensions” such as customers, channels, routes, product hierarchies etc. Visualizing your SC with process analysis tools. Show and example of a South African Dairy Company

2) Uncover the real cost drivers in your supply chain and logistics environment

Understand the dynamics of how costs react in a SC environment. For example Trucking costs per Hour or per Kilometer or other Fixed and Variable costs. Show examples of a British Airline

3) Understand why logistics costing is different from conventional costing

Understand the millions of permutations in a CS and why normal activity-based costing or standard costing methods will not deliver the desired results. Show examples of a European Chemical company

4) Understand how customer profitability should be used to manage your supply chain

Cost-to-serve customers should be driving all SC decisions and the purpose of the SC is to connect products with customers at the lowest practical cost within the Service Level constraints. Show an example of an Australian Grocery manufacturer

5) Understand how to optimize warehousing costs

Warehousing costs are either “transactional” such as orders processed or items received. On the other hand there are “investment” costs such as the amount of inventory and optimizing of warehousing costs have to find the balance between all of this. Show an example of an American 3PL Warehouse and Transport provider

6) Learn how to model FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) distribution behaviour

In the FMCH environment very tight Service Levels have to be met and margins are very small. SCs must therefore be very efficient and hence the development of Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) and Direct product Profitability (DPP). Show example of a South African Refrigerated Distributor

7) Understand the variability of vehicle costs and the impact that this has on cost-to-serve customers. (Includes Fuel modeling)

Analysis of different types of vehicles such as Trucks, ships, planes etc and understanding what of their costs react per time unit and what per Km or distance travelled. Show an example of another Airline and a New Zeland Trucking company

Day Two:

8) Learn about the dynamics of large Network Models spanning multiple countries, ports, factories and distribution centres

Learn about network design and the complications of duties and taxes between various countries. How large companies get an understanding of their complex networks and make decisions to optimize their SCs. Continue with example of European Chemical company

9) Learn how a Merchandise Planning (or Factory Planning) system can drive a supply chain in a Retail organization

A merchandise planning environment in the clothing industry is affected by long lead times, erratic deliveries, volatility of demand, weather patterns etc and the SC planners must accommodate a large number of variables in their models. Show example of New Zealand Outdoors clothing manufacturer and Store operator

10) Appreciate the true cost of outsourcing and how to intelligently evaluate the options

Outsourcing are not straightforward decisions as often a lot of costs are hidden and will not automatically disappear when an outsourcing model is followed. Learn what considerations companies look ate before making such decisions.

11) Learn how to build cost simulation models and use dynamic cost simulation techniques

Cost simulation can be used based on a large number of variables such as Fuel prices, currency fluctuation, interest rates, alternative pricing by vendors, alternative supply routes and many other variables. Without the right technology this becomes a difficult decision environment.

12) Techniques to assist when new scenarios need immediate answers perhaps with information drawn from disparate systems

Designing supply chains have far reaching effects and if scenario analyses are not done upfront, expensive errors cab be made. Scenario analysis facilitate the review of many variable in a cost-effective manner. Show an example of an Airline and how to model thousands of variables

13) The uses and abuses of linear programming and supply chain optimization.

The differences between SC analysis and SC optimization will be explained and the way that both approaches should be used.

14) KPIs for the supply chain and the links to the SCOR methodology

Identifying important KPIs and how to construct a Scorecard for a SC

15) How supply chain collaboration can reduce costs

Numerous examples will be quoted of good SC collaboration and how that has improved SC costs

[Award of Certificate]
Award the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics "Supply Chain Costing Course" Advanced Training Course Certificate of completion.
[Training Fee]
Duration of public course is two days; and charge of training is 9800RMB including cost for training, information and tea break. Prices for group or internal training may be discussed in details.
[Time & Venue]

TIME MayJulySept.Nov.
VENUE ShenZhen beijing Shanghai Shanghai



本课程名称: Supply Chain Costing Course


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