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Consultative Selling Skills | 咨询销售技巧

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Those who have been in the sales function for quite some time but have not been found fulfilling results.This program will teach you to discover your clients?needs by asking questions that extract important information leading to providing the right solutions to their needs.Suitable for Sales Executives and Sales Managers or Directors who manage a team of sales people


The objectives of this program is equip you with the right skills to meet the demands of this very competitive market:You need to:

- Apply disciplines taught in pre-calls preparations
- Anticipate questions and objections and how to respond to them
- Use techniques taught in the professional conduct of sales calls
- Learn to listen more, talk less and ask high-powered questions
- Adopt a consultative role rather than a sales role in client meetings
- Alter common habits of talking product features to selling solutions to needs
- Demonstrate knowledge and interest in the client´s needs and offer, solutions and options in order to gain commitment and trust from clients


Topic One
Secret of Selling
Difference between the product selling and concept selling ( Why sells)
What do the customers need (Why buy)
Two kinds of Selling Skills (Why use selling skills)

Topic Two
Concept Selling Skills Preparation before the sales
The real task of a sales call begins at the office - way before the meeting. Showing up at a meeting unprepared shows disrespect for the client. A sales person must also be sensitive to the dynamics operating during a sales call. He/She must know when to listen, when to talk, how to solicit information, clarify and summarize what was discussed at the end of the sales meeting.
The Plan before the Sales
Analyze the customers
Interview during the sales

Make your customers understand your needs (Opening)
Make your customers think on your side (Empathy)
Make your customers answer your question (ask)
Make your customers help you (needs)

Topic Three
During the Sales Probing with Consultative questioning skills
4 Obstacles in the sales process
Maintain the pace of the sales meeting
4 Effective ways to maintain the customers interest

Topic Four
Step to the Successful Selling Effective Opening Statement
Understanding client’s needs through consultative questioning
Key relevant benefits
Building client’s incremental agreement
Summarize the key points
Lead the client to take action

Topic Five
Critical discipline & practices in conducting sales calls The most common mistake made by inexperienced sales people is to focus on their products or services; the features etc. etc. More experienced and successful sales people always focus on the customers first - i.e. what their needs are, the issues they wrestle with, then match how the product or service to be sold can fulfill those needs.

Topic six
Gaining commitment from clients and prospects Inexperienced sales people either try to close a sale too early or they are afraid or hesitant to ask for the business. On the other hand, tabling a proposal or asking for the business when the client is not ready to buy can also provide to be a fatal mistake in closing the sale.
Making multi-sales calls are like walking up steps leading to closing a sale. Each step and those intervals between them are all part of the selling cycle. Every step counts; from the initial contact, to uncovering needs, offering alternatives and solutions to the final sale.

Topic seven
Role Playing & Program Summary Application of key learning points
Peer-to-peer critiquing and feedback
Self-Assessment and commitment to achieve goals set in Action Plans
Final session is Summarizing the learning points and action to take for continuous learning

本课程名称: Consultative Selling Skills | 咨询销售技巧


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