利得威管理咨询(北京)有限公司是一家由多位专业人士成立的教育机构。业务范围聚焦于销售体系培训,同时延伸出领导力培训。销售体系深入体现在IT/OA、B2B、外包服务、汽车、银行等行业培训。我们的核心竞争力在于课程的系统性。这些课程均是自主研发,结合了西方先进的理念与中国国情,由专职讲师完成授课。我们的师资都是在世界500强工作10年以上的管理人士,其讲课风格有别于学院派。通过参与式教学,在学习结束时,学员会对各自工作中的问题理清思路、掌握解决方法。Leadways Management Consulting(Beijing) Co., Ltd is established by a couple of professionals. We focus on sales system, including sales training and sales management process. The focus industry is OA, including OA equipment and OA service. Our competition is our training system, not individual course only. The training system is researched and developed by Leadways sponsor, which combined western effective ideas and local situation together. Most of the course is delivered through full time facilitators.*******All the coach and trainer is originally from Global500 management team, they enhance the learning process through stimulate and motivate the attendance, which get them a clearer understanding of obstacles in routine job and the solutions as well.
服务流程*******在线测评—通过在线/离线测评,分析个人能力现状;*******现状分析--通过访谈和调研,理解组织的战略、文化和变革需要,分析组织的运营状况;*******绩效差距分析--寻找和确认部门/个人的关键绩效差距,分析原因,确定解决问题的优先顺序;*******方案设计--设计基于能力的培训发展方案,制作客户化的课程;*******培训实施--有效的运用各种培训形式,帮助学员提升意识、行为和能力,解决“知一行”差距;*******结果评估--和组织一起观察学员的变化,评估培训效果;*******持续发展--通过跟踪服务,时刻把握客户的动态和需要。*******On-line assessment- To know the attendance situation through on/off line assessment;*******Situation analysis- To understand customer strategy, culture and innovation through interview and probing;*******Performance gap analysis- To find the gap and key issue, determine the priority;*******Solution design- To design the solution base on capabilities development, customize the course;*******Delivering- To help attendance improve their conscious, behaviors and capabilities through variety of learning styles;*******Appraisal- To appraise the result for both the facilitator and attendance;*******Consequent development- To meet customer needs through follow-up, including the performance and definite attendance.
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服务流程*******在线测评—通过在线/离线测评,分析个人能力现状;*******现状分析--通过访谈和调研,理解组织的战略、文化和变革需要,分析组织的运营状况;*******绩效差距分析--寻找和确认部门/个人的关键绩效差距,分析原因,确定解决问题的优先顺序;*******方案设计--设计基于能力的培训发展方案,制作客户化的课程;*******培训实施--有效的运用各种培训形式,帮助学员提升意识、行为和能力,解决“知一行”差距;*******结果评估--和组织一起观察学员的变化,评估培训效果;*******持续发展--通过跟踪服务,时刻把握客户的动态和需要。*******On-line assessment- To know the attendance situation through on/off line assessment;*******Situation analysis- To understand customer strategy, culture and innovation through interview and probing;*******Performance gap analysis- To find the gap and key issue, determine the priority;*******Solution design- To design the solution base on capabilities development, customize the course;*******Delivering- To help attendance improve their conscious, behaviors and capabilities through variety of learning styles;*******Appraisal- To appraise the result for both the facilitator and attendance;*******Consequent development- To meet customer needs through follow-up, including the performance and definite attendance.