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  • 课程时间:2010/11/06 09:30 至 2010/11/07 16:30 已结束
  • 开课地点:深圳市
  • 授课讲师: 何老师
  • 课程编号:93723
  • 课程分类:采购管理
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Section 1 Definitions of marketing and the marketing concept
1. Definitions of marketing
2. marketing orientation
3. the marketing mix-4P
4. relationship between marketing and other functions
5. case study

Section 2 Relationship marketing
1. relationship marketing vs transactional marketing
2. relationship networks
3. customer relationship
4. supplier relationship
5. intermediary relationship
6. stakeholder relationship
7. employee relationship
8. case study
Section 3 the external environment and its impact on marketing decisions

1. marketing and the external environment
2. macro factors
3. micro factors
4. case study

Section 4 Consumer buying behaviour
1. buying behaviour
2. consumer buying motoives
3. the consumer decision process
4. participants in the consumer decision process
5. factors influencing the decision process
6. case study

Section 5 organizational buying behaviour
1. characteristics of industrial markets
2. the organizational buying process
3. participants in the organizational buying process
4. influences on the organizational buying process
5. case study

Section 6 the target marketing process
1.target marketing
2. bases for segmenting industrial markets
3. targeting
4. positioning
5. case study

Section 7 marketing research and the marketing research process
1. the marketing research process
2.types of data
3. secondary research primary research
4. experimentation
5. sampling
6. test marketing
7. the marketing information system(MkLS)
8. case study

Section 8 the product
1. the dimensions of a product
2. consumer products
3. industrial products
4. the product life cycle(PLC)
5. the Boston consulting group matrix(BSG)
6. case study

Section 9 product planning and new product development
1.the Ansoff matrix
2. new product development(NPD)
3. case study

Section 10 planning and packaging considerations
2.developing a brand strategy
3. advantage and disadvantage of branding
4.branding strategies
5. brand names
6. branding in the industrial sector
7. the purpose of packaging
8. case study

Section 11 pricing decisions
1.approach to pricing
2. demand-based pricing
3. cost-based pricing
4. market-based pricing
5. pricing strategies
6. pricing tactics
7. price formulate and tendering
8. case study

Section 12 distribution systems
1. distribution defined
2. channels of distribution
3. channel intermediaries
4. direct marketing
5. channel selection strategy
6. case study

Section 13 promotion
1. the role of promotion
2. the promotional mix
3. balancing elements of the promotional mix
4. push vs pull
5. promotional planning
6. case study

Section 14 the sales function
1. the role of personal selling
2. the role of the sales force
3. the size of the sales force
4. sales force organization
5. control and evaluation of sales force performance
6. motivating the sales force
7. case study

Section 15 the marketing of services
1. the service economy
2. the growth of the service economy
3. characteristics of services
4. the marketing mix for services
5. case study

Section 16 not-for-profit organizations
1. not-for-profit organization
2. types of market for not-for-profit organzations
3. why do not for profit organizations need marketing?
4. the target marketing
5. the marketing mix
6. case study

Section 17 international marketing(1)
1. reasons for marketing goods internationally
2. macro trends encouraging international trade
3. the international marketing environment
4. barriers to international trade
5. international market entry strategies
6. criteria for selecting suitable international market entry strategies
7. case study

Section 18 international marketing(2)
1. managing the international marketing mix
2. product management
3. pricing
4. promotion
5. international marketing strategy
6. case study

Section 19 marketing planning
1. the marketing planning process
2. mission and corporate objectives
3.marketing audit
4. SWOT analysis
5. Assumptions
6. Marketing objectives
7. segmentation
8. targeting and positioning
9. marketing mix strategy
10. resource allocation and implementation
11. control and review
12. case study

Section 20 case study
1. case study



本课程名称: 采购人员市场营销(CIPS五级)


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