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CPSM 国际供应管理认证

  • 课程时间:2010/01/21 09:00 至 2010/04/10 17:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:上海市
  • 授课讲师: Jack
  • 课程编号:79643
  • 课程分类:采购管理
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Supply Chain Directors, Managers, Supervisors and professionals in Purchasing, Project Management




Foundation of Supply Management Course Outline
USCR CPSM1 (3days)

Course Overview: This course focuses on strategic supply management world class best practices and includes a comprehensive body of knowledge in the Foundation of Supply Chain Management.

Who should attend: Professional practioners at all levels who aspire to broaden and raise the level of their Supply Chain skill sets in the topics listed below.

Contracting and Negotiation
Prepare solicitation for competitive birds, quotations and proposals with specs, terms and conditions.
Develop strategies and tactics for negotiations, including definition of roles and responsibilities.
Lead / conduct / support negotiations with suppliers to obtain desired results.
Manage the preparation and / or issuance of contracts / purchase orders / agreements.
Administer contracts / purchase orders from award to completion or termination

Prepare and / or administer a supply management department budget.
Develop a cost management program strategies for purchases.
Identify savings potential and opportunities and strategies for specific categories through analysis.
Perform cost / benefit analyses on acquisitions.
Factors in a lease / buy decision
Legal / accounting considerations
Develop financing and leveraging strategies for purchases

Identify and assess international markets to source goods and services.
Develop international sources of materials and service
Develop and maintain documentation regarding cross-border transactions
Develop and act upon a code of business conduct for the supply management function and suppliers.
Establish and monitor environmentally responsible and compliant programs life-throughout
Implement, monitor and promote organizational and supply chain safety policies and procedures.

Analyze potential sources of goods or services.
Evaluate competitive offerings to determine overall best offer for a product / service.
Plan and communicate sourcing and supply strategies based on forecasted data.

Supplier Relationship Management
Develop / manage effective relationships with suppliers.
Develop / implement a supplier diversity program.
Develop new supplier qualification plans and reports
Conduct supplier performance evaluations.
Develop and execute supplier exit strategies.

Effective Supply Management Performance Course Outline
USCR CPSM 2 (3days)

Course Overview: This CPSM course focuses on leadership in supply management world class best practices and includes a comprehensive body of knowledge in Effective Supply Management Performance in Supply Chain Management.

Who should attend: Professional practioners at all levels who aspire to broaden and raise the level of their Supply Chain skill sets in the topics listed below.

Perform analysis and provide data for global and domestic conditions
Develop supply forecast and manage forecasts with suppliers
Manage forecast with suppliers

Layout facilities
Traffic/Distribution policies
International transportation and hazardous materials
Management of receiving and delivery to include damage claims

Materials & Inventory Management
Standardization Program
Warehouse & Inventory Management system
The movement of equipment and assets within the organization
Oversee multi-channel plans for excess inventory and finished goods

Organization/Department Assessment
Business Planning and plan monitoring
Performance Criteria
Tools to measure, report and improve compliance with supply management practices
Analyze supply management audit reports

Implement requirements planning (MRP)
Develop, implement and monitor forecasting and operations planning

Product and Service Development
Participate in product/service development that support marketing
Manage ramp-up strategy to full scale production

Project Management
Perform project management activities representing supply management
Implement a continuous improvement process

Administer a supplier certification program
Develop measurements for continuous quality improvement
Evaluate quality requirements to continuously improve supplier performance

Leadership in Supply Management Course Outline
USCR CPSM 3 (3days)

Course Overview: This CPSM course focuses on leadership in supply management world class best practices and includes a comprehensive body of knowledge in the Leadership of Supply Chain Management.

Who should attend: Professional practioners at all levels who aspire to broaden and raise the level of their Supply Chain skill sets in the topics listed below.

Represent the supply management in organization decisions
Develop and implement business plans
Develop, implement and monitor a strategic supply management plan
Plan, develop and provide operating policies guidelines and procedures
Develop and implement changes to organizations supply management policies
Participate in company acquisitions/mergers/divestitures
Represent the supply organization in meetings with corporations and government
Lead or participate in cross-functional and/or multifunctional teams

Disseminate information and promote training
Market the value of strategic sourcing
Evaluate the supply management organizational structure
Hire, develop, retain, promote supply management personnel
Supervise and lead human resources to achieve initiatives
Conduct and authorize job training
Develop evaluate relationships with internal departments
Develop criteria for evaluating supply management departments
Conduct role design evaluation and potential job redesign requirements.
Create and manage a succession plan

Risk and Compliance
Develop a risk profile
Implement risk management
Implement processes in consideration of legal issues
Develop maintain a database and physical filing system
Verify relevant financial transactions to third parties
Assess risk from end of life cycle
Manage and control storage/disposal of hazardous materials

Strategic Sourcing
Establish and execute strategic sourcing plans
Establish and standardize strategic sourcing procedures
Identify, evaluate, select and implement technologies
Leverage spend through identification, prioritization and execution
Conduct analysis for insourcing or outsourcing strategy
Create new systems and process improvement to help sales goal


Mr.Jack Kelley has over 30 years of key leadership roles with multi-national companies. His
responsibilities covered Sourcing, Purchasing, Supply Chain, Operations, Materials,Finance, Customer Service, Strategic Planning, Logistics, Quality Assurance and Information Systems. International business experience spans nine countries in the Far East, five countries in Europe, as well as Mexico and Canada.

本课程名称: CPSM 国际供应管理认证


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