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  • 课程时间:2009/05/22 09:00 至 2009/05/22 17:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:上海市
  • 授课讲师: 董春燕
  • 课程编号:57356
  • 课程分类:人力资源
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1、 学习员工解雇规则及技巧
2、 学习裁员政策和技巧
3、 了解经济补偿金的计算规则
1、 总经理
2、 人力资源总监
3、 其他高层管理人员。


Outline for the course:
a. Legal causes for firing employee
i. terminating employment contract with employee through agreement
ii. dismissal of non-qualified employee during the probation period
iii. dismissal of employees who materially violated labor disciplines
iv. dismissal of employees who committed dereliction of duty
v. dismissal of employees who worked for another employer
vi. dismissal of employees who has criminal liability
vii. dismissal of employee who is ill and not able to work
viii. dismissal of incompetent employee
ix. dismissal of employee because of a major change in the circumstances
一、 解雇员工的法定理由
1、 协议解除劳动合同
2、 试用期不符合录用解雇
3、 重大违纪解雇
4、 重大过错解雇
5、 解雇同时为其他企业效劳的员工
6、 解雇被追究刑事责任的员工
7、 解雇久病不能工作的员工
8、 不胜任解雇
9、 客观情势变更解雇
b. Workforce Reduction
i. legal causes for workforce reduction
ii. statutory procedure
iii. restrictions
iv. legal responsibility
iv. case for demonstration
1、 裁员法定条件
2、 裁员法定程序
3、 法律限制
4、 法律责任
5、 案例演示
c. Severance pay
i. severance pay while terminating employment contract
ii. severance pay while ending employment contract
iii. calculating severance pay
1、 员工解雇时的经济补偿金
2、 劳动合同终止时的经济补偿金
3、 如何计算经济补偿金


COVEY ZENG,Attorney at law, PRC Mr. Zeng has been specializing in the area of employment since 2001, and successfully represented many foreign-invested companies and domestic companies in a number of industries in all phases of labor and employment law. His experience includes practice before labor arbitration tribunals, courts of first instance and courts of second instance. Mr. Zeng is often invited as a legal trainer to give lectures on labor policies for a number of companies in Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuxi, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo and other cities. Many top executives, managers and legal counsels who have taken his lectures are from renowned companies. His clients includes but is not limited to the following: SUMITOMO ELECTRIC GROUP, JP Morgan Chase&Co, ARC tooling Technology (Shenzhen), Westbaltic components, Gec Direct Hong Kong Ltd, Nordic Trading, Consea Executive, Times Bright China, TRANING CENTER NINGBO PERSONAL BUREAU, SHANGHAI JINLING CO., LTD, FOUNDER TECHNOLOGY GROUP and so on. Mr. Zeng has authored numerous articles focusing on labor and employment matters and intellectual property protection. Here are some pieces of his works:On Regulating employment Relationship Under the Market Economy Through Perfecting and Enforcing Law in China, On Perfecting the Trade Union System, Exploration On Employees’ Rights, On Employers’ Rights, Suggestions on Establishing In-house Policies to Enhance Corporate Value, Resolutions to the Labor Disputes Settlement and so on.Working language: Chinese and English.Education:LLM Su Zhou University 1998-2001.
曾律师,上海劳达律师事务所资深劳动法执业律师,上海劳达管理咨询公司高级咨询顾问,劳动法世界laboroot.com 高级研究员。曾律师自2000年开始专注于劳动法研究,2001年完成《论我国市场经济下的劳资关系的法律调整》硕士论文。之后,曾律师投身于法律实务领域,曾律师曾为千家企业提供过劳动法咨询和劳动法培训,并代理了大量的劳动纠纷案件,曾律师是我国最早投入到劳动法理论研究与实务的律师之一。曾律师多次在上海、苏州、无锡、南京、杭州、深圳等城市进行精彩的劳动法专题讲座。曾律师是中国大陆劳动法界第一位推出劳动合同法培训英文公开课的讲师。曾律师授课风格:实例丰富,分析透彻,深入浅出,信息量大。合作培训单位包括SUMITOMO ELECTRIC GROUP, JP Morgan Chase & Co, ARC tooling Technology (Shenzhen), Westbaltic components, Gec Direct Hong Kong Ltd, Nordic Trading, Consea Executive, 上海张江高科,北大方正科技集团等.曾律师部分论著:《劳动合同立法与企业制度文化建设》, 《夹缝中生存的证据制度》,《员工解聘与经济补偿》,《企业员工处罚权探讨》,《企业商业秘密保护措施和法律实务》,《涉外劳动关系处理探讨》,《依法解雇员工法律实务》,《劳动争议处理与应对》等。

本课程名称: 中国劳动合同法背景下的解雇与裁员


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