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Project Management Leadership工程管理领导力

  • 课程时间:2008/11/07 00:00 至 2008/11/08 00:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:上海市
  • 授课讲师: LILY WEI
  • 课程编号:41604
  • 课程分类:采购管理物流管理
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Project Managers, Team Leaders, Functional Managers Operations, Engineering, Supply Chain, Quality Assurance


This training will cover the key elements of Project Management Leadership (PML) and enhance participants skills to ensure meeting measurable company goals and objectives. Using demonstrated proven practices and processes, topics will include the why, what, when and how to utilize PML elements. As a result, professionals attending will expand their leadership scope of sensitivity for internal (cross functional) and external impacts.


Course Outline

Day 1

0900 Management and Leadership
What management/leadership skills are required?
Are management and leadership the same?

Project leader traits (soft & hard skills)
Which trait is most important?
When to use?

Getting started
Define project and scope
Determining required resources
Locating and allocating resources

Project deadlines
Calculating timelines
Identifying obstacles
Managing and eliminating obstacles

14 Elements of PML
In-depth look at 14 elements that impact PML process

Learn to recognize each element

Case study

Case resolution will require consideration of topics covered

1200 Lunch

1300 Managing change
The only constant is change
Determining what is/is not significant

Cross functional teams
Team selection process
What resources are required
How to choose a team leader

International or virtual teams
How to influence participation remotely
Key tools to monitor for maximum use of resources

Project life cycles
When does life cycle start
When does life cycle end
What is the role of PML during each cycle

Case study
Case resolution will require consideration of topics covered

1700 Review
Recap of today’s course material to include a question and answer session

Day 2

0900 Project risk management
How to measure and report risks

Requesting project adjustments
When to report and revise project tasks

Keeping stakeholders informed
Who must be kept advised
methords of communications
Timing for reporting

Project team turnover
Integrating new members
Recognizing old members contribution
How to maintain continuity

Case Study
Using real life experience to demonstrate examples

1200 Lunch

1300 Statistical tools
Seven most commonly used tools of statistical process control (SPC)

The language of numbers

Writing clear specifications
Using writing, verbal and visual communications
Formal and informal specifications

Post project review
What to do when project is complete
When should the team disband

Case study
In-depth case looking at training material covered during last 2 days.

Measuring and advertising success
Project is over, what value was added
Best way to ensure process compliance and recognize team accomplishments

1700 Review and wrap up
Final in class review of items covered and a sharing of lessens learned.


J. Kelley

Summary of Experience

President, Inter-Conn
Vice President, NSI
Vice President, Simmons
Director of Procurement, Covad Communications
Director of Materials, NEC
Director of Materials, Avis Industries
Director of Materials & Far East Procurement, TRW
Senior Advisor, Supply Chain, Unisys

Mr. Kelley has over 35 years of key leadership roles with multi-national companies. His responsibilities covered Sourcing, Purchasing, Supply Chain, Operations, Materials, Finance, Customer Service, Strategic Planning, Logistics, Quality Assurance and Information Systems. International business experience spans nine countries in the Far East, five countries in Europe, as well as Mexico and Canada.

China experience
Leading C.P.M. instructor in China
First C.P.M. to actually work & live in China
Over 20 years working with Chinese suppliers
Managed Chinese Sourcing/Purchasing staff

Professional Attainment / Education Background
Lifetime Certified Purchasing Manager (C.P.M.)
Certified Production and Inventory Manager (CPIM).
President of a NAPM Chapter
Vice President of an APICS Chapter
Founder/President of IPMA-Taipei
Bachelor of Science degree in Business
participated in over 25 accredited professional/international business courses

His accomplishments are recognized in national publications. He has taught professional development courses while affiliated with the National Association of Purchasing Management (NAPM), the American Production Inventory Control Society (APICS) and the University of Virginia. He is recognized as a subject matter expert in eProcurement and multi-cultural business transactions. His commentaries have been highlighted in Fortune 200 company articles..

本课程名称: Project Management Leadership工程管理领导力


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