一、 企业规章制度制定理念常见误区Common misunderstandings when formulating the HR policies
(一) 规章制度与员工手册混同化Exiting your HR policies with Employee Handbook 员工手册与“八大项”规章制度Employee Handbook vs. Eight Items with immediate interests of employee 员工手册与“普法宣传手册”Employee Handbook vs. booklet propagandizing labor laws 员工手册、规章制度与不成文惯例Employee Handbook, HR policies and unwritten HR practices
(二) 全球政策未能本地化Failed to localize global policy 跨国公司的“一体化”政策Globalization of MNC 全球政策的“水土不服”Unacclimatized global policy 全球政策未能合规遵守的风险Compliance risks of the failure of global policy
(三) 全国政策未能地区化Failed to localize country policy 以总部所在地的标准替代所有分部的标准Wrongfully apply labor standards in HQ to all branches 未能重视履行地的管辖结点效应Omitting conjunction effect of performance place
(四) 适用标准机械化Stiff application of relevant HR policy 用工自主权的膨胀Restricted discretion of employer 机械推理与机械适用Stiff reasoning and application 规章制度与劳动合同的冲突Conflicts between HR policy and employment contract
二、 民主与公示程序Democratic process and announcement
(一) 民主程序Democratic process 民主程序流程Procedure of democratic process 民主程序与集体协商Democratic process vs. collective bargaining 民主程序中的“征求意见”So-called “soliciting opinion from employees”
(四) 劳动纪律Labor discipline 分层分类的表述结构Categories of misconducts and violations “口袋罪”General excuses 合理性界定及“累犯加重”原则Definition of reasonableness and recidivism 脱岗行为Off duty without permission 违反办公室秩序行为Breaking office rules 渎职行为Abusing authorization 欺诈行为Fraud 不诚信行为Disloyal behaviors 调查及解除流程Investigation and termination process
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(一) 规章制度与员工手册混同化Exiting your HR policies with Employee Handbook
员工手册与“八大项”规章制度Employee Handbook vs. Eight Items with immediate interests of employee
员工手册与“普法宣传手册”Employee Handbook vs. booklet propagandizing labor laws
员工手册、规章制度与不成文惯例Employee Handbook, HR policies and unwritten HR practices
(二) 全球政策未能本地化Failed to localize global policy
跨国公司的“一体化”政策Globalization of MNC
全球政策的“水土不服”Unacclimatized global policy
全球政策未能合规遵守的风险Compliance risks of the failure of global policy
(三) 全国政策未能地区化Failed to localize country policy
以总部所在地的标准替代所有分部的标准Wrongfully apply labor standards in HQ to all branches
未能重视履行地的管辖结点效应Omitting conjunction effect of performance place
(四) 适用标准机械化Stiff application of relevant HR policy
用工自主权的膨胀Restricted discretion of employer
机械推理与机械适用Stiff reasoning and application
规章制度与劳动合同的冲突Conflicts between HR policy and employment contract
二、 民主与公示程序Democratic process and announcement
(一) 民主程序Democratic process
民主程序流程Procedure of democratic process
民主程序与集体协商Democratic process vs. collective bargaining
民主程序中的“征求意见”So-called “soliciting opinion from employees”
(二) 公示程序Announcement
其他告知Other options
三、 常见规章制度起草要点Key points on formulating relevant HR policies
(一) 劳动合同管理制度Employment contract management
入职On board
(二) 薪酬福利制度C&B policy
薪酬结构Compensation structure
年终奖授予及限制Restrictions on eligibility of annual bonus
加班审批制度及加班费支付OT approval and its payment
(三) 工作时间及休息休假Working hours and leaves
工作时间制度Working hours
年休假管理Annual leaves
病假及三期女职工假期管理Sick leave and female employee protection leaves
其他常见带薪假期Other paid leaves
事假Casual leave
(四) 劳动纪律Labor discipline
分层分类的表述结构Categories of misconducts and violations
“口袋罪”General excuses
合理性界定及“累犯加重”原则Definition of reasonableness and recidivism
脱岗行为Off duty without permission
违反办公室秩序行为Breaking office rules
渎职行为Abusing authorization
不诚信行为Disloyal behaviors
调查及解除流程Investigation and termination process
为某家知名的社交网站提供咨询及代理服务,以处理由于跳槽导致的群体性竞业限制案件(15 人)。
《中国劳动法指南》(英文版)律商联讯境外出版( 合著);
《纷争与和谐: 劳动争议预防与处理实务精要》( 中文版) 中国劳动社会保障出版社)合著;
本课程名称: 员工手册与企业规章制度制定与风险防范