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Culture awareness for supply chain professionals

  • 课程时间:2012/06/15 17:00 至 2012/06/16 17:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:上海市
  • 授课讲师: Jack
  • 课程编号:115125
  • 课程分类:采购管理物流管理
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Purchasing Directors, Purchasing Managers, Buyers, Product Engineers, Supplier Quality Engineers, Quality Managers, Supply Chain Managers.


This training covers the key factors in developing and maintaining a supplier partnership that is different than traditional methods. It addresses the advantages/disadvantages to include value added and measurement criteria.


Customer- Supplier World is Splitting
The Alternatives
Creating Competitive Advantage
Strategic Spectrum
Supplier Management Relationships
A Great Partnership
Best Practice
Value Definition
Creating Competitive Advantage
The Right Metrics
Negotiations Strategy
Continuous Cost Improvement
Value Definition
Creating Competitive Advantage through Continuous Innovation
How to Keep Your Partnership Honest
Seven Critical Partnership Elements
Supplier Partnership Program
Partnership Strategy
Sourcing Choices
Improvement Results


J. Kelley
Summary of Experience
President, Inter-Conn
Vice President, NSI
Vice President, Simmons
Director of Procurement, Covad Communications
Director of Materials, NEC
Director of Materials, Avis Industries
Director of Materials & Far East Procurement, TRW
Senior Advisor, Supply Chain, Unisys
Mr. Kelley has over 30 years of key leadership roles with multi-national companies. His responsibilities covered Sourcing, Purchasing, Supply Chain, Operations, Materials, Finance, Customer Service, Strategic Planning, Logistics, Quality Assurance and Information Systems. International business experience spans nine countries in the Far East, five countries in Europe, as well as Mexico and Canada.
China experience
Leading C.P.M. instructor in China
First C.P.M. to actually work & live in China
Over 20 years working with Chinese suppliers
Managed Chinese Sourcing/Purchasing staff
Professional Attainment / Education Background
Lifetime Certified Purchasing Manager (C.P.M.)
Certified Production and Inventory Manager (CPIM).
President of a NAPM Chapter
Vice President of an APICS Chapter
Founder/President of IPMA-Taipei
Bachelor of Science degree in Business
participated in over 25 accredited professional/international business courses
His accomplishments are recognized in national publications. He has taught professional development courses while affiliated with the National Association of Purchasing Management (NAPM), the American Production Inventory Control Society (APICS) and the University of Virginia. He is recognized as a subject matter expert in eProcurement and multi-cultural business transactions. His commentaries have been highlighted in Fortune 200 company articles.

本课程名称: Culture awareness for supply chain professionals


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