第17次上海主题是:“What is the current economic situation in China - Buyers or Sellers market?”
What is the current economic situation in China - Buyers or Sellers market? What is Inflation? What is deflation? What is stagflation? Does China have two economies? How to add value to China´s export offerings? These are some key topics that warrant further discussion. As China´s evolves from an exporting to a consumption economy, what is the impact on purchasing? China is no longer considered a low cost country in certain industries consequently many global and local buyers are looking at other markets in Asia. China’s economy has shown extraordinary flexibility considering the present state of the world economy. What is the forecast for future economic growth and what is the impact on day to day Supply Chain Management? How does the present economic situation change the profile of the buying professional?
UniSCR is proud to be the coordinator of this very popular meeting format (question & answers from panel). Panel participants will be professional Chinese Supply Chain leaders & educators from different industries who will present their points of view. The discussion will be hosted by Jack Kelley, C.P.M., CPIM.
This is a great Supply Chain networking opportunity, so bring your business cards and join in the discussions about current Supply Chain challenges. See you there!
Seating is limited to the first 40 applicants so return the attached registration form to ensure your seating.
专业人士的交流平台: Multi-national company professionals for; Purchasing, Supply Chain, Materials Management, and other functions that have an interest to broaden their professional skills. 所有参与采购管理的专业人士,如:营运部,采购部,物资管理部、控制部, 物料资源部,负责内部或MRO采购的行政人员,工程部等。
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
What is Inflation?
What is deflation?
What is stagflation?
Does China have two economies?
How to add value to China´s export offerings?
These are some key topics that warrant further discussion. As China´s evolves from an exporting to a consumption economy, what is the impact on purchasing? China is no longer considered a low cost country in certain industries consequently many global and local buyers are looking at other markets in Asia. China’s economy has shown extraordinary flexibility considering the present state of the world economy. What is the forecast for future economic growth and what is the impact on day to day Supply Chain Management? How does the present economic situation change the profile of the buying professional?
UniSCR is proud to be the coordinator of this very popular meeting format (question & answers from panel). Panel participants will be professional Chinese Supply Chain leaders & educators from different industries who will present their points of view. The discussion will be hosted by Jack Kelley, C.P.M., CPIM.
This is a great Supply Chain networking opportunity, so bring your business cards and join in the discussions about current Supply Chain challenges. See you there!
Seating is limited to the first 40 applicants so return the attached registration form to ensure your seating.
费用:RMB 150/人(午餐费用)
Mr. Jack Kelley,Lifetime C.P.M.,CPIM
ISM终身C.P.M.,曾任IS(NAPM)分会主席,APICS分会副主席,IPMA台湾采购学会发起人及主席;拥有30年跨国公司管理经验,曾担先后担任:TRW-物料及远东采购总监,Covad Communications采购总监,NEC-物料总监,Avis Industries物料总监,Unisys资深顾问,Simmons副总裁,以及NSI副总裁等管理职位。主要工作领域涵盖采购,营运、材料、财务、客户服务、战略计划、供应链管理以及质量保证和信息系统。曾工作于远东9国、欧洲5国、墨西哥和加拿大并且有台湾4年,韩国1年,日本1年的亚洲工作经验,积累了极其丰富的国际商业经验,尤其深谙亚洲文化;他是迄今为止在中国大陆地区最受学员爱戴及授课班级最多的供应链管理资深讲师,大多数学员是来自世界500强公司的的采购经理及采购总监.
Multi-national company professionals for; Purchasing, Supply Chain, Materials Management, and other functions that have an interest to broaden their professional skills.
所有参与采购管理的专业人士,如:营运部,采购部,物资管理部、控制部, 物料资源部,负责内部或MRO采购的行政人员,工程部等。
本课程名称: 17th China Supply Chain Club Activity