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Time Management 时间管理

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The Simitri Time Management Workshop is designed to provide participants with tips
and techniques on managing tasks and appointments in a more efficient manner, to help
them become more productive in the workplace.

The problem most people have with time management is that they are reactive rather
than proactive. This workshop teaches participants how to reverse this process. Through
stimulating and interactive discussions and analysis of themselves, participants develop
a set of tools which they can apply on a continuing basis.

During the course participants will identify and overcome barriers to effective time
management, including procrastination and disorganisation. Proven time management
skills will help participants organise, concentrate and prioritise to achieve higher
productivity and satisfaction both on the job and in their personal life.

What are the benefits for the participants?
By the end of the course the participants will be able to:
• Use a number of tools and techniques to improve their personal productivity
• Understand their ‘time thieves’
• Prioritise their tasks and appointments
• Manage daily “to do” list in a more controlled, effective manner
• Learn how to make better decisions, quicker

What topics are covered?
Myths About Managing Time
Pushing Back
Conquering Time Wasters
Procrastination – Enemy No. 1

本课程名称: Time Management 时间管理


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