苏州工业园区诠意管理咨询有限公司以上海知名大学、苏州人力资源教授、管理咨询专家、资深顾问和部分外籍人士为智慧背景,致力于为各类企业提供务实、高效的培训、咨询服务。主要从事上海苏州地区公开课培训、企业内训、管理咨询、项目策划、进行企业内训和其它论坛. As a part of Training Group, Traing is one of the successful Consulting force in Shanghai & Suzhou. During the past years, our professional consulting team worked with other international consulting groups, to provide the lasting, substantial and consummation business solutions for clients.
我们是由成功企业家,资深专业人士以及学术专家组成的优秀团队并追求完美的目标! Our team members: Are a blend of eastern knowledge and western experience. Entrepreneurial driven, academically qualified practitioners from around the globe, and internationally managed organization, we strive for excellence.
我们的愿景(Traing’s Vision) 成为苏州地区最具有客户价值的管理培训机构 we will be the best training management organization in customer value focus in Suzhou
我们的使命(Traing’s Mission) 培训提升价值! we help people and enterprise improving values together !
我们的价值: (Traing’s Values) 团队精神T: Team work 友好合作R: Relationships 积极主动A: Active 持续革新I: Innovation 保持传统N: Normal 共同成长G: Growth
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As a part of Training Group, Traing is one of the successful Consulting force in Shanghai & Suzhou. During the past years, our professional consulting team worked with other international consulting groups, to provide the lasting, substantial and consummation business solutions for clients.
Our team members: Are a blend of eastern knowledge and western experience. Entrepreneurial driven, academically qualified practitioners from around the globe, and internationally managed organization, we strive for excellence.
我们的愿景(Traing’s Vision)
we will be the best training management organization in customer value focus in Suzhou
我们的使命(Traing’s Mission)
we help people and enterprise improving values together !
我们的价值: (Traing’s Values)
团队精神T: Team work
友好合作R: Relationships
积极主动A: Active
持续革新I: Innovation
保持传统N: Normal
共同成长G: Growth