【专业资质】 ITS(上海国际培训学会)常委兼国际外联部部长,上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业博士,英国在华国际培训师协会(BITAC) 会员,国家电网职工教育专业高级讲师。 ITS(上海国际培训学会)常委兼国际外联部部长 Member of the Standing Committee & Director of International Liaison Department of ITS (Shanghai International Training Society)
上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业 博士 Ph. D. of English Language and Literature (SISU)
英国在华国际培训师协会(BITAC) 会员 Member of British International Trainers Association for China
国家电网职工教育专业 高级讲师 Senior Lecturer of Personnel Education Qualified by State Grid Corporation of China
澳大利亚TAE教师资格证 Australian TAE teacher certificate
澳大利亚Deakin University TESOL资质(国际英语教师资格) TESOL certificate (Deakin University of Australia)
美国培颂能(全球) 授证讲师 Certified Trainer, Persona Global (USA)
美国4D领导力 授证讲师 Certified Trainer of 4D Leadership (USA)
【教育背景】 上海外国语大学,英语语言文学博士学位 2012年9月-2016年7月 Shanghai International Studies University 09/2012 to 07/2016 Degree: Ph.D in English Language & Literature
西南交大,外国语言学及应用语言学硕士学位 2002年9月-2005年7月 Southwest Jiaotong University 09/2002 to 07/2005 Degree: Master of Foreign Linguistics & Applied Linguistics
江苏教育学院 英语教育学士学位 2000年9月-2002年7月 Jiangsu Institute of Education 09/2000 to 07/2002 Degree: Bachelor of English Education
四川师范大学 (实用英语,大专) 1990年9月—1992年7月 Sichuan Normal University 09/1990 to 07/1992 Degree: Diploma of Practical English
【研究领域】 语言表达与领导力提升 Language expression and leadership development
语言哲学 philosophy of language
语用学 Pragmatics
第二语言习得 Second Language Acquisition(SLA)
【职业履历】 2017年5月—至今 扬帆文化传媒有限公司副总经理 / 职业培训讲
05/2016 — up to now Yangfan Culture & Media Co. LTD
Position: Deputy General manager
Vocational Training Instructor
2016年8月—2017年5月 国家电力投资集团公司人才学院专业培训部
培训管理 / 培训讲师
08/2016 to 05/2017 State Power Investment Corporation
Department: Talent Development Center
Position: Training Program Supervisor
2013年7月—2016年8月 国家电力投资集团公司人才学院
中澳合作启思蒙办学项目负责人 / 英语教师
07/2013 to 08/2016 State Power Investment Corporation
Department: Shanghai Electric Power Industry School
· Deputy Director of Basic Education Department
· English Teacher
· Director the Sino-Australia Cooperation Project
2004年7月—2013年7月 南通大学外国语学院 英语教师
07/2004 to 07/2013 Nantong University
Position: English Teacher
1995年5月—1998年7月 南通佳丽叶螺旋桨制作有限公司 经理办主管
05/1995 to 07/1998 Caroleaf Propellers Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Position: Officer Director
【授课风格】 授课注重“体验式”教学,通过大量学员实际工作和生活的案例分析,帮助学员更有效地理解及掌握所学习的课程相关理念,实现理论的真正内化,达到人课合一的目的。 Via experiential teaching methodology and with a large number of cases of trainees\' actual work and life, training helps trainees to understand and master the relevant concepts of the course so as to realize the true internalization of concepts of the course.
课程设计融入声乐、舞蹈和书画等元素,让学员真实体会到左右脑不同的感召力量,使课程的核心理念深入人心。 The course design integrates elements of music, dancing, calligraphy and painting, etc., so that trainees can truly experience the different power of left and right brains which is also one of the core concepts of the course for leadership improvement.
授课以团队竞赛形式进行,课程氛围热烈、趣味性高。 Trainings are conducted in the form of team competition so as to bring a warm class atmosphere.
讲师亲和力强,有十年高校教师经验及四年大型央企培训机构管理及教学经验,在过往职业生涯中,多次带领学员、学生获得国家级、省级、行业级各类竞赛奖项。 Since worked as a university teacher for 10 years and later 4 years in training institutions of a large central state-owned enterprises, the trainer has good affinity, and during past career. she has led her students to win quite a lot of awards in national and provincial competitions.
国家电网、中国电建集团、国家电投集团、江苏省司法警官高等职业学校、上海交大海外教育学院、上海电气集团、华建集团、临港集团、吴江变压器制造有限公司、常峰电力、深圳科陆电子等 State Grid, Power Construction Corporation of China, State Power Investment Group, Jiangsu Judicial Police Officers Advanced Vocational School, SJTU(Shanghai Jiaotong University), Shanghai Electric Group, Power Construction Corporation of China, Dockside Group, Wujiang Transformer Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Chang Feng Power, Shenzhen Kelu electronicsetc, etc..
ITS(上海国际培训学会)常委兼国际外联部部长,上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业博士,英国在华国际培训师协会(BITAC) 会员,国家电网职工教育专业高级讲师。
Member of the Standing Committee & Director of International Liaison Department of ITS (Shanghai International Training Society)
上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业 博士
Ph. D. of English Language and Literature (SISU)
英国在华国际培训师协会(BITAC) 会员
Member of British International Trainers Association for China
国家电网职工教育专业 高级讲师
Senior Lecturer of Personnel Education Qualified by State Grid Corporation of China
Australian TAE teacher certificate
澳大利亚Deakin University TESOL资质(国际英语教师资格)
TESOL certificate (Deakin University of Australia)
美国培颂能(全球) 授证讲师
Certified Trainer, Persona Global (USA)
Certified Trainer of 4D Leadership (USA)
上海外国语大学,英语语言文学博士学位 2012年9月-2016年7月
Shanghai International Studies University 09/2012 to 07/2016
Degree: Ph.D in English Language & Literature
西南交大,外国语言学及应用语言学硕士学位 2002年9月-2005年7月
Southwest Jiaotong University 09/2002 to 07/2005
Degree: Master of Foreign Linguistics & Applied Linguistics
江苏教育学院 英语教育学士学位 2000年9月-2002年7月
Jiangsu Institute of Education 09/2000 to 07/2002
Degree: Bachelor of English Education
四川师范大学 (实用英语,大专) 1990年9月—1992年7月
Sichuan Normal University 09/1990 to 07/1992
Degree: Diploma of Practical English
Language expression and leadership development
philosophy of language
Second Language Acquisition(SLA)
2017年5月—至今 扬帆文化传媒有限公司副总经理 / 职业培训讲
05/2016 — up to now Yangfan Culture & Media Co. LTD
Position: Deputy General manager
Vocational Training Instructor
2016年8月—2017年5月 国家电力投资集团公司人才学院专业培训部
培训管理 / 培训讲师
08/2016 to 05/2017 State Power Investment Corporation
Department: Talent Development Center
Position: Training Program Supervisor
2013年7月—2016年8月 国家电力投资集团公司人才学院
中澳合作启思蒙办学项目负责人 / 英语教师
07/2013 to 08/2016 State Power Investment Corporation
Department: Shanghai Electric Power Industry School
· Deputy Director of Basic Education Department
· English Teacher
· Director the Sino-Australia Cooperation Project
2004年7月—2013年7月 南通大学外国语学院 英语教师
07/2004 to 07/2013 Nantong University
Position: English Teacher
1995年5月—1998年7月 南通佳丽叶螺旋桨制作有限公司 经理办主管
05/1995 to 07/1998 Caroleaf Propellers Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Position: Officer Director
Via experiential teaching methodology and with a large number of cases of trainees\' actual work and life, training helps trainees to understand and master the relevant concepts of the course so as to realize the true internalization of concepts of the course.
The course design integrates elements of music, dancing, calligraphy and painting, etc., so that trainees can truly experience the different power of left and right brains which is also one of the core concepts of the course for leadership improvement.
Trainings are conducted in the form of team competition so as to bring a warm class atmosphere.
Since worked as a university teacher for 10 years and later 4 years in training institutions of a large central state-owned enterprises, the trainer has good affinity, and during past career. she has led her students to win quite a lot of awards in national and provincial competitions.
State Grid, Power Construction Corporation of China, State Power Investment Group, Jiangsu Judicial Police Officers Advanced Vocational School, SJTU(Shanghai Jiaotong University), Shanghai Electric Group, Power Construction Corporation of China, Dockside Group, Wujiang Transformer Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Chang Feng Power, Shenzhen Kelu electronicsetc, etc..