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  • 课程时间:2010/08/26 09:00 至 2010/08/26 17:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:上海市
  • 授课讲师: Steve Douville
  • 课程编号:95414
  • 课程分类:领导力
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This course is designed to help delegates become more confident, competent, and successful leaders of people. The aim of this course is to help you improve your own abilities as a leader. Leadership doesn´t have to be about your position; it is about an attitude. It was once said that leaders are born. In fact, leadership skills can be learned by anyone if leadership matters to you.

Target Audience

This seminar will benefit experienced leaders wanting to ´upgrade´ their skills, those on the threshold of a career in management, as well as team leaders and professionals wanting to extend their portfolio of skills.

Training Objectives

Know what differentiates a leader from a manager

Understand where leadership fits into today’s organizations

Recognize and apply different leadership styles

Understand one’s own leadership style and learn how to enhance them

Differentiate leaders and entrepreneurs

Empower and develop team members

Create a motivating climate in the workplace through effective leadership behavior


Leadership v. Managing v. Supervision - focus on classic leadership assumptions with group discussion based on shared experience of the three

Leadership Styles - how different leadership styles can be used in different situations

Setting Your Vision - participants will complete a questionnaire and then be asked to find a leadership quote that they associate with, based on a set hanging on the walls. A discussion and goal setting exercise will follow

Communication and Rapport Building - a few exercises to help participants become more aware of their sensory preferences and their visual communication style

Active Listening - introduction to some theory followed by exercises to develop better listening skills.

Delegation - group case study discussions followed with a number of exercises about delegation.

Influence - a series of exercises designed to show the connection between influence, emotional intelligence and effective leadership. A mock Myers-Brigs test will be taken.

Coaching and Mentoring - key points on coaching and mentoring along with a coaching case study

Giving / Receiving Feedback - appraisal based situational role play that requires leader correction and intervention

Leading Teams More Effectively - all participants will be given the ability to lead a team in a practical task. This is a group activity with group and trainer feedback.

Dealing With Problematic People - centre stage exercise based on dealing with certain real life scenarios and how to deal with them, i.e.: staff member disruptive, continually late, ineffective contribution to tasks / projects. Other participants will give feedback to the styles used and the effectiveness.

Tips - 10 tips to effective leadership

Discussion - about how to take this further and monitor progress



Deputy Regional Director - Aston Educational Group

Since 2007, Steve Douville has been Deputy Regional Director in West China for Aston Educational Group, Oxford Associates´ holding company. He spearheads the company´s initial managerial training, has developed management training and operations manuals, while also conducting ongoing training seminars for managers and administrative staff.

Previously, Steve worked for two universities in Canada and the United States, before working for several years in a consulting firm whose main clients were major oil companies such as ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, and ConocoPhillips.

本课程名称: 领导力公开课


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