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Communication and Presentation Skills 沟通与演讲技巧

  • 课程时间:2010/12/03 09:00 至 2010/12/04 17:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:上海市
  • 授课讲师: Jack
  • 课程编号:79672
  • 课程分类:职业素养职业技能
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Professionals practitioners at all levels in an organization whose role require effective communications while performing their assigned responsibilities.


Provide participants with the ability to, capitalize on personal style for more effective communication. Describe the impact of body language and voice tones on communication. Explain effective use of office communication tools such as telephone email. Rephrase blunt language to achieve results without offending anyone. List strategies for dealing with difficult behaviors.


Day 1
1. Dealing with Communication elements
2. Cross-Cultural Communication
3. Dealing with Difficult People
4. Business Etiquette
5. Listening Skills
6. Communication Skills for Managers
7. Presentation Skills
8. Business Writing
9. Communication Skills
10. Negotiation Techniques
11. Salesmanship
Day 2
12. Conflict Resolution
13. What Is Diplomacy
14. Building Personal Credibility
15. It´´s Not What You Say
16. Communication tools: Voicemail, Email, Memos
17. Difficult Personalities and Difficult Situation
18. Psychology of Communication and Perception
19. Basic Writing Skills
20. Presentation Techniques
21. Effective Communication (goals, audiences, themes, and networking)
22. Getting and Holding Attention
23. Using Media to Disseminate and Gather Information
24. Event Organizing & Promotional Activities
25. Preparing Materials


Mr. Kelley has over 30 years of key leadership roles with multi-national companies. His
responsibilities covered Sourcing, Purchasing, Supply Chain, Operations, Materials,
Finance, Customer Service, Strategic Planning, Logistics, Quality Assurance and
Information Systems. International business experience spans nine countries in the Far
East, five countries in Europe, as well as Mexico and Canada.

本课程名称: Communication and Presentation Skills 沟通与演讲技巧


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