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玩转市场 - 如何在市场转型期拓展酒店利润新空间

  • 课程时间:2014/03/13 09:00 至 2014/03/13 17:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:上海市
  • 授课讲师: 袁学娅 女士
  • 课程编号:247496
  • 课程分类:财务税务
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This past year and the upcoming year will be the game playing year for incremental hotels and remnant hotels. Incremental hotels serving and bound by the real estate industry continuously enters the market, leading to the survival crisis of remnant hotels. In the past 2 years, there have been many prescriptions for saving the remnant hotels: Revenue Management, Social Media Marketing, Mobile Marketing and so on, all ending up without much effect. Why? The great-leap-forward style opening of numerous hotels has led to shortage of talents, inadequate management. In the current situation, all prescriptions can only address symptoms but no one can address the root causes. The purpose of this course today is to help hotels transform the ideas. The key to hotels in transition-period lies in the transformation of hotelier’ ideas.
No transformation of ideas, no new avenues for hotels!

一. 在大环境发生变化的今天,多数人已经十分悲观,经营管理除了瓶颈,还是困难
Today, while the big environment is changing, most people are very pessimistic, thinking that in addition to bottlenecks, there are difficulties in operation and management
1. 低收入和低待遇,不易吸引优秀管理人员和服务人员
Low income and low benefits are not easy to attract outstanding management and service persons.
2. 不断上涨的原材料成本,致使酒店提供服务的物品和餐饮的原材料,费用和成本吞噬了酒店利润的5%
Increasing costs of raw materials cause the expenses and costs of the raw materials of articles and F&B for services provided by hotels to eat up 5% of their profits.
3. 在CPI 上涨的同时,劳动力成本的增加,又消耗酒店利润的3%
As CPI rises, the increase of labor costs consumes another 3% of their profits.
4. 酒店数量过剩,价格上涨缺乏动力, 新八条廉政规定,减少体制内高端消费
There are a surplus number of hotels in the market, lacking drive for price rises; the new eight provisions of honest and clean politics reduce high-end consumption within the system.
5. 酒店的持续发展,路在何方?
Where is the direction for sustainable development of hotels?
二. 面对目前的挑战,酒店已经采用的措施列举 Measures which have been taken by hotels facing the present challenges
1. 缩减员工人数 Reducing number of employees
2. 控制客房日耗品的发放,质量失控 Controlling provision of guest room daily consumables, losing control of quality
3. 餐饮逐步提高销售价格,以弥补原材料涨价减少利润的现实 Gradually increasing F&B prices to make up reduced profits due to price rises of raw materials
4. 没有品牌,借助第三方网络预定,提高销售能力 Without brand, relying on online booking via a third party to improve selling capacity
三. 拓展酒店利润边界的三个基础 Three foundations for expanding the boundary of hotel profits
1. 基础数据建立健全
Establishment and adequacy of fundamental data
2. 深度分析提高信息数据的有效性
Improving effectiveness of information data through in-depth analysis
3. 学习精神和创新落实 Learning spirit and innovation implementation
1) 为使酒店能够持续盈利,清晰分析目前现状: Clearly analyze the present situation to have a hotel’s continuous profit:
2) 把酒店产品策略贯穿于持续发展 Carry out the hotel product strategy through sustainable development
3) 获取有意义的商业决策情报 Obtain meaningful commercial decision information
4) 创造经久不衰的有竞争力的差异性 Create lasting competitive differences
5) 为愿意提升利润的酒店提出的三个问题 Provide three questions to the hotels wishing to improve profits


袁学娅 女士在酒店行业拥有多年的财务及行政管理经验,深谙酒店行业的成本和边界利润组成和拓展之道,期待与大家共同探讨在市场转型期如何拓展酒店利润新空间

本课程名称: 玩转市场 - 如何在市场转型期拓展酒店利润新空间


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