4.处理每天生产一线团队内的困难事宜 1. Understanding roles of production front-line team leader * Factors affecting the performance of production front-line team * Conditions for successful production front-line team * Values added by production front-line team leader * Expectations for production/operation managers at all levels
2. Motivating team member to act in everyday work so as to achieve team objectives * Handover notes-kick-off of every shift/day’s work * Start-of-shift/day meeting-kick-off of every shift/day’s work * Dash board-oversight and improvement of production front-line team performance everyday
3. Development of individual communication skills in everyday work * Principles of communication-seven-piece puzzles * Successful team meeting - Typical agenda - Handling difficult situations in team meeting
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
* 生产线负责人、班组长
* 和生产活动相关的管理人员
* 影响生产一线团队绩效的主要因素
* 生产一线成功团队的条件
* 生产一线管理者的价值
* 公司对生产/运营各级管理者的预期
* 有效编写交接班记录
* 成功召开班前会/晨会
* 利用绩效控制板等每天对生产一线班组绩效进行分析和改进
* 理解沟通的基本原理
* 成功召开团队会议
- 典型会议议程
- 应对生产一线团队会议中的窘境
1. Understanding roles of production front-line team leader
* Factors affecting the performance of production front-line team
* Conditions for successful production front-line team
* Values added by production front-line team leader
* Expectations for production/operation managers at all levels
2. Motivating team member to act in everyday work so as to achieve team objectives
* Handover notes-kick-off of every shift/day’s work
* Start-of-shift/day meeting-kick-off of every shift/day’s work
* Dash board-oversight and improvement of production front-line team performance everyday
3. Development of individual communication skills in everyday work
* Principles of communication-seven-piece puzzles
* Successful team meeting
- Typical agenda
- Handling difficult situations in team meeting
4. Handling operational issues
本课程名称: 生产一线管理者管理技能