3. The logic of financial analysis * Company accounting = Information system * The 3 key points of financial analysis - Liquidity - Return - Risk
4. Analysis of balance sheet * American and European view of working capital * Balance sheet structure * Current assets and liabilities * Long-term assets and liabilities * Owner’s equity
5. Ratios analysis * Current ratios, working ratios, structure ratios, return ratios * Trend ratios, general ratios analysis * Financial leverage
6. Income statement * Analysis for performance appraisal * Analysis for operating decision * Gross margin * Distribution and administrative expenses * Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) * Net income
7. Cash-flows statement * The importance of cash * The 3 cash flows * Operating cash flows
8. Budgeting and forecasting * Logic of budgeting * Important budgets
9. Cost analysis * Direct and indirect cost * Fixed and variable cost (breakeven point) * Strategy costs analysis * Direct costing
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
* 从事
* 企业会计=企业的信息系统
* 财务分析的三方面
- 偿债能力
- 获利能力
- 风险控制
* 美英、欧洲营运资本分析法
* 资产负债表的结构
* 流动资产与流动负债
* 长期资产和长期负债
* 所有者权益
* 流动性比率、经营性比率、结构性比率、获利能力比率
* 趋势分析法、综合比率分析法
* 财务杠杆的作用
* 绩效考核角度分析
* 经营决策的角度分析
* 毛利的形成
* 销售费用和行政费用
* 息税前利润
* 净利润
* 现金的重要性
* 现金流量表的三大块
* 经营活动现金流量的形成
* 预算的逻辑
* 最重要的预算
* 直接费用和间接费用
* 固定费用与变动费用(保本点)
* 战略成本分析
* 直接成本分析法
1. Core thoughts for financial analysis
2. Qualification for financial analyst
3. The logic of financial analysis
* Company accounting = Information system
* The 3 key points of financial analysis
- Liquidity
- Return
- Risk
4. Analysis of balance sheet
* American and European view of working capital
* Balance sheet structure
* Current assets and liabilities
* Long-term assets and liabilities
* Owner’s equity
5. Ratios analysis
* Current ratios, working ratios, structure ratios, return ratios
* Trend ratios, general ratios analysis
* Financial leverage
6. Income statement
* Analysis for performance appraisal
* Analysis for operating decision
* Gross margin
* Distribution and administrative expenses
* Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT)
* Net income
7. Cash-flows statement
* The importance of cash
* The 3 cash flows
* Operating cash flows
8. Budgeting and forecasting
* Logic of budgeting
* Important budgets
9. Cost analysis
* Direct and indirect cost
* Fixed and variable cost (breakeven point)
* Strategy costs analysis
* Direct costing
本课程名称: 企业财务分析师