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Finance for Non-Financial Managers (In English)

  • 课程时间:2011/10/03 09:00 至 2011/10/05 17:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:北京市
  • 授课讲师: 黄汾芬
  • 课程编号:122836
  • 课程分类:财务税务
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Senior manager and supervisors with previous experience who need to perfect their finance knowledge and methods


Obtain in-depth knowledge of financial terms and concepts to increase efficiency when dealing with financial and strategic decisions


Course Outline

Day 1
Accounting & Finance Fundamentals

1. Introduction
The changing economic and financial environment in China
Why companies need financial management?
Short example
Responsibilities of financial managers
Principles of financial management and ways of thinking
Measuring the financial capacity
The question of time value of money
The users of the financial statements
Distinction between financial and management accounting
Exercise: overview of financial statements of ABC
Quick Test: test your understanding
2. Understanding Financial Statements
Components of accounting statements
The fundamental accounting equation
Relation between balance sheet and profit & loss account
Understanding the balance sheet: assets & liabilities
Recording of specific transactions - what you need to be careful about
Exercise: creating the balance sheet of ABC
Understanding the profit and loss accounts
Exercise: creating the profit and loss account of ABC
3. Cash Flow Analysis
Understanding cash flows
Exercise: creating the cash flow statement of ABC
Measuring and managing the working capital
The capacity of self-financing
The interaction between the working capital cycle, the investment and the financing
Estimating the finance needs
4. The time value of money
Present and future value
Discounting cash flows
5. Accounting standards and the integrity of the financial statements

Day 2
Financial Planning & Control Techniques

Introduction: The objectives of the manager on Finance Planning
1. Interpreting Financial Statements
Analysis of company accounts
Analysis of the funding structure
2. Financial Performance Metrics
Ratio analysis
Exercise: application to ABC
3. Forecasting Cash Flows
Working capital management
Cash Budgeting
Breakeven analysis
Short term financing
Exercise: application to ABC
4. Cost Management & Operating Budgets
Breakeven analysis
Variable cost / fixed costs
Cost / volume and price relationships
5. Making Investment Decisions
Investment: investment and strategies of the company, impact of the operational
Valuation techniques (TIR / VAN)
The investment process

Day 3
Strategic Financial Planning

1. Strategic Planning
Business plan
The different possible financial strategies (in relation with the strategy of the firm)
How to finance the investment and the growth of the company: the environment in China
Sources of Internal / External Financing
Long term financing
2. Financial Management
Cost of capital
Financial structures; optimize the financial profitability: the action of leverage, balance between stockholders´ equity/ debts, the cost of the debts, the creation of the value
Action on the requirement of the working capital: define the optimal FR and BFR
3. External Financing
Bank loans
4. How to measure the value of the company? : Company valuations
Valuation techniques
Value- based management (shareholder value)
shareholder valu added
acquisition analysis
Limitations of the shareholder value approach
5. Impact of cross-cultural factors on the practice of financial management in China

本课程名称: Finance for Non-Financial Managers (In English)


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