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  • 课程时间:2011/07/08 09:00 至 2011/07/10 17:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:北京市
  • 授课讲师: 陈慧仪
  • 课程编号:113464
  • 课程分类:经营战略客户服务
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呼叫中心/客服中心 总经理(General Manager)
呼叫中心/客服中心 总监(Majordomo)
呼叫中心/客服中心 经理(Manager)




Course Brief:
Chapter 1.联络呼叫中心战略管理Contact center strategic management
1. 联络呼叫中心的前景和使命Call center prospect and mission
2. 呼叫中心的价值Call center contribution to the company
3. 让呼叫中心成为差异化因素Using call center to be the differentiator
4. 呼叫中心核心竞争力建立:四项标准和价值链分析Call center core competitiveness establishment: Four standards and value chain analyses

Chapter 2.联络呼叫中心战略规划Contact center strategy plan
1.如何保持竞争优势How to maintain the competitive advantage
2.财务计划及非财务计划Financial and Non-Financial Plans
3.战略及业务绩效审议Review of strategy and business performance

Chapter 3.联络呼叫中心战略执行Contact center strategy execution
1.呼叫中心运营管理与绩效评估Call center operation management and achievements appraisal
2.呼叫中心人员管理People Management in call centers
3.运用数据及KPI管理Use of Data and KPI Management
4.知识库更新Update of Knowledge Base
5.管理效率及生产力Managing Efficiency and Productivity

Chapter 4.运营管理Operations Management
1. 排班管理Workforce Management
2. 质量管理Quality Management
3. 关键供应商管理Key Supplier Management
4. 应急规划Contingency Planning
5. 客户隐私End User Privacy

Chapter 5.顾客反馈 Customer Feedback
1. 顾客投诉与表扬管理Management of customer complaints and compliments
2. 顾客满意度与不满意度管理Management of Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction


陈慧仪(Mrs. Elizabeth Prakasam),拥有30余年客户服务、财务和系统分析经验,无与伦比的丰富经验和洞察力使她能够为她的客户提供绩效改善的有效建议。
有22年担任新加坡航空公司(Singapore Airline)全球客户服务事务副总裁、以及企业服务和内部审计副总裁,充分显示了她作为会计师、投资分析师和系统顾问的才能;后又担任2年新加坡电信公司(Singapore Telecom)客户服务部副总裁,掌管1600人呼叫中心。
陈女士获得新加坡国立大学学士学位以及在英国Surrey管理商学院(Surrey Business School of Management)获得MBA学位;获维多利亚大学电信(呼叫中心)专业认证资格;参与制定了新加坡呼叫中心从业资格国家认证系统;
Elizabeth has 30+ years’ experience in customer service, accounting and system analysis/implementation.
She runs her own training and consulting business under the company Q-Quest Pte Ltd. Most recently, she was Advisor to the Board of COPC Asia Pacific Inc, and prior to that, she was CEO of COPC Asia Pacific Inc from 2001 to 2008. Before joining COPC Asia Pacific, Elizabeth’s customer service expertise was honed as Vice President of Customer Service at Singapore Telecommunications Ltd and Vice President Customer Affairs at Singapore Airlines. During her tenure at Singapore Airlines, she also served as CEO, Abacus Distribution Systems Ltd, Vice President of Corporate Services and Vice President of Internal Audit, as well as positions where she fine-tuned her skills as senior management staff with relevant experience in business management to share with her audience. She joined COPC in 2001 as Chief Executive Officer for the Asia Pacific Region responsible for the profitability, business development, client relations, public relations and staff deployment of the company. From 2006, she focused on client relationship and service delivery for the company. During that time, she also developed her other businesses, providing WSQ training on Skills Recognition that are endorsed by the Singapore government. She has worked with contact centers in China, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Philippines, the U.S. Iran, Singapore and other countries in S E Asia. Some of the companies she has helped were Lenovo, Shanghai Mobile, Guangzhou Telecom, PCCW (Shanghai), Canon (Hong Kong), Sony (Hong Kong), Microsoft (various parts of the world), Netgear, Singapore Airlines and General Motors. Currently, she is working on a one-year project at a Communications & Mobile Company in Iran.
Elizabeth developed the National Skills Recognition System (NSRS) for Workforce Development Authority for the Call Centre Industry in Singapore. While she was in Singapore Telecom, she spearheaded the efforts to develop the certification and assessment courses for the call centre industry. After this, all Customer Service Agents, team leaders and managers working in the contact centres were trained and assessed and certified if they passed the assessment. The levels of certificates were from Cert 1 (targeting the agents) to Cert 4 (targeting the operations management).
Elizabeth earned her Bachelor´s degree at the University of Singapore and MBA at the Surrey Business School of Management in the UK. Elizabeth is a member of the Executive Committee of the Contact Centre Association of Singapore, also a voluntary guide at the Singapore museums and the Singapore National Heritage Board, and the Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Hospice Care Association of Singapore.

本课程名称: 呼叫(联络)中心战略管理与战略行动高级研习班


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