王雷,男,教授,博导,主要从事跨国公司知识管理及创新方面的研究,主持完成国家自然科学基金,国家社会科学基金,教育部人文社科项目、科技部软科学项目等国家级、省部级项目15项,获省级优秀社科成果三等奖两项,出版专著四本,在Journal of Business Research, International Business Review,Journal of International management,R&D Management 等A类SSCI期刊,以及《南开经济研究》、《管理学报》、《科研管理》等国内期刊发表论文70余篇,多篇文章被《新华文摘》《人大复印料》全文转载。
学术经历: 2014.09-2015.09 School of business, Curtin University, 访问学者
主要学术兼职: 担任Research Policy(SSCI), Journal of World Business(SSCI), The World Economy(SSCI), Asian Journal of Technology Innovation(SSCI), 管理科学学报,南开管理评论等国内外学术刊物审稿人。 获奖荣誉 2016 上海市浦江人才
宏观经济学 区域经济学 财政学 管理学方法论 国际商务 企业战略与创新
学术成果期刊论文: Wang, L., Zhang, C., Huo, D﹡., Li, J., Fan, X. (2020). The influence of unilateral supplier transaction-specific investments on international buyer opportunism: Empirical findings from local suppliers in China. International marketing reivew (SSCI, A; 2018IF: 3.447), 37 (2), 213-239.. Xu, Q.Q., Wang, L﹡. (2019). The Effect of OFDI Intensity on TFP: The Moderating Role of R&D. Transformations in Business & Economics, (SSCI, B), 18 (3C), 381-393. Wang, L﹡., Jiang, F., Li, J. Motohashi, K.Zheng, X. (2019). The Contingent Effects of Asset Specificity, Contract Specificity, and Trust on Offshore Relationship Performance. Journal of business research (SSCI, A; 2019IF: 4.028), 99(3), 338-349. Wang, L﹡., Zhang, C., Jiang, F., Li, J. (2019). Matching governance mechanisms with transaction-specific investment types and supplier roles: An empirical study of cross-border outsourcing relationships. International Business Review (SSCI, A; 2019IF: 3.639), 28(2), 316-327. Wang, L., Huo, D﹡., Motohashi, K. (2019). Coordination Mechanisms and Overseas Knowledge Acquisition for Chinese Suppliers: The Contingent Impact of Production Mode and Contractual Governance. Journal of International Management (SSCI, A; 2019IF: 2.830), 25(2), 1-19. Wang, S., Wang, L﹡. (2018). Study on the Export Effect of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment—An Empirical Research Based on Investment Intensity and Investment Breadth. Transformation in Business and Economics (SSCI, B), 16(3C), 379-396. Wang, L., Li, J﹡., Huang, S. (2018). The asymmetric effects of local and global network ties on firm’s innovation performance. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (SSCI, A; 2018IF: 1.961), 33(3), 377-389. Wang, L﹡., Li, J. (2017). The antecedents and innovation outcomes of firms’ absorptive capacity in global buyer-supplier relationships. Journal of Technology Transfer (SSCI, A; 2019IF: 4.037). 42(6), 1407-1430. Wang, L﹡., Terziovski, M., Jiang, F., Li, J. (2017). The effect of social capital on local suppliers’ exploitative and exploratory learning in global buyer–supplier relationships: the moderating role of contract specificity. R&D Management (SSCI, A; 2019IF: 2.354), 47(4), 654-668. 赵乐, 乐嘉昂, 王雷. 领导调节聚焦行为对越轨创新的影响.[J]. 预测(国家自然科学基金委认定权威期刊,CSSCI来源期刊). 2019, 38(1), 1-7. 赵乐, 王雷, 高源. 支持性人力资源实践能让员工知无不言吗? [J]. 工业工程与管理. (国家自然科学基金委认定权威期刊,CSSCI来源期刊), 2018, 23(1), 103-110. 王雷, 远秋丽. 代工专用性投资有利于海外知识获取吗? [J]. 科学学研究(国家自然科学基金委认定权威期刊,CSSCI来源期刊), 2017, 35(4), 574-584.
2002.09-2005.05 经济学,四川大学经济学院,博士
2013.09至今 东华大学旭日工商管理学院,教授 博导
2007.09-2013.08 东华大学旭日工商管理学院,副教授 硕导
2006.03-2007.08 东华大学旭日工商管理学院,讲师
2014.09-2015.09 School of business, Curtin University, 访问学者
担任Research Policy(SSCI), Journal of World Business(SSCI), The World Economy(SSCI), Asian Journal of Technology Innovation(SSCI), 管理科学学报,南开管理评论等国内外学术刊物审稿人。
2016 上海市浦江人才
国际商务 企业战略与创新
Wang, L., Zhang, C., Huo, D﹡., Li, J., Fan, X. (2020). The influence of unilateral supplier transaction-specific investments on international buyer opportunism: Empirical findings from local suppliers in China. International marketing reivew (SSCI, A; 2018IF: 3.447), 37 (2), 213-239..
Xu, Q.Q., Wang, L﹡. (2019). The Effect of OFDI Intensity on TFP: The Moderating Role of R&D. Transformations in Business & Economics, (SSCI, B), 18 (3C), 381-393.
Wang, L﹡., Jiang, F., Li, J. Motohashi, K.Zheng, X. (2019). The Contingent Effects of Asset Specificity, Contract Specificity, and Trust on Offshore Relationship Performance. Journal of business research (SSCI, A; 2019IF: 4.028), 99(3), 338-349.
Wang, L﹡., Zhang, C., Jiang, F., Li, J. (2019). Matching governance mechanisms with transaction-specific investment types and supplier roles: An empirical study of cross-border outsourcing relationships. International Business Review (SSCI, A; 2019IF: 3.639), 28(2), 316-327.
Wang, L., Huo, D﹡., Motohashi, K. (2019). Coordination Mechanisms and Overseas Knowledge Acquisition for Chinese Suppliers: The Contingent Impact of Production Mode and Contractual Governance. Journal of International Management (SSCI, A; 2019IF: 2.830), 25(2), 1-19.
Wang, S., Wang, L﹡. (2018). Study on the Export Effect of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment—An Empirical Research Based on Investment Intensity and Investment Breadth. Transformation in Business and Economics (SSCI, B), 16(3C), 379-396.
Wang, L., Li, J﹡., Huang, S. (2018). The asymmetric effects of local and global network ties on firm’s innovation performance. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (SSCI, A; 2018IF: 1.961), 33(3), 377-389.
Wang, L﹡., Li, J. (2017). The antecedents and innovation outcomes of firms’ absorptive capacity in global buyer-supplier relationships. Journal of Technology Transfer (SSCI, A; 2019IF: 4.037). 42(6), 1407-1430.
Wang, L﹡., Terziovski, M., Jiang, F., Li, J. (2017). The effect of social capital on local suppliers’ exploitative and exploratory learning in global buyer–supplier relationships: the moderating role of contract specificity. R&D Management (SSCI, A; 2019IF: 2.354), 47(4), 654-668.
赵乐, 乐嘉昂, 王雷. 领导调节聚焦行为对越轨创新的影响.[J]. 预测(国家自然科学基金委认定权威期刊,CSSCI来源期刊). 2019, 38(1), 1-7.
赵乐, 王雷, 高源. 支持性人力资源实践能让员工知无不言吗? [J]. 工业工程与管理. (国家自然科学基金委认定权威期刊,CSSCI来源期刊), 2018, 23(1), 103-110.
王雷, 远秋丽. 代工专用性投资有利于海外知识获取吗? [J]. 科学学研究(国家自然科学基金委认定权威期刊,CSSCI来源期刊), 2017, 35(4), 574-584.
主持:国家社会科学基金项目(10CJG2010):全球价值链下纺织产业集群创新模式研究, 2009-2013.
主持:上海市哲学社会科学规模项目(2014S5D202):OFDI反向技术溢出效应研究, 2014-2016