他致力于用跨学科的方法研究住房发展、城市规划、公共政策三者之间的相互影响机制,相关论文发表于十数种SSCI期刊,包括公共管理类顶刊Public Management Review,以及Urban Geography, Cities, Public Performance and Management Reveiw, Land Use Policy, Habitat International, Applied Geography, Geoforum, Journal of Urban Affairs, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Techology Transfer等国际一流期刊,其中16篇属SSCI一区论文、12篇属SSCI独作论文。 邹永华在美国天普大学(Temple University, Philadelphia)获得城市研究博士学位(主修房地产与住房政策)。在此之前,他获得美国印地安纳大学( Indiana University, Bloomington) 公共事务硕士学位、清华大学建筑学硕士学位、以及重庆大学建设管理与房地产学士学位。 他曾在中美多个学术机构从事房地产和住房政策研究工作,兼任中国区域科学协会理事、区域可持续发展专业委员会副主任委员暨秘书长、浙江省特色小镇研究会常务理事、以及浙江省公共管理学会理事,为中国房地产中青年学者30人论坛成员之一,也是Public Administration Review等三十余种国际期刊的审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家社科基金重大项目子课题、国家高端智库重点课题等科研项目,所撰报告于2021年和2022年两度获评浙江大学A类智库成果。2021年荣膺浙江大学校级先进工作者。
【更多简介】 国际期刊论文 (Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles): [30] Zou, Y. (2022, accepted). Leveraging Digital Infrastructure for Pandemic Governance: Preparation, Praxis, and Paradox. Public Performance and Management Review (SSCI) [29] Zou, Y. (2022, accepted). Paradigm Shifts in China's Housing Policy: Tug-of-war between Marketization and State Intervention. Land Use Policy (SSCI) [28] Zou, Y. (2022). Restructuring Beijing: Upscaling a Megacity toward the Capital City-region. Urban Geography, 43(8),1276-1286 (SSCI) [27] Zou, Y. & Zhao, W. (2021). Neighbourhood Governance During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Hangzhou: Coproduction Based on Digital Technologies. Public Management Review. 1-19 (SSCI) [本文获浙江大学公共管理学院2021年度学术成就提名奖] [26] Zou, Y. (2021). Capital Switching, Spatial Fix, and the Paradigm Shifts of China's Urbanization. Urban Geography, 1-21 (SSCI) [25] Zou, Y. (2022). The Effects of Double-attendance-zones and School Rankings on Housing Prices: The Case of Nanjing. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 148(1), 05021064 (SSCI) [24] Zou, Y. , Chen Z., Zhong, N., & Zhao, W (2021).Urban Planning as a Way to Pursue Quality-oriented Urbanization: Anatomy of the Urban Planning of Xiong’an New Area, China. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-17 (SSCI) [23] Zou, Y. Meng, F., Zhong, N., & Zhao, W (2022).The Diffusion of the Housing Purchase Restriction Policy in China. Cities, 103401 (SSCI) [22] Zhao, W., & Zou, Y. (2021). Creating a Makerspace in a Characteristic Town: The Case of Dream Town in Hangzhou. Habitat International, 114, 102399 (SSCI) [21] Zhao, W., & Zou, Y. (2021). Smart Urban Governance in Epidemic Control: Practices and Implications of Hangzhou. Chinese Public Administration Review, 12(1), 51-60 [20] Zou, Y. (2019). Air Pollution and Housing Prices across Chinese Cities. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 145(4), 014019012 (SSCI) [19] Zou, Y. (2019). Certifying Green Buildings in China: LEED vs. 3-Star. Journal of Cleaner Production. 208, 880-888 (SSCI/SCI) [18] Zou, Y. & Zhao, W. (2018). Searching for a New Dynamic of Industrialization and Urbanization: Anatomy of China's Characteristic Town Program. Urban Geography. 39(7), 1060-1069 (SSCI) [17] Zou, Y. & Zhao, W. (2018). Making a New Area in Xiong'an: Incentives and Challenges of China's "Millennium Plan". Geoforum, 88, 45-48 (SSCI) [16] Zhao, W., & Zou, Y. (2018). Variation of Greenness across China’s Universities: Motivations and Resources. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 19(1), 48-66 (SSCI) [15] Zhong, R., Zhao, W., Zou, Y. , & Mason, R. (2018). University Campuses and Housing Markets: Evidence from Nanjing. The Professional Geographer,70(2), 175-185 (SSCI) [14] Zhao, W., & Zou, Y. (2018). Hefei: An emerging city in inland China. Cities, 77,158-169 (SSCI) [13] Zou, Y. , Zhao, W. & Zhong, R. (2017). The Spatial Distribution of Green Buildings in China: Regional Imbalance, Economic Fundamentals, and Policy Incentives. Applied Geography, 88, 38-47 (SSCI) [12] Zhao, W., & Zou, Y. (2017). Un-gating the Gated Community: The Spatial Restructuring of a Resettlement Neighborhood in Nanjing. Cities, 62, 78-87 (SSCI) [11] Zou, Y. (2016). The Emergence of China’s Housing Finance System: Challenge and Change. Open House International. 2016, 41(1), 14-26 (SSCI, A&HCI) [10] Zou, Y., Zhao, W., & Zhong, R. (2015). Integrating Real Estate into China's Planning Education: Paradox and Prospect. China City Planning Review 24(3), 41-49 (《城市规划》英文版) [9] Zou, Y., Zhao, W., Mason, R., & Li, M. (2015). Comparing Sustainable Universities between the United States and China: Cases of Indiana University and Tsinghua University. Sustainability. 7 (9), 11799-11817 (SSCI) [8] Zou, Y. (2015). Re-examining the Neighborhood Distribution of Higher-Priced Mortgage Lending: Global vs. Local Methods. Growth and Change. 46(4), 654-674 (SSCI) [7] Zhao, W. & Zou, Y.(2015). Green University Initiatives in China: A Case of Tsinghua University. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education , 16 (4), 491-506 (SSCI) [6] Zou, Y.(2015). Subprime Mortgages and Housing Price Variations in the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area. The Professional Geographer. 67(3), 412-426 (SSCI) [5] Zou, Y., Mason, R., & Zhong, R. (2015). Modeling the Polycentric Evolution of Post-Olympic Beijing: An Empirical Analysis of Land Prices and Development Intensity. Urban Geography. 36(5), 735-756 (SSCI) [4] Zou, Y.(2014). Contradictions in China's Affordable Housing Policy: Goals vs. Structure. Habitat International, 41, 8-16 (SSCI) [3] Zou, Y., Zhao, W., & Mason, R. (2014). Marketization of Collective-owned Rural Land: A Breakthrough in Shenzhen, China. Sustainability, 2014, 6(12), 9114-9123 (SSCI) [2] Zou, Y.(2014). Analysis of Spatial Autocorrelation in Higher-priced Mortgages: Evidence from Philadelphia and Chicago. Cities, 40, 1-10 (Lead Article, SSCI) [1] Zou, Y. & Zhao, W. (2014). Anatomy of Tsinghua University Science Park in China: Institutional Evolution and Assessment. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 39(5), 663-674 (Lead Article, SSCI)
国际期刊审稿人 (Referee): Public Administration Review (SSCI), Public Management Review (SSCI), Annals of the Association of American Geographers (SSCI),Urban Affairs Review (SSCI), Housing Policy Debate (SSCI), Urban Geography (SSCI), Journal of Urban Affairs (SSCI), Habitat International (SSCI), Urban Studies (SSCI), Land Use Policy (SSCI), Housing Studies (SSCI), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI), International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (SSCI), Research Policy (SSCI), Journal of Urban Planning and Development (SSCI), Sustainability (SSCI), Ecological Indicator (SCI), Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI/SSCI), Housing, Theory and Society (SSCI), Applied Geography (SSCI), Small Business Economics (SSCI), Cities (SSCI), Environment and Planning A (SSCI), Growth and Change (SSCI), Journal of Urban Management, Chinese Public Administration Review, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (SSCI), Open House International (SSCI/A&HCI), Sustainable Cities and Society (SCI), Geoforum (SSCI), Journal of Urban Technology (SSCI), International Development Planning Review (SSCI), International Journal of Urban Science (SSCI)
在研项目(Funding): 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“大型保障房社区邻里效应的测度、影响因素和机制研究” The National Natural Science Foundation of China: The measurements, determinants, and mechanisms of the neighborhood effects of large-scale affordable housing communities [P.I.].
邹永华在美国天普大学(Temple University, Philadelphia)获得城市研究博士学位(主修房地产与住房政策)。在此之前,他获得美国印地安纳大学( Indiana University, Bloomington) 公共事务硕士学位、清华大学建筑学硕士学位、以及重庆大学建设管理与房地产学士学位。 他曾在中美多个学术机构从事房地产和住房政策研究工作,兼任中国区域科学协会理事、区域可持续发展专业委员会副主任委员暨秘书长、浙江省特色小镇研究会常务理事、以及浙江省公共管理学会理事,为中国房地产中青年学者30人论坛成员之一,也是Public Administration Review等三十余种国际期刊的审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家社科基金重大项目子课题、国家高端智库重点课题等科研项目,所撰报告于2021年和2022年两度获评浙江大学A类智库成果。2021年荣膺浙江大学校级先进工作者。
国际期刊论文 (Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles):
[30] Zou, Y. (2022, accepted). Leveraging Digital Infrastructure for Pandemic Governance: Preparation, Praxis, and Paradox. Public Performance and Management Review (SSCI)
[29] Zou, Y. (2022, accepted). Paradigm Shifts in China's Housing Policy: Tug-of-war between Marketization and State Intervention. Land Use Policy (SSCI)
[28] Zou, Y. (2022). Restructuring Beijing: Upscaling a Megacity toward the Capital City-region. Urban Geography, 43(8),1276-1286 (SSCI)
[27] Zou, Y. & Zhao, W. (2021). Neighbourhood Governance During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Hangzhou: Coproduction Based on Digital Technologies. Public Management Review. 1-19 (SSCI) [本文获浙江大学公共管理学院2021年度学术成就提名奖]
[26] Zou, Y. (2021). Capital Switching, Spatial Fix, and the Paradigm Shifts of China's Urbanization. Urban Geography, 1-21 (SSCI)
[25] Zou, Y. (2022). The Effects of Double-attendance-zones and School Rankings on Housing Prices: The Case of Nanjing. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 148(1), 05021064 (SSCI)
[24] Zou, Y. , Chen Z., Zhong, N., & Zhao, W (2021).Urban Planning as a Way to Pursue Quality-oriented Urbanization: Anatomy of the Urban Planning of Xiong’an New Area, China. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-17 (SSCI)
[23] Zou, Y. Meng, F., Zhong, N., & Zhao, W (2022).The Diffusion of the Housing Purchase Restriction Policy in China. Cities, 103401 (SSCI)
[22] Zhao, W., & Zou, Y. (2021). Creating a Makerspace in a Characteristic Town: The Case of Dream Town in Hangzhou. Habitat International, 114, 102399 (SSCI)
[21] Zhao, W., & Zou, Y. (2021). Smart Urban Governance in Epidemic Control: Practices and Implications of Hangzhou. Chinese Public Administration Review, 12(1), 51-60
[20] Zou, Y. (2019). Air Pollution and Housing Prices across Chinese Cities. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 145(4), 014019012 (SSCI)
[19] Zou, Y. (2019). Certifying Green Buildings in China: LEED vs. 3-Star. Journal of Cleaner Production. 208, 880-888 (SSCI/SCI)
[18] Zou, Y. & Zhao, W. (2018). Searching for a New Dynamic of Industrialization and Urbanization: Anatomy of China's Characteristic Town Program. Urban Geography. 39(7), 1060-1069 (SSCI)
[17] Zou, Y. & Zhao, W. (2018). Making a New Area in Xiong'an: Incentives and Challenges of China's "Millennium Plan". Geoforum, 88, 45-48 (SSCI)
[16] Zhao, W., & Zou, Y. (2018). Variation of Greenness across China’s Universities: Motivations and Resources. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 19(1), 48-66 (SSCI)
[15] Zhong, R., Zhao, W., Zou, Y. , & Mason, R. (2018). University Campuses and Housing Markets: Evidence from Nanjing. The Professional Geographer,70(2), 175-185 (SSCI)
[14] Zhao, W., & Zou, Y. (2018). Hefei: An emerging city in inland China. Cities, 77,158-169 (SSCI)
[13] Zou, Y. , Zhao, W. & Zhong, R. (2017). The Spatial Distribution of Green Buildings in China: Regional Imbalance, Economic Fundamentals, and Policy Incentives. Applied Geography, 88, 38-47 (SSCI)
[12] Zhao, W., & Zou, Y. (2017). Un-gating the Gated Community: The Spatial Restructuring of a Resettlement Neighborhood in Nanjing. Cities, 62, 78-87 (SSCI)
[11] Zou, Y. (2016). The Emergence of China’s Housing Finance System: Challenge and Change. Open House International. 2016, 41(1), 14-26 (SSCI, A&HCI)
[10] Zou, Y., Zhao, W., & Zhong, R. (2015). Integrating Real Estate into China's Planning Education: Paradox and Prospect. China City Planning Review 24(3), 41-49 (《城市规划》英文版)
[9] Zou, Y., Zhao, W., Mason, R., & Li, M. (2015). Comparing Sustainable Universities between the United States and China: Cases of Indiana University and Tsinghua University. Sustainability. 7 (9), 11799-11817 (SSCI)
[8] Zou, Y. (2015). Re-examining the Neighborhood Distribution of Higher-Priced Mortgage Lending: Global vs. Local Methods. Growth and Change. 46(4), 654-674 (SSCI)
[7] Zhao, W. & Zou, Y.(2015). Green University Initiatives in China: A Case of Tsinghua University. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education , 16 (4), 491-506 (SSCI)
[6] Zou, Y.(2015). Subprime Mortgages and Housing Price Variations in the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area. The Professional Geographer. 67(3), 412-426 (SSCI)
[5] Zou, Y., Mason, R., & Zhong, R. (2015). Modeling the Polycentric Evolution of Post-Olympic Beijing: An Empirical Analysis of Land Prices and Development Intensity. Urban Geography. 36(5), 735-756 (SSCI)
[4] Zou, Y.(2014). Contradictions in China's Affordable Housing Policy: Goals vs. Structure. Habitat International, 41, 8-16 (SSCI)
[3] Zou, Y., Zhao, W., & Mason, R. (2014). Marketization of Collective-owned Rural Land: A Breakthrough in Shenzhen, China. Sustainability, 2014, 6(12), 9114-9123 (SSCI)
[2] Zou, Y.(2014). Analysis of Spatial Autocorrelation in Higher-priced Mortgages: Evidence from Philadelphia and Chicago. Cities, 40, 1-10 (Lead Article, SSCI)
[1] Zou, Y. & Zhao, W. (2014). Anatomy of Tsinghua University Science Park in China: Institutional Evolution and Assessment. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 39(5), 663-674 (Lead Article, SSCI)
国际期刊审稿人 (Referee):
Public Administration Review (SSCI), Public Management Review (SSCI), Annals of the Association of American Geographers (SSCI),Urban Affairs Review (SSCI), Housing Policy Debate (SSCI), Urban Geography (SSCI), Journal of Urban Affairs (SSCI), Habitat International (SSCI), Urban Studies (SSCI), Land Use Policy (SSCI), Housing Studies (SSCI), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI), International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (SSCI), Research Policy (SSCI), Journal of Urban Planning and Development (SSCI), Sustainability (SSCI), Ecological Indicator (SCI), Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI/SSCI), Housing, Theory and Society (SSCI), Applied Geography (SSCI), Small Business Economics (SSCI), Cities (SSCI), Environment and Planning A (SSCI), Growth and Change (SSCI), Journal of Urban Management, Chinese Public Administration Review, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (SSCI), Open House International (SSCI/A&HCI), Sustainable Cities and Society (SCI), Geoforum (SSCI), Journal of Urban Technology (SSCI), International Development Planning Review (SSCI), International Journal of Urban Science (SSCI)
The National Natural Science Foundation of China: The measurements, determinants, and mechanisms of the neighborhood effects of large-scale affordable housing communities [P.I.].