1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“审计风险评估与应对:基于新审计报告的文本分析与实证研究”, 01/2020-12/2023, 在研。 2. 主持对外经济贸易大学校级项目 “审计团队异质性对审计收费及质量的影响”, 01/2019-12/2021, 在研。 3. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目 “审计事务所交互作用机制研究——基于企业集团非统一审计视角”, 01/2015-12/2017, 已结项。 4. 主持对外经济贸易大学校级项目“从“有限责任”到“特殊普通合伙”:论会计师事务所改制对审计质量及收费的影响”, 01/2014-12/2014, 已结项。 主要研究成果: 1. Kevin Koh, Li Li, Xuejiao Liu, Chunfei Wang. 2022. The effect of audit partner diversity on audit quality: Evidence from China. Abacus, forthcoming. 2. Yi Dong, Xuejiao Liu, Gerald J. Lobo, Chenkai Ni. 2022. Overprecise forecasts. Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming. 3. Wen Wen, Yun Ke, Xuejiao Liu. 2021. Customer concentration and corporate social responsibility performance: Evidence from China. Emerging Markets Review, 2021, 46:100755. 4. Bryan K. Church, NarisaTianjing Dai, Xi (Jason) Kuang, Xuejiao Liu. 2020. The role of auditor narcissism in auditor-client negotiations: Evidence from China. Contemporary Accounting Research, 37, 3:1756-1787. 5. Lisa Goh, Xuejiao Liu, Albert Tsang. 2020. Voluntary disclosure of corporate political spending. Journal of Corporate Finance, 61, 101403. 6. Deqiu Chen, Li Li, Xuejiao Liu, Gerald J. Lobo. 2018. Social trust and auditor reporting conservatism. Journal of Business Ethics, 153, 4:1083-1108. 7. Xingqiang Du, Xu Li, Xuejiao Liu, Shaojuan Lai. 2018. Underwriter-auditor relationship and pre-IPO earnings management: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 152, 2:365-392. 8. Xuejiao Liu, Xiaohong Liu. 2017. CEO equity incentives and the remediation of material weaknesses in internal control. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 44, 9-10:1338-1369. 9. Deqiu Chen, Xuejiao Liu, Cong Wang. 2016. Social trust and bank loan financing: Evidence from China. Abacus, 52, 3:374- 403.
香港大学会计学博士, ACCA
2. 主持对外经济贸易大学校级项目 “审计团队异质性对审计收费及质量的影响”, 01/2019-12/2021, 在研。
3. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目 “审计事务所交互作用机制研究——基于企业集团非统一审计视角”, 01/2015-12/2017, 已结项。
4. 主持对外经济贸易大学校级项目“从“有限责任”到“特殊普通合伙”:论会计师事务所改制对审计质量及收费的影响”, 01/2014-12/2014, 已结项。
主要研究成果: 1. Kevin Koh, Li Li, Xuejiao Liu, Chunfei Wang. 2022. The effect of audit partner diversity on audit quality: Evidence from China. Abacus, forthcoming.
2. Yi Dong, Xuejiao Liu, Gerald J. Lobo, Chenkai Ni. 2022. Overprecise forecasts. Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming.
3. Wen Wen, Yun Ke, Xuejiao Liu. 2021. Customer concentration and corporate social responsibility performance: Evidence from China. Emerging Markets Review, 2021, 46:100755.
4. Bryan K. Church, NarisaTianjing Dai, Xi (Jason) Kuang, Xuejiao Liu. 2020. The role of auditor narcissism in auditor-client negotiations: Evidence from China. Contemporary Accounting Research, 37, 3:1756-1787.
5. Lisa Goh, Xuejiao Liu, Albert Tsang. 2020. Voluntary disclosure of corporate political spending. Journal of Corporate Finance, 61, 101403.
6. Deqiu Chen, Li Li, Xuejiao Liu, Gerald J. Lobo. 2018. Social trust and auditor reporting conservatism. Journal of Business Ethics, 153, 4:1083-1108.
7. Xingqiang Du, Xu Li, Xuejiao Liu, Shaojuan Lai. 2018. Underwriter-auditor relationship and pre-IPO earnings management: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 152, 2:365-392.
8. Xuejiao Liu, Xiaohong Liu. 2017. CEO equity incentives and the remediation of material weaknesses in internal control. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 44, 9-10:1338-1369.
9. Deqiu Chen, Xuejiao Liu, Cong Wang. 2016. Social trust and bank loan financing: Evidence from China. Abacus, 52, 3:374- 403.
9/2013-3/2017, 对外经济贸易大学国际商学院助理教授
财政部国际化高端会计人才培养工程第二期, 2019年
对外经济贸易大学惠园优秀青年学者, 2018年