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CCIE Voice蓝色快车 ¥35000

  • 课程时间:2009/08/04 09:00 至 2009/10/09 18:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:广州市
  • 授课讲师: 刘老师
  • 课程编号:68695
  • 课程分类:职业素养其它
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* 网络管理员、网络专家、配置支持多协议网络的技术人员等
  * 准备参加CCNPCCIE认证的人员






CCIE Voice Lab Exam v3.0 Blueprint

The blueprint is a detailed outline of the topics likely to appear on the lab exam. This blueprint introduces pre-configurations of basic tasks (such as phone registration, basic application integration, basic dial plan, etc.), in order to devote additional focus on expert level skills (advanced configuration and troubleshooting) assessments. As usual, knowledge of troubleshooting is an important skill and candidates are expected to diagnose and solve issues as part of the CCIE lab exam. The topics listed are guidelines and other relevant or related topics may also appear.

  1.00   Implement and Troubleshoot Campus Infrastructure and Services

     1.01  VLAN
     1.02  DHCP
     1.03  TFTP
     1.04  NTP

  2.00   Implement and Troubleshoot CUCM Endpoints

     2.01  CUCM SCCP Endpoints
     2.02  CUCM SIP Endpoints

  3.00  Implement and Troubleshoot CUCME Endpoints

     3.01  CUCME SCCP Endpoints
     3.02  CUCME SIP Endpoints

  4.00  Implement and Troubleshoot Voice Gateways

     4.01  T1/E1 PRI
     4.02  T1/E1 CAS
     4.03  H.323
     4.04  MGCP
     4.05  SIP
     4.06  H.323 RAS
     4.07  IP-IP Gateway/CUBE

  5.00  Implement and Troubleshoot Call Routing Policies

     5.01  Route Patterns and Dial-peers
     5.02  Digit Manipulations and Translations
     5.03  Class of Services
     5.04  Route Selection Preference and Redundancy
     5.05  Mobility and Single Number Reach

  6.00  Implement and Troubleshoot High Availability Features

     6.01  SRST
     6.02  AAR

  7.00  Implement and Troubleshoot Media Resources

     7.01  CODEC Selection and Flexibility
     7.02  Conference Bridges
     7.03  Transcoder
     7.04  Music-on-hold
     7.05  Media Resources Preference and Redundancy
     7.06  Other CUCM Media Resources

  8.00  Implement and Troubleshoot Supplementary Services

     8.01  Call Park
     8.02  Call Pickup
     8.03  Barge
     8.04  Callback
     8.05  Other Supplementary Services

  9.00  Implement and Troubleshoot Other CUCM Voice Applications

     9.01  Extension Mobility
     9.02  IPMA
     9.03  Other CUCM Voice Applications

  10.00  Implement and Troubleshoot QoS and CAC

     10.01  L2/L3 Traffic Classifications and Policing
     10.02  L2/L3 Queuing Mechanisms
     10.03  L2 LFI
     10.04  RSVP
     10.05  Call Admission Control

  11.00  Implement and Troubleshoot Messaging

     11.01  Cisco Unity Connection
     11.02  Cisco Unity Express
     11.03  Call Handling and Routing

  12.00  Implement and Troubleshoot Cisco Unified Contact Center Express

     12.01  Advanced Configuration
     12.02  Script Customization
     12.03  Redundancy

  13.00  Implement and Troubleshoot Cisco Unified Presence

     13.01  CUCM Presence
     13.02  Cisco Unified Presence Server Integration


刘老师,博士,IEEE会员,毕业于北方交通大学,计算机网络学院首席教授。CCNP CCDP网络工程师, RICP认证讲师,八年Cisco认证培训经验,具有丰富的认证培训经验和工程实践经验,曾为数家知名IT培训公司授课。已培养Cisco网络技术人才2000余人,他们现已成为华南区邮电、通信、银行、保险、证卷、系统集成商的骨干力量。2002年应深圳华为技术有限公司中央研究部的邀请作信息处理方面的讲学。可教授CCNA CCDA CCNP CCDP CCIE CIW 课程和红旗Linux RCE 、 RedHat认证课程。培训用户有:深圳华为、广东电信、佛山移动、深圳工商银行、广东新粤集团、西门子广州分公司、NOKIA、梅州电力等。感兴趣领域:计算机多媒体通信、Cisco网络技术、网络安全认证、远程教学、数字信号处理、小波变换理论及其应用等,迄今为止已发表学术论文18篇。其中第一作者15篇,被EI收录6篇,被ISTP收录3篇。作为主要成员参加和主持国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金、广东省科技(重大)项目四项。目前承担广东省自然科学基金项目和广州市项目评审专家。

本课程名称: CCIE Voice蓝色快车 ¥35000


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