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精益六西格玛工具箱2009 Lean Six Sigma Toolbox 2009

  • 课程时间:2009/02/26 09:00 至 2009/02/27 17:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:上海市
  • 授课讲师: Jocelyn Dai
  • 课程编号:46375
  • 课程分类:经营战略生产管理
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GM, COO, Executive Management, Operations Managers, Manufacturing Managers, Quality Management, Production Supervisors, SC Dept.,QC Dept., Who Interest In Lean Six Sigma, etc.


Learn what truly adds value to your business
Discover how to seek out and eliminate costly waste from any and all processes Make flow charts to find the waste in your flows
Structure your layouts to get high speeds throughout your company
Take a Lean Self-Test and then learn how to apply the results directly to your company
Set up the best measurement system you will ever use


Day One:
Lean Mechanisms and Applications
Learning Objectives:
1. Going Lean


Speaker Credits: Dennis Fisher, MBA, CFPIM, C.P.M.
? Mr. Fisher has serviced Northern Telecom, HB Fuller, Coca-Cola, Solorex, Seicor(CMC), FAG Bearing (CMC), CAMI Automotive, Stone and Phillips, Newfoundland Labrador Hydro, Seimens, Auto Club, RoytecTrinidad, and many others.
? He has been a professional trainer for over 30 years.
? He is a certified trainer and have taught Train the Trainer and TTT certification courses to other trainers. (APICS nationwide).
? He is certified as a Nuclear Technician, Paint Technologist, Purchasing Manager, , Plant Engineering Manager, Production and Inventory Control at the Fellow Level.
? His undergraduate degree was in Sociology and American Studies. His MBA published thesis was on Quality and Customer Satisfaction. Other graduate work was in Ethnomusicology, Social Psychology and Communications. He has been an electronics technician, Manager, Director, President, and many other roles.
His Customers:
Aerospace/ Transportation:
Federal Express; GE/Hughes Aircraft; Northrop Aircraft; Safetran Corporation; General Dynamics; British Petroleum/Hitco; Rockwell Space Systems; Boeing/McDonnell Douglas; Allied Signal/Garret Airesearch; GM/Camiautomotive
Educational Institutions:
J. Paul Getty Trust; California State Polytechnic University; De Vry University; University of California
3 M Unitek; HB Fuller; Northern Telecom; Everest and Jennings; Microdot/Kaynar; Gilardoni X-Ray (Italy);Black and Decker; Seimens Telecom (Italy); Cytek/Fiberite; Purex

本课程名称: 精益六西格玛工具箱2009 Lean Six Sigma Toolbox 2009


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