课程大纲 Course Outline: 一、员工主动离职时的典型问题及实操技巧 Typical problems and practical skills when it comes to voluntary turnover of staffs 员工提前30天通知企业辞职,公司能否要求其立即离职? If the employee who intends to resign notifies the company 30 days in advance, can the company ask him to leave immediately? 公司能否规定或与员工约定超过/不满30天的辞职预告期? Can the company stipulate a resignation notice period of over/less than 30 days or agree such a period with the employee? 员工在30天的辞职预告期内,能否撤回辞职申请? Can the employee withdraw his resignation application during the 30-day resignation notice period? 员工未提前30天通知公司辞职,是否需要赔偿企业经济损失?能否就此约定违约金? If the employee who intends to resign fails to notify the company 30 days in advance, is it necessary to compensate the company for economic losses? Can liquidated damages be agreed upon by both parties on this issue? 员工未提前30天通知公司辞职的,公司能否不予批准辞职申请? If the employee who intends to resign fails to notify the company 30 days in advance, can the company reject the resignation application? 公司与员工约定服务期的,公司能否不予批准员工的辞职申请? If a service period has been agreed upon between the company and the employee, can the company reject the employee's resignation application? 公司与员工约定保密期的,公司能否拒绝员工的辞职申请? If a confidentiality period has been agreed upon between the company and the employee, can the company reject the employee's resignation application? 员工不辞而别,公司应如何处理? How should the company handle the employee’s French leave? 如何理解“未及时”支付劳动报酬? How to understand that labor remunerations are "not timely" paid? 如何理解“未足额”支付劳动报酬? How to understand that labor remunerations are “not fully” paid? 员工以公司未依法支付加班工资为由辞职,能否主张经济补偿? If the employee resigns on the grounds that the company does not pay overtime wages according to law, can he claim economic compensation? 公司调岗/搬迁是否属于“未按照劳动合同约定提供劳动保护或者劳动条件”? Whether the company's post transfer/relocation belongs to the circumstance of “not providing labor protection or work conditions as stipulated in the labor contract”? 社保缴费基数较低,是否属于“未依法为劳动者缴纳社会保险费的”? Whether the low social security payment base belongs to the circumstance of “not paying social security premiums for the employees according to law”? 如何理解公司“规章制度违反法律、法规的规定,损害劳动者权益”? How to understand that the company's "rules and regulations violate the provisions of laws and regulations, and impair the rights and interests of the employees"? 女员工辞职后,发现辞职时已经怀孕的,能否要求继续履行合同? If after a female employee’s resignation, she found that she had already been pregnant when she resigned, could she demand continued performance of the contract? 员工以个人原因辞职后,能否再变更辞职的理由? After the employee resigns for personal reasons, can he change the reason for resignation? 公司变更名称、法定代表人或投资人,员工能否辞职并主张经济补偿? When the company changes its name, legal representative or investor(s), whether the employee can resign and claim economic compensation? 公司与员工约定补缴社保,员工能否以公司未依法缴纳社保为由辞职并主张经济补偿? If the payment of unpaid social security premiums has been agreed upon between the company and the employee, can the employee resign on the grounds that the company did not pay social security premiums according to law and claim economic compensation? 员工能否以未签书面劳动合同为由辞职并主张经济补偿? Can the employee resign on the grounds that a written labor contract was not signed and claim economic compensation? 员工辞职的时候未明确辞职理由,之后能否主张系被迫辞职? If the employee resigned without giving clear reasons, could he later claim that he was forced to resign? 二、协商解除中的风险防范 Risk prevention in termination of labor contract through negotiations 对法院诉讼期间,能否庭外签订协商解除劳动合同的协议? Can an agreement regarding termination of labor contract through negotiations be signed outside the court during the court proceedings? 协商解除劳动合同中的条款应注意哪些问题? What issues should be paid attention to when terminating the terms of labor contract through negotiations? 员工能否以公司欺诈、胁迫为由,主张协议无效? Can the employee claim that the agreement is invalid on the grounds of the company’s fraud and coercion? 解除劳动合同协议的补偿金额,能否低于法定补偿金的标准? Can the amount of compensation for the termination of the labor contract be lower than the standard of the statutory compensation? 协商解除劳动合同,是否需要支付1个月的代通金? Is it necessary to pay 1 month of wage in lieu of notice in case of the termination of labor contract through negotiations? 如何做好协商前的准备工作? How to be well-prepared for the negotiations? 协商解除劳动合同时有哪些法律风险和注意事项? What are the legal risks and precautions when terminating the labor contract through negotiations? 三、试用期不符合录用条件解除的实操技巧 Practical skills in terminating the labor contract on the grounds that the employee does not meet the recruitment conditions during the probation period 试用期的约定应注意哪些合规要点? What compliance points should be paid attention to when stipulating the probation period? 如何理解和把握“不符合录用条件”? How to understand and grasp "not meet the recruitment conditions"? 如何证明员工不符合录用条件? How to prove that the employee does not meet the recruitment conditions? 能否将试用期的出勤率作为录用条件? Whether the attendance rate during the probation period can be set as one of the recruitment conditions? 是否必须试用期满,才能以员工不符合录用条件为由解除合同? Whether the labor contract can be terminated on the grounds that the employee does not meet the recruitment conditions only when the probation period expires? 试用期不符合录用条件解除的时间节点? Time nodes for terminating the labor contract on the grounds that the employee does not meet the recruitment conditions during the probation period 试用期不符合录用条件解除的裁判尺度? Referee scale for terminating the labor contract on the grounds that the employee does not meet the recruitment conditions during the probation period 四、严重违反规章制度解除劳动合同的实操要点 Practical points in terminating the labor contract on the grounds that the employee seriously violates the rules and regulations formulated by the employer 规章制度公示公告中的法律风险? Legal risks in the publicity and announcement of rules and regulations Can the company fine the employee according to the rules and regulations? 对规章制度是否经过民主程序的司法审查? Judicial review of whether the rules and regulations have undergone democratic procedures 规章制度制定的8个典型误区? 8 typical misunderstandings in formulating rules and regulations 未经过民主程序的规章制度,是否仍然有效? Are rules and regulations that haven’t undergone democratic procedures still valid? 公司能否依据规章制度对员工进行罚款? Whether the subsidiary can punish the employee according to the rules and regulations of the parent company? 如何认定员工违反规章制度达到了“严重程度” How to determine that the employee has “seriously” violated the rules and regulations? 子公司能否依据母公司的规章制度处分员工? Whether the subsidiary can punish the employee according to the rules and regulations of the parent company? 女员工违反计划生育政策的,能否视为严重违反规章制度? If a female employee violates the family planning policy, can it be deemed as a serious violation of the rules and regulations? 员工拒绝公司的调岗要求,能否视为严重违反规章制度? If an employee refuses to accept post transfer as re-quired by the company, can it be deemed as a serious violation of the rules and regulations? 员工拒绝加班或值班,能否视为严重违反规章制度? If an employee refuses to work overtime or be on duty, can it be deemed as a serious violation of the rules and regulations? 五、严重失职,营私舞弊给公司造成重大损害解除的实操要点 Practical points in terminating the labor contract on the grounds that the employee causes any severe damage to the company because he seriously neglects his duties or seeks private benefits 如何认定员工存在“严重失职”行为? How to identify the employee’s behavior of “seriously neglecting his duties”? 如何认定员工存在“营私舞弊”行为? How to identify the employee’s behavior of “seeking private benefits”? 如何把握员工的行为给公司造成“重大损害”?损害是否等同经济损失? How to identify the “severe damage” to the company caused by the employee’s behavior? Whether the “damage” is the same as economic losses? 员工虽严重失职或营私舞弊,但未给公司造成重大损害,能否解除? If the employee’s behavior of seriously neglecting his duties or seeking private benefits doesn’t cause the severe damage to the company, whether the labor contract can be terminated? 六、利益冲突解除的实操要点 Practical points in terminating the labor contract due to conflict of interest 利益冲突解除的法律程序和实操要点? Legal procedure and practical points for terminating the labor contract due to conflict of interest 利益冲突解除的替代方案? Alternative solution for terminating the labor contract due to conflict of interest 利益冲突的举证问题? Proof-providing issues related to conflict of interest 七、欺诈等导致合同无效解除的实操要点 Practical points in terminating the invalid labor contract due to fraud, etc. 员工入职期间存在哪些典型的欺诈行为? What are the typical frauds that occur during entry formalities? 公司以员工入职为由解除合同,是否有时间限制? If the company intends to terminate the labor contract on the grounds of entry formalities, is there a time limit? 员工隐婚隐育的,是否属于欺诈? Whether the employee’s behavior of concealing marital status or pregnancy status belongs to fraud? 员工隐瞒犯罪记录的,是否属于欺诈? Whether the employee’s behavior of concealing his criminal record belongs to fraud? 八、员工被依法追究刑事责任的解除要点 Points in terminating the labor contract because the employee is under investigation for criminal liabilities according to law 刑事拘留、行政拘留、司法拘留的共同点与区别? Common grounds and differences among criminal detention, administrative detention and judicial detention 员工被刑事拘留,公司能否解除劳动合同? If the employee is under criminal detention, can the company terminate the labor contract? 员工被行政拘留,公司能否依据规章制度解除劳动合同? If the employee is under administrative detention, can the company terminate the labor contract according to rules and regulations? 员工因冤假错案被平反,能否主张继续履行劳动合同? If the employee’s wrongful conviction has been corrected, can he demand continued performance of the labor contract? 九、医疗期满解除的实操要点 Practical points in terminating the labor contract when the period for medical treatment expires 如何计算“医疗期”的期限? How to calculate the “period for medical treatment”? 如何证明员工“不能从事原工作,也不能从事用人单位另行安排的工作”? How to prove that the employee “cannot resume his original position, nor can he assume any other position arranged by the employer”? 公司另行安排工作,是否需和员工协商达成一致? Does the company need to reach an agreement with the employee in respect of arranging any other position? 医疗期满解除的法律程序? Legal procedure for terminating the labor contract when the period for medical treatment expires 十、不能胜任工作解除的实操要点 Practical points in terminating the labor contract on the grounds that the employee is incompetent to his position 如何证明员工“不能胜任工作”? How to prove that the employee is “incompetent to his position”? 对于不能胜任工作的员工,公司应如何开展培训? For the employee who is incompetent to his position, how should the company carry out training? 对于不能胜任工作的员工,公司能否直接调岗调薪? For the employee who is incompetent to his position, can the company directly transfer his post or adjust his wage? 对于不能胜任工作的员工,培训和调岗,应如何选择? For the employee who is incompetent to his position, how to chose between training and post transfer? 对员工进行考核的法律风险与实操要点? Legal risks and practical points in evaluation of employee 公司能否实行末位淘汰或竞争上岗? Can the company implement the lowliest place elimination system or the employment system through competition? 十一、情势变更解除的实操要点 Practical points in terminating the labor contract due to change of circumstances 组织架构是否属于客观情况发生重大变化? Whether the adjustment of organizational structure belongs to considerable change in the objective situation? 属于客观情况发生重大变化的主要情形? Main circumstances that belong to considerable change in the objective situation 情势变更解除有哪些程序性的要求? What are the procedural re-quirements for terminating the labor contract due to change of circumstances? 十二、经济性裁员的实操要点 Practical points in employee headcount reduction due to economic reasons 公司进行经济性裁员的法定条件? Legal conditions for the company to reduce employee headcount due to economic reasons 经济性裁员的程序? Procedure of employee headcount reduction due to economic reasons 经济性裁员中的不得裁减人员及优先留用人员? Employees who shall not be laid off or shall be given a priority to be kept during employee headcount reduction due to economic reasons 规避经济性裁员的替代方案? Alternative solution for avoiding employee headcount reduction due to economic reasons 十三、劳动合同终止的实操要点 Practical points in the termination of labor contract 对公司“提前解散”的司法认定? Judicial determination of the company’s “dissolution ahead of schedule” 对终止劳动合同有哪些法律限制? What are the legal restrictions on the termination of labor contract? 十四、离职环节中的其他法律风险和实操要点 Other legal risks and practical points in dimission 提前30天通知和代通知的选择方案? Alternatives of the 30-day prior notice and the wage in lieu of notice 能否在离职证明中注明解除理由?出具离职证明的时间节点? Can the reason for contract termination be indicated in the employment separation certificate? Time nodes for issuing the employment separation certificate? 员工不配合工作交接的,如何处理? If the employee doesn’t provide coordination for work handover, how to deal with it? 员工格式化工作电脑上的数据,公司能否要求其赔偿损失? If the employee has formatted the data on the computer for work, can the company claim compensation against him? 如何依法履行通知工会程序?公司内部没有工会怎么办? How to notify the trade un-ion according to law? What to do when the trade un-ion is not set up in the company? 交接电脑、门卡等办公用品时,应注意哪些问题? What should be paid attention to when handing over computer, door card and other office supplies? 解除劳动合同通知的注意要点? Points for attention in notice of termination of labor contract 从违纪行为发生,到解除劳动合同的合理期限? Reasonable period of time from the occurrence of disciplinary offence to the termination of the labor contract 解除劳动合同通知送达中的注意要点? Points for attention in serving the notice of termination of labor contract 公司是否须严格执行规章制度中的处分与解除程序? Whether the company must strictly implement the punishment and termination procedures in the rules and regulations
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
Typical problems and practical skills when it comes to voluntary turnover of staffs
If the employee who intends to resign notifies the company 30 days in advance, can the company ask him to leave immediately?
Can the company stipulate a resignation notice period of over/less than 30 days or agree such a period with the employee?
Can the employee withdraw his resignation application during the 30-day resignation notice period?
If the employee who intends to resign fails to notify the company 30 days in advance, is it necessary to compensate the company for economic losses? Can liquidated damages be agreed upon by both parties on this issue?
If the employee who intends to resign fails to notify the company 30 days in advance, can the company reject the resignation application?
If a service period has been agreed upon between the company and the employee, can the company reject the employee's resignation application?
If a confidentiality period has been agreed upon between the company and the employee, can the company reject the employee's resignation application?
How should the company handle the employee’s French leave?
How to understand that labor remunerations are "not timely" paid?
How to understand that labor remunerations are “not fully” paid?
If the employee resigns on the grounds that the company does not pay overtime wages according to law, can he claim economic compensation?
Whether the company's post transfer/relocation belongs to the circumstance of “not providing labor protection or work conditions as stipulated in the labor contract”?
Whether the low social security payment base belongs to the circumstance of “not paying social security premiums for the employees according to law”?
How to understand that the company's "rules and regulations violate the provisions of laws and regulations, and impair the rights and interests of the employees"?
If after a female employee’s resignation, she found that she had already been pregnant when she resigned, could she demand continued performance of the contract?
After the employee resigns for personal reasons, can he change the reason for resignation?
When the company changes its name, legal representative or investor(s), whether the employee can resign and claim economic compensation?
If the payment of unpaid social security premiums has been agreed upon between the company and the employee, can the employee resign on the grounds that the company did not pay social security premiums according to law and claim economic compensation?
Can the employee resign on the grounds that a written labor contract was not signed and claim economic compensation?
If the employee resigned without giving clear reasons, could he later claim that he was forced to resign?
Risk prevention in termination of labor contract through negotiations
Can an agreement regarding termination of labor contract through negotiations be signed outside the court during the court proceedings?
What issues should be paid attention to when terminating the terms of labor contract through negotiations?
Can the employee claim that the agreement is invalid on the grounds of the company’s fraud and coercion?
Can the amount of compensation for the termination of the labor contract be lower than the standard of the statutory compensation?
Is it necessary to pay 1 month of wage in lieu of notice in case of the termination of labor contract through negotiations?
How to be well-prepared for the negotiations?
What are the legal risks and precautions when terminating the labor contract through negotiations?
Practical skills in terminating the labor contract on the grounds that the employee does not meet the recruitment conditions during the probation period
What compliance points should be paid attention to when stipulating the probation period?
How to understand and grasp "not meet the recruitment conditions"?
How to prove that the employee does not meet the recruitment conditions?
Whether the attendance rate during the probation period can be set as one of the recruitment conditions?
Whether the labor contract can be terminated on the grounds that the employee does not meet the recruitment conditions only when the probation period expires?
Time nodes for terminating the labor contract on the grounds that the employee does not meet the recruitment conditions during the probation period
Referee scale for terminating the labor contract on the grounds that the employee does not meet the recruitment conditions during the probation period
Practical points in terminating the labor contract on the grounds that the employee seriously violates the rules and regulations formulated by the employer
Legal risks in the publicity and announcement of rules and regulations
Can the company fine the employee according to the rules and regulations?
Judicial review of whether the rules and regulations have undergone democratic procedures
8 typical misunderstandings in formulating rules and regulations
Are rules and regulations that haven’t undergone democratic procedures still valid?
Whether the subsidiary can punish the employee according to the rules and regulations of the parent company?
How to determine that the employee has “seriously” violated the rules and regulations?
Whether the subsidiary can punish the employee according to the rules and regulations of the parent company?
If a female employee violates the family planning policy, can it be deemed as a serious violation of the rules and regulations?
If an employee refuses to accept post transfer as re-quired by the company, can it be deemed as a serious violation of the rules and regulations?
If an employee refuses to work overtime or be on duty, can it be deemed as a serious violation of the rules and regulations?
Practical points in terminating the labor contract on the grounds that the employee causes any severe damage to the company because he seriously neglects his duties or seeks private benefits
How to identify the employee’s behavior of “seriously neglecting his duties”?
How to identify the employee’s behavior of “seeking private benefits”?
How to identify the “severe damage” to the company caused by the employee’s behavior? Whether the “damage” is the same as economic losses?
If the employee’s behavior of seriously neglecting his duties or seeking private benefits doesn’t cause the severe damage to the company, whether the labor contract can be terminated?
Practical points in terminating the labor contract due to conflict of interest
Legal procedure and practical points for terminating the labor contract due to conflict of interest
Alternative solution for terminating the labor contract due to conflict of interest
Proof-providing issues related to conflict of interest
Practical points in terminating the invalid labor contract due to fraud, etc.
What are the typical frauds that occur during entry formalities?
If the company intends to terminate the labor contract on the grounds of entry formalities, is there a time limit?
Whether the employee’s behavior of concealing marital status or pregnancy status belongs to fraud?
Whether the employee’s behavior of concealing his criminal record belongs to fraud?
Points in terminating the labor contract because the employee is under investigation for criminal liabilities according to law
Common grounds and differences among criminal detention, administrative detention and judicial detention
If the employee is under criminal detention, can the company terminate the labor contract?
If the employee is under administrative detention, can the company terminate the labor contract according to rules and regulations?
If the employee’s wrongful conviction has been corrected, can he demand continued performance of the labor contract?
Practical points in terminating the labor contract when the period for medical treatment expires
How to calculate the “period for medical treatment”?
How to prove that the employee “cannot resume his original position, nor can he assume any other position arranged by the employer”?
Does the company need to reach an agreement with the employee in respect of arranging any other position?
Legal procedure for terminating the labor contract when the period for medical treatment expires
Practical points in terminating the labor contract on the grounds that the employee is incompetent to his position
How to prove that the employee is “incompetent to his position”?
For the employee who is incompetent to his position, how should the company carry out training?
For the employee who is incompetent to his position, can the company directly transfer his post or adjust his wage?
For the employee who is incompetent to his position, how to chose between training and post transfer?
Legal risks and practical points in evaluation of employee
Can the company implement the lowliest place elimination system or the employment system through competition?
Practical points in terminating the labor contract due to change of circumstances
Whether the adjustment of organizational structure belongs to considerable change in the objective situation?
Main circumstances that belong to considerable change in the objective situation
What are the procedural re-quirements for terminating the labor contract due to change of circumstances?
Practical points in employee headcount reduction due to economic reasons
Legal conditions for the company to reduce employee headcount due to economic reasons
Procedure of employee headcount reduction due to economic reasons
Employees who shall not be laid off or shall be given a priority to be kept during employee headcount reduction due to economic reasons
Alternative solution for avoiding employee headcount reduction due to economic reasons
Practical points in the termination of labor contract
Judicial determination of the company’s “dissolution ahead of schedule”
What are the legal restrictions on the termination of labor contract?
Other legal risks and practical points in dimission
Alternatives of the 30-day prior notice and the wage in lieu of notice
Can the reason for contract termination be indicated in the employment separation certificate? Time nodes for issuing the employment separation certificate?
If the employee doesn’t provide coordination for work handover, how to deal with it?
If the employee has formatted the data on the computer for work, can the company claim compensation against him?
How to notify the trade un-ion according to law? What to do when the trade un-ion is not set up in the company?
What should be paid attention to when handing over computer, door card and other office supplies?
Points for attention in notice of termination of labor contract
Reasonable period of time from the occurrence of disciplinary offence to the termination of the labor contract
Points for attention in serving the notice of termination of labor contract
Whether the company must strictly implement the punishment and termination procedures in the rules and regulations
资深律师 上海市权亚智博律师事务所
本课程名称: 员工离职管理全程指导—100个”雷区问题”与案例精解