】 一、常见单方解除误区Common Misunderstandings about Unilateral Discharge (一)辞职与被迫辞职Resignation and forced to Resignation 1.何谓自动辞职?What restrictions are imposed on the right of resignation? 2.对辞职权存在何种限制?What are The Restrictions on The Right to Resignation? 3.对未满通知期辞职的处理 4.劝退算什么?Shall Discouraging be Deemed as Resignation? 5.被迫辞职的界定 The Definition of Forced Resignation 6.辞职可以反悔吗?Can resignation be withdrawn? (二)过错性解除Discharge Caused by Faults 1.试用期内不符合录用条件与不能胜任工作?Inconformity with recruitment requirements and incompetence for the job during probation 2.如何界定严重违纪?How to define Severe Violation of Discipline? 3.如何开展内部调查How to?Carry Out an Internal Investigation 4.如何界定渎职与重大经济损失?How to define Misconduct and Significant Economic Losses? 5.法律依据及经典案例解析Legislative Authority and Typical Case Analysis (三)无过错解除Discharge Based on Non-fault 1.不能胜任工作情形的界定与证据固定Definition of incompetence and fixation of evidence 2.客观情况重大变化及其适用限制Significant changes of objective circumstances and their applicable restrictions 3.裁员中的行政程序与裁减程序Administrative procedures and downsizing procedures during the period of layoff 4.法律依据及经典案例解析Legislative Authority and Typical Case Analysis? 二、依托单方解除理由开展的协商解除Discharge by Negotiation Based on the Causes of Unilateral Discharge (一)基本原则与准备清单Basic Principles and the List of the documents to be Prepared 1.进行协商解除应当遵循的基本原则Basic Principles to be observed with respect to discharge by negotiation 2.项目准备清单及辅助材料The list of the documents to be prepared and the supporting documents (二)谈判情绪控制要点Key Points of Negotiate Emotional Control? 1.员工无任何反馈的处理Handling Employees without any feedback 2.员工翻旧账的处理Handling The Employees who Keep Dredging it up 3.员工威胁公司或HR的处理 4.员工采取过激行为的处理Handling The Employees who?Take Drastic Action 5.员工采取回避措施的处理(请病假、委托亲属代为谈判等)Handling The Employees whoTake evasive measures. (三)群体事件沟通要点Key Points of?Group Event Communication (四)典型案例解析Typical Case Analysis 1.未通过背景调查/体检项目候选人的录用信的撤销Cancellation of recruitment letter delivered to the candidates failing in the background investigation or physical examination 2.录用条件不明情形下的试用期解除Discharge of probation due to unidentifiable employment qualifications 3.无法定性的违纪行为Violation of disciplines of which the nature can not be determined 4.疑似不能胜任工作的员工The employees suspected to be incompetent for their job 5.尚未构成裁员条件的减员Reduction in employees not complying with the layoff conditions
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一、常见单方解除误区Common Misunderstandings about Unilateral Discharge
(一)辞职与被迫辞职Resignation and forced to Resignation
1.何谓自动辞职?What restrictions are imposed on the right of resignation?
2.对辞职权存在何种限制?What are The Restrictions on The Right to Resignation?
4.劝退算什么?Shall Discouraging be Deemed as Resignation?
5.被迫辞职的界定 The Definition of Forced Resignation
6.辞职可以反悔吗?Can resignation be withdrawn?
(二)过错性解除Discharge Caused by Faults
1.试用期内不符合录用条件与不能胜任工作?Inconformity with recruitment requirements and incompetence for the job during probation
2.如何界定严重违纪?How to define Severe Violation of Discipline?
3.如何开展内部调查How to?Carry Out an Internal Investigation
4.如何界定渎职与重大经济损失?How to define Misconduct and Significant Economic Losses?
5.法律依据及经典案例解析Legislative Authority and Typical Case Analysis
(三)无过错解除Discharge Based on Non-fault
1.不能胜任工作情形的界定与证据固定Definition of incompetence and fixation of evidence
2.客观情况重大变化及其适用限制Significant changes of objective circumstances and their applicable restrictions
3.裁员中的行政程序与裁减程序Administrative procedures and downsizing procedures during the period of layoff
4.法律依据及经典案例解析Legislative Authority and Typical Case Analysis?
二、依托单方解除理由开展的协商解除Discharge by Negotiation Based on the Causes of Unilateral Discharge
(一)基本原则与准备清单Basic Principles and the List of the documents to be Prepared
1.进行协商解除应当遵循的基本原则Basic Principles to be observed with respect to discharge by negotiation
2.项目准备清单及辅助材料The list of the documents to be prepared and the supporting documents
(二)谈判情绪控制要点Key Points of Negotiate Emotional Control?
1.员工无任何反馈的处理Handling Employees without any feedback
2.员工翻旧账的处理Handling The Employees who Keep Dredging it up
4.员工采取过激行为的处理Handling The Employees who?Take Drastic Action
5.员工采取回避措施的处理(请病假、委托亲属代为谈判等)Handling The Employees whoTake evasive measures.
(三)群体事件沟通要点Key Points of?Group Event Communication
(四)典型案例解析Typical Case Analysis
1.未通过背景调查/体检项目候选人的录用信的撤销Cancellation of recruitment letter delivered to the candidates failing in the background investigation or physical examination
2.录用条件不明情形下的试用期解除Discharge of probation due to unidentifiable employment qualifications
3.无法定性的违纪行为Violation of disciplines of which the nature can not be determined
4.疑似不能胜任工作的员工The employees suspected to be incompetent for their job
5.尚未构成裁员条件的减员Reduction in employees not complying with the layoff conditions
以往经验 Prior Experience
本课程名称: 劳动合同单方解除管理与协商解除沟通技巧