1. All about teams * Benefits * Team building process * Groups vs. teams * Team goals * Good vs. poor teams
2. Organizing employee teams * Team size * Team organization * What’s in it for me
3. Team leadership and facilitation * Natural leaders * Leadership qualities * Facilitation * Role of the facilitator * Facilitation process * Challenges
4. Leadership skills * Diplomatic disagreement * Developing team consensus
5. Effective team meetings * Meeting components * Types of meetings * Requirements and rules * Logistics * Arrangement checklist * Listening skills
6. Problem-solving * The scientific approach * Problem-solving techniques
7. Recognition * Objectives and values * Characteristics of recognition systems * Using recognition * Various styles of recognition * Innovations * Lessons learned about recognition
8. Insuring team success * Strategic problems * Training ills * Problems in team building * Symptoms of team failure
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
* 职能部门经理
* 主管与相关人员
* 团队的优势
* 组建团队的过程
* 小组和团队的区别
* 团队的目标
* 优秀团队与差劲团队的区别
* 团队规模
* 团队的人员结构
* 团队为我带来什么
* 天生的领导者
* 领导者的品质
* 何谓成长
* 如何扮演好协调员的角色
* 帮助团队成长的过程
* 团队领导的挑战是什么
* 外交异议
* 促进团队达成共识
* 会议的构成
* 会议的类型
* 进行会议的必备条件和规则
* 团队的后勤管理
* 计划进度表
* 倾听的技巧
* 什么是科学的解决方法
* 解决问题的技巧
* 明确团队的目标和价值
* 何谓赞赏
* 如何巧妙地使用赞赏
* 赞赏的多种形式
* 创新
* 如何避免适得其反的赞赏
* 战略问题
* 培训的症结
* 团队建设中遇到的问题
* 导致团队失败的征兆
1. All about teams
* Benefits
* Team building process
* Groups vs. teams
* Team goals
* Good vs. poor teams
2. Organizing employee teams
* Team size
* Team organization
* What’s in it for me
3. Team leadership and facilitation
* Natural leaders
* Leadership qualities
* Facilitation
* Role of the facilitator
* Facilitation process
* Challenges
4. Leadership skills
* Diplomatic disagreement
* Developing team consensus
5. Effective team meetings
* Meeting components
* Types of meetings
* Requirements and rules
* Logistics
* Arrangement checklist
* Listening skills
6. Problem-solving
* The scientific approach
* Problem-solving techniques
7. Recognition
* Objectives and values
* Characteristics of recognition systems
* Using recognition
* Various styles of recognition
* Innovations
* Lessons learned about recognition
8. Insuring team success
* Strategic problems
* Training ills
* Problems in team building
* Symptoms of team failure
本课程名称: 高效的团队建设