1. Supply chain management & inventory management * What is supply chain management * SCOR model * Characteristics and impact of modern supply chain management
2. Introduction of inventory management * Characteristics and types of inventory * Problems and challenges of inventory management * Stock time curve model
3. Performance evaluation of inventory management * Inventory service standard * Inventory total cost * Cost of short supply * Safe inventory calculation
4. Normal ordering methods * Quantity ordering method * Time ordering method * EOQ * Ordering pointing * Quantity of ordering * Improving inventory management
5. MRP II ordering method * Meaning of MRP II ordering method * Process of production planning * Inventory control & production plan * MRP II ordering & normal ordering
6. JIT management * Characteristics of JIT management * Elements of JIT management * Zero inventory management
7. ABC ordering method * Origin of ABC analysis * Steps of ABC analysis and management
8. Inventory & purchasing management * Characteristics and types of purchasing * The balance between inventory cost & purchasing cost * Process of purchasing management
9. Inventory & warehouse management * Characteristics and types of warehouse * Process of warehouse operation * Stock checking * KPI of warehouse management * Daily warehouse control
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
* 与仓库
* 什么是供应链管理
* 供应链运营参考模型
* 现代供应链管理的特点和作用
* 库存的类别及各自特点
* 库存管理的困难与挑战
* 存货——时间曲线模型
* 库存服务水平
* 库存持有成本
* 缺货的成本
* 安全库存量的计算
* 定量(连续)订货管理法
* 定期(间断)订货管理法
* 经济订货批量决策模型
* 订货点的确定
* 订货量的确定
* 库存管理的改进
5.MRP II订货管理方法
* MRP II订货管理的意义
* 生产计划管理的流程
* 库存控制与生产计划启动点
* 常规订货量系统与MRP II系统的比较
* JIT生产管理的特点
* JIT生产管理系统的基本组成部分
* 零库存管理
* ABC分析法的由来
* ABC分析的一般步骤和管理措施
* 采购的类别及各自特点
* 采购成本与库存成本的平衡
* 采购管理的流程
* 仓库的类别及各自特点
* 仓储的作业流程
* 库存盘点
* 仓储管理的KPI指标
* 仓库的日常管理
1. Supply chain management & inventory management
* What is supply chain management
* SCOR model
* Characteristics and impact of modern supply chain management
2. Introduction of inventory management
* Characteristics and types of inventory
* Problems and challenges of inventory management
* Stock time curve model
3. Performance evaluation of inventory management
* Inventory service standard
* Inventory total cost
* Cost of short supply
* Safe inventory calculation
4. Normal ordering methods
* Quantity ordering method
* Time ordering method
* Ordering pointing
* Quantity of ordering
* Improving inventory management
5. MRP II ordering method
* Meaning of MRP II ordering method
* Process of production planning
* Inventory control & production plan
* MRP II ordering & normal ordering
6. JIT management
* Characteristics of JIT management
* Elements of JIT management
* Zero inventory management
7. ABC ordering method
* Origin of ABC analysis
* Steps of ABC analysis and management
8. Inventory & purchasing management
* Characteristics and types of purchasing
* The balance between inventory cost & purchasing cost
* Process of purchasing management
9. Inventory & warehouse management
* Characteristics and types of warehouse
* Process of warehouse operation
* Stock checking
* KPI of warehouse management
* Daily warehouse control
本课程名称: 库存管理