4.回顾有效的激发方法 * 识别有助于建立创新工作氛围的方法和实践 * 大胆创新需要足够的耐心 * 注意从发散思维转换到聚合思维的时机 1. Why do we need innovative thinking * Turn existing problems into opportunities for growth * Discover new techniques for securing enthusiasm for new initiatives * Encourage out-of-the-box thinking * Apply creative thinking techniques to foster innovation and improve systems, products and processes * Enhance morale, group performance and collaboration
2. The nature of innovation * Identify practices that help promote creativity and innovation * Describe the trade-offs between focusing on results vs. focusing on good process * Explain the connection between courage, confidence and creativity
3. Nurturing new ideas and solutions * Use various brainstorming tools for generating ideas * Describe the conditions that make for effective brainstorming * Identify which idea generation tool works best for different situations
4. Recommended practices review * Identify the practices and guidelines that create an Innovative work environment * Give the creative process the patience necessary to get to bold ideas * Identify the moment when to move the process from diverging to converging
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
* 所有需要运用创造力的职场人士(推行新服务、制定新流程...)
* 将现有问题转化为成长机遇
* 发现保持创新积极性的技巧
* 鼓励别出心裁的想法
* 运用创造性思维技巧,培养创新能力,改善系统、产品和流程
* 鼓舞士气,促进合作,提高团队绩效
* 认识有助于提高创造力和创新能力的实践
* 结果导向和流程导向之间的权衡
* 阐释勇气、信心和创造力之间的关联
* 利用各种头脑风暴工具来集思广益
* 进行有效头脑风暴的条件
* 识别适用于不同情境的创意产生方法
* 识别有助于建立创新工作氛围的方法和实践
* 大胆创新需要足够的耐心
* 注意从发散思维转换到聚合思维的时机
1. Why do we need innovative thinking
* Turn existing problems into opportunities for growth
* Discover new techniques for securing enthusiasm for new initiatives
* Encourage out-of-the-box thinking
* Apply creative thinking techniques to foster innovation and improve systems, products and processes
* Enhance morale, group performance and collaboration
2. The nature of innovation
* Identify practices that help promote creativity and innovation
* Describe the trade-offs between focusing on results vs. focusing on good process
* Explain the connection between courage, confidence and creativity
3. Nurturing new ideas and solutions
* Use various brainstorming tools for generating ideas
* Describe the conditions that make for effective brainstorming
* Identify which idea generation tool works best for different situations
4. Recommended practices review
* Identify the practices and guidelines that create an Innovative work environment
* Give the creative process the patience necessary to get to bold ideas
* Identify the moment when to move the process from diverging to converging
本课程名称: 开发创新潜能:思维与工具