9.有效的会后跟进 * 如何跟进 * 自我评定 * 怎样提高下次会议质量 1. Different types of meeting - objectives and subjects * Meeting purpose and types * Meeting frequency and its cost
2. Common problems in meeting and the solutions * Common fault - inefficiency * Cause and characteristics of inefficient meeting * Characteristics of effective meeting * Meeting criterions
3. Meeting preparation and organization * "Have" or "Not have" * 1H5W * Checking list of preparation work * Hosts’ preparation work
4. The role, responsibility and skills of the host * The hosts' rules and responsibilities * How to deal with the conflicts in the meeting
5. Five "HOW" of successful meeting * How to give introduction * How to assign speech time * How to control schedule and timing * How to reach an agreement * How to conclude the meeting successfully
6. Effective communication in meeting * Presentation and listening skills * Giving feedback
7. Deal effectively with difficult meeting members * Five types of problem members with the meeting group * Tips for dealing with difficult meeting members
8. Meeting minute * Why having minute * Who do it * Suggestion for meeting minute
9. Effective follow-up after the meeting * How to follow * Self-assessment * How to improve quality of next meeting
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
* 参与会议的各部门人员
本课程通过互动式的教学,使参加者在实际演练中获得如下收益: 1.全面了解高效率会议的召开技巧,明确会议中各角色的职责和任务; 2.提高会议中发言的逻辑表达能力和其他沟通能力,包括语言与非语言的表达; 3.学习“主持人式”的控场技术,以顺利达到会议目标,全面提升会议效率。
* 会议的目的和种类
* 会议的频率和成本
* 会议的通病——效率不高
* 会议效率不高的原因及具体表现
* 高效会议的特征
* 会议规范
* “开”还是“不开”
* 1H5W
* 准备工作核对单
* 主持人的准备工作
* 主持人的守则与责任
* 如何处理会议中的冲突
* 如何做开场白
* 如何分配发言时间
* 如何掌握议事进度
* 如何达成决议
* 如何圆满结束会议
* 会议中的说话技巧和倾听技巧
* 会议中的反馈技巧
* 五种不同的“刺儿头”
* 如何有效应对
* 会议记录者的功能
* 谁能胜任会议记录者
* 对会议记录的建议
* 如何跟进
* 自我评定
* 怎样提高下次会议质量
1. Different types of meeting - objectives and subjects
* Meeting purpose and types
* Meeting frequency and its cost
2. Common problems in meeting and the solutions
* Common fault - inefficiency
* Cause and characteristics of inefficient meeting
* Characteristics of effective meeting
* Meeting criterions
3. Meeting preparation and organization
* "Have" or "Not have"
* 1H5W
* Checking list of preparation work
* Hosts’ preparation work
4. The role, responsibility and skills of the host
* The hosts' rules and responsibilities
* How to deal with the conflicts in the meeting
5. Five "HOW" of successful meeting
* How to give introduction
* How to assign speech time
* How to control schedule and timing
* How to reach an agreement
* How to conclude the meeting successfully
6. Effective communication in meeting
* Presentation and listening skills
* Giving feedback
7. Deal effectively with difficult meeting members
* Five types of problem members with the meeting group
* Tips for dealing with difficult meeting members
8. Meeting minute
* Why having minute
* Who do it
* Suggestion for meeting minute
9. Effective follow-up after the meeting
* How to follow
* Self-assessment
* How to improve quality of next meeting
本课程名称: 高效会议管理