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  • 课程时间:2014/01/07 17:14 至 2014/01/07 17:14 已结束
  • 开课地点:上海市
  • 授课讲师: Klaus Schmitt
  • 课程编号:243870
  • 课程分类:领导力
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Chinese employees, professionals and business executives who work with colleagues and business partners from various other cultures.


Under this circumstance, we have designed General Cultural Awareness which will give you insights into other cultures and present “Cultural Dimensions” that will help you measure various other cultures. Through this course,you will be able to understand people from other cultural backgrounds and orient your own behavior when dealing with them. In a word, this course will build up a communication bridge across different cultures.


1st day

9.00Welcoming, introduction and asking about expectations
Warm-up game presenting different ways of welcoming

9.30The role of culture in business life

- What is culture and in which way does it influence on us?
- The influence of subcultures, individuals and situations
- The iceberg model

10.15Self-perception and perception by others

10.45 Coffee break

11.00 Dynamics and systematics of cultural differences, presentation of cultural dimensions

- Experiencing the dynamics of different ways of approaching
- Examples of models of the description of culture and their meanings
- Theoretical foundations of selected cultural dimensions
- Attributing dimensions to countries

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Warm-up exercise

13.15 Communicating across cultural and spatial borders
Dimensions: matter vs. relationship; direct vs. indirect;
content vs. context
Video, case studies

- Organization of relationships by way of communication
- Different communication styles
- Perceiving, understanding and developing understanding
- Communication strategies
- Explaining opinions and arguments
- Structuring information
- Telephone and e-mail contacts
- Non-verbal communication

15.00 Coffee break

15.15 Continuing: Communication

- Explaining opinions and arguments
- Structuring information
- Telephone and e-mail contacts
- Non-verbal communication

17.00 End of the first day

2nd day

9.00 My way or your way? – Successfully organizing cooperation
Dimensions: high vs. low uncertainty avoidance, individualism vs. collectivism, dealing with time
Case studies

- Topics:
- Planning-oriented thinking
- Dealing with time, keeping dates
- Which factors influence on decision-making?
- Culture of meetings
- Work styles (independence, feedback, self-motivation, obligation
to fulfil and to demand)
- Individualism vs. collectivism: interpersonal relations or accomplishing
one’s tasks?
- Separating work life and private life
- The difference between in-group and out-group
- What is regarded “professional” and where?

11.00 Coffee break

11.15 Continuing

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Warm-up exercise

13.15 The Client is King – or is he not?
Dimension: high vs. low power distance
Case studies

- Attitude towards clients
- Client requests and demands
- Quality demands
- Dealing with complaints
- Conflict matters and possibilities to solve conflicts

14.45 Coffee break

15.00 Creating trust – that‘s quite easy?

- Trust as a precondition of cooperation
- Different ways and examples of creating trust

16.00 Intercultural skills: summary and self-reflection

16.30 Feedback and securing results

17.00 End of the seminar


With over twenty years of China experience and having lived in Shanghai for more than seven years, Mr. Schmitt’s business expertise lies in the fields of Cross-cultural training, marketing, PR, tourism and executive coaching with focus on China. He has been working for the German Chamber of Commerce Shanghai to combine economic targets with social and cultural considerations.
Mr. Schmitt is certified as a renowned SinaLingua Cross-Cultural Business Trainer. For more than 3 years, he has trained hundreds of executives, engineers and specialists alike in Cross-Cultural management and Multicultural Teamwork. His clients, such as Novem, Commerzbank, Bosch, Schaeffler, Brose, Albany International and the Shanghai Expo 2010 have given him some of the highest possible satisfaction score throughout his training career.
His seminar languages are German, English and Mandarin Chinese.

Having a degree in Industrial Business Management, Mr. Schmitt studied Sinology and Ethnology in Germany and China. His education is complemented by a certification from the University of Germersheim in „Translation Management in Sino-German Cooperation" and a certification in „International Marketing" issued by B-wise Ltd. in Karlsruhe.
Mr. Schmitt is a licensed Practitioner of NLP at The Society of NLP as well as an Organizational Coach by IECL.
He is fluent in Chinese, German, English and French.

本课程名称: 跨文化感知课程


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