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  • 课程时间:2012/04/20 09:00 至 2012/04/20 17:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:深圳市
  • 授课讲师: 陆敬波
  • 课程编号:195191
  • 课程分类:人力资源
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By attending this event you will get the answer to...
Where shall the flexible employment such as the labor dispatch, special working hour systems, outsourcing service etc. in controversy go under this background?

What kind of strategies of the flexible employment may satisfy the need of enterprises to seek profits without affecting their image in public in the condition that the laws and policies are followed?


Tendencies, Risks, Costs and Strategies of Flexible Employment

高 端 法 律 论坛
Advanced China Forum

上海:4月18日 深圳:4月20日 北京:4月26日 苏州:5月8日
Shanghai: April 18th Shenzhen: April 20th Beijing: April 26th Suzhou: May 8th
语言:中文 价格:3680元/人
Language: Chinese Price: 3680yuan/Person

● 2012年3月5日,温总理在两会《2011年政府工作报告》中明确提出“加强对劳务派遣的规范管理。”
● 2012年3月9日,吴邦国委员长在两会上正式宣布“今年将修改《劳动合同法》”。
● 新闻报道称“两会代表纷纷为劳务派遣立法献计献策。”
● 人力资源和社会保障正在加紧起草《特殊工时管理规定》,以加强劳动标准管理。
● 各地最新公布的2012年最低工资标准中,非全日制工待遇问题也成热点。
● 与此相应,上海、广东、天津、重庆等省市竞相出台劳务派遣管理新规。

Course Background
Premier Wen Jiabao, in his 2011 government work report on March 5, 2012, expressly put forth that “the regulation and management on the labor dispatch shall be reinforced”.
Chairman Wu Bangguo announced in the “Two Sessions” on March 9, 2012 that the Employment Contract Law will be amended this year.”
Per news report, “The representatives of the “Two Sessions” competed to suggest ways and means for the legislation on the labor dispatch.”
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security is putting under way the drafting of the Regulation of Management on Special Working Hours to reinforce the management on labor standards.
The entitlement for the part-time employees in the minimum wages promulgated by the local governments also becomes the hot points.
Meanwhile, Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin, and Chongqing have, one after another, issued the new rules on the management of labor dispatch.

08:30-09:25 签到
09:25-09:35 开幕致辞:灵活用工,未雨绸缪
——江三角律师事务所首席合伙人,主任 陆敬波律师
09:35-10:35 主题演讲:2012年两会热议与灵活用工政策走势
10:35-11:00 茶歇
11:00-12:00 从律师实务看劳务派遣与服务外包的异同与优劣
——江三角律师事务所高级合伙人,副主任 阎付克律师
13:30-14:30 主题演讲:工会在劳务派遣、特殊工时等灵活用工中的作用
—— 当地工会领导

14:30-15:20 特殊工时制审批要点 —— 当地人保部门官员
15:20-15:40 茶歇
15:40-16:40 灵活用工中常见法律风险防控
——江三角律师事务所首席合伙人,主任 陆敬波律师
16:40-17:00 互动答疑

08:30-09:25 Registration and Refreshments
09:25-09:35 Opening Speech:Flexible employment, taking precautions
——Lu Jingbo, Chief Partner & President of River Delta Law Firm
09:35-10:35 Topics discussed enthusiastically in 2012 “Two Sessions” and tendencies of policies on flexible employment
——Local Labor Arbitration Officials
10:35-11:00 Tea break
11:00-12:00 Difference and merits and drawbacks between the labor dispatch and outsourcing service from the perspective of practice of lawyer
—— Yan Fuke, Senior Partner & Vice President of River Delta Law Firm
13:30-14:30 Function of trade union in the flexible employment including labor dispatch, special working hour systems
——Local Labor Union Officials
14:30-15:20 Key points in the application and approval of the special working hours
——Official from Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security
15:20-15:40 Tea break
15:40-16:40 Prevention and control of risks frequently occurring in flexible employment
——-Lu Jingbo, Chief Partner & President of River Delta Law Firm
16:40-17:00 Q&A



陆敬波 首席合伙人律师
Jason LU Chief Partner Attorney
Mr. Jason Lu, chief partner, president and senior trainer of Shanghai River Delta Law Firm, who has been focusing on the research, training on labor law and the practice of lawyer for over ten years. His publication includes A Guide to HR Application of Employment Contract Law, Practice Essentials of the Prevention and Settlement of Labor Disputes, Seminars on Rights Protection—Practical Strategies to Safeguard Laborers’ Right, etc. He has provided professional training on labor law practice to over ten thousand of enterprises, and at the same time been employed by quite a number of large foreign-funded, state-owned and private enterprises to act as labor law consultant.

Special Speaker:

We will invite the government official-in-charge, leader of trade union, attorneys-at-law specialized in labor relations, experts of practical talents strategies to this high-level legal forum to make the most practical interpretations on the tendencies of the laws and policies, establishment of flexible employment strategy and the prevention and control of the legal risks based on their experience in practice.

本课程名称: 灵活用工:趋势、风险、成本与策略


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