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  • 课程时长:0.0天
  • 授课讲师: 丹纽
  • 课程分类:其它
  • 课程编号:196765
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Participant课程参与者: The DSCC is suitable for everyone who wants to live a quality life. There are three levels for our participants to choose. It is suggested that participant who is new to the course start from the primary level. DSCC适合于职场白领和希望得到有品质生活的人士。课程设计为三个阶段,初次接触本课程的修习者建议从初级开始。


Benefit课程收益: By DSCC training and practice通过DSCC课程教练和修习
Our clients have improved health我们的学员增进了健康
Got on better with others改善了与人相处
Achieved high efficiency on their work在工作和事业上更高效
Doubled the turnover of their businesses在个人生意业绩上有倍增表现
Improved their children’s performance in school甚至改善了他们孩子的表现
Calmed family friction家庭纠纷得到抑制或消解
Live better life and improved their health.更快乐和健康地生活





The basic principle of Daniel Spiritual Cultivation Course(DSCC) is combined body and spiritual exeicises and meditation to improve our health in order to help create balanced and harmonious energies in our body, and align ourselves with the universe. We are then able to live richer, fuller, happier lives and achieve our highest potentials.

The course outline (Primary level)
Warm up-individual enlighten 热身:个体启发
Warm up-group teaching and practice 热身:小组教授和练习
Brisk 轻
1. refine our body 纯净和提炼
2. tense and relaxation 紧张和松弛
Play / discuss / share
Peaceful 安
1. the 9 states of mind 九种心境
2. set aside all worries 去除烦恼
Play / discuss / share
Serene 祥
1.the life realm 生命的疆域
2.body and mind connection 身心与环境
Play / discuss / share
Harmonious 和
1. recognize harmonious 体认和的境界
2. practice harmonious 和的修习
Play / discuss / share
Organization practice guideline

轻的第一课 身体练习(阳光能量)
1. 力量与平衡
2. 紧张与松弛
3. 伸展与收缩
4. 运动与静止

轻的第二课 饮食练习(能量吸纳)
1. 饮
2. 味觉
3. 咀嚼
4. 吞咽

轻的第三课 行走练习(流动融合)
1. 脚步
2. 心念
3. 气息
4. 环境

轻的第四课 亲水练习(回到起点)
1. 水中阻力
2. 水中放松
3. 水中游动
4. 回到起点

安的第一课 静坐练习(感知能量)
1. 姿态
2. 气息
3. 观想
4. 交流

安的第二课 心灵畅叙(排解与交流)
1. 小组交流
2. 个别交流

安的第三课 感官练习(能量通道)
1. 嗅觉
2. 触觉
3. 听觉
4. 视觉

安的第四课 观的练习(契机)
1. 坐观
2. 行观
3. 站观
4. 卧观

1. Lavandula 薰衣草庄园—活动内容:农场参观游玩,香薰和护肤产品体验购买
2. Mineral Spa 体验水疗和特殊治疗
3. Winery Tour 本地酒庄参观
4. Walking and Hiking 绿野仙踪徒步


Daniel Zhou, a senior consultant and trainer. ACR China senior consultant. Focused on health and spiritual cultivation and group health management program consulting and training in Australia. Daniel has a very strong background in management and traditional Chinese wisdom study and training, and he is well known as a health management and training specialist. Daniel has designed and delivered consulting and training programs for many major businesses and organizations . His clients include China Mobile, China Telecom, Shenda Telephone, North Intel, Taizhou Bank, Leekingi, Huayi, The Pavilion Hotel, Baishida Real Estate, Prodrive, CAE etc.

丹纽作为知名管理专家曾在深圳和上海等地外资机构任职总经理十余年,并受邀为多家集团提供管理培训,先后为移动通讯,中国电信,深大电话,三峡集团,北方国际,圣庭苑酒店,百仕达地产,台州商业银行,李锦记,华忆,广东侨外,Q-Labs, Prodrive, AJL, TOGA, CAE等众多国内外知名机构和集团做过精彩的管理培训课程或咨询案。作为《经理人》《新前程》《财智》等媒体管理专栏资深撰稿人,丹纽的《东西方思维和健康策略》,《营造一个健康组织》,《传统文化的健康修习》,等文为许多媒体转载,反响强烈。近年来,丹纽潜心研究并着力实践东西方健康技术和方法融合,结合他的澳洲多年健康生活实践,针对目前中国职场人面临的实际问题,启动的健康修习课程DSCC, 在澳洲和国内备受关注。

本课程名称: 健康研习澳洲课程


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