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  • 课程时间:2006/07/13 09:00 至 2006/07/14 17:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:上海市
  • 授课讲师: 李芳
  • 课程编号:8515
  • 课程分类:人力资源
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本课程阐述了变动薪酬的基本原理,主要内容集中在报酬策略、变动薪酬的内涵,以及变动薪酬的界定、设计及实施的流程上,着重强调如何进行激励, 奖赏与红利分配。




模块1 变动薪酬概览
? 变动薪酬与公司业绩
? 公司战略
? 人力资源政策与战略
? 整体回报策略
? 报酬策略
? 变动薪酬
模块2 激励计划
? 公司远景
? 激励计划的概要
? 短期激励计划
? 利润分享
? 业绩分享
? 个人表现
? 长期激励计划
? 股权激励
? 现金激励
? 有用的几种激励计划
模块3 如何设计激励计划
? 激励计划的设计团队
? 激励计划设计流程
? 目的和目标
? 适用范围
? 绩效评估方法
? 项目投资
? 预期的项目支出
? 界定项目支出标准
? 激励所得的分配
? 激励计划的设计案例
? 合法性考虑
模块 4 绩效评估方法选择
? 绩效目标
? 绩效基准与评估
? 绩效评估方法的鉴别
? 绩效评估的原则与目标
? 绩效评估方法类型
? 选择绩效评估模型
模块 5 奖赏和红利
? 激励、奖赏与红利
? 何时奖赏
? 奖赏计划
? 设计奖赏计划
? 奖赏计划案例
? 红利计划
模块 6 执行与评审
? 执行
? 沟通
? 管理
? 评审

Test Your Knowledge
Variable Pay -- Incentives, Recognition and Bonuses (GRP 6)
Instructions: Choose an answer for each question.
1. Which of the following describes a purpose of variable pay?
A. To reward individuals for the skills and competencies they possess
B. To ensure the individual’s value relative to the labor market
C. To differentiate the pay of individuals who achieve results from those who do not
D. To reward individuals for consistent ongoing job performance over time
2. What are the three categories of variable pay?
A. Cash, noncash and equities
B. Quarterly, annual and spot bonuses
C. Incentives, bonuses and recognition

3. What business strategy often includes a combination of price, quality, dependability and ease of purchase that competitors cannot match?
A. Operational excellence
B. Product/service leadership
C. Customer intimacy

4. Which of the following business objectives would relate most to a product/service leadership strategy?
A. Improve operational efficiency
B. Time from innovation to market
C. Customer attraction and retention
D. Reduce costs

5. Which of the following plans is a type of long-term incentive plan?
A. Equity-based plan
B. Profit-sharing plan
C. Individual performance-based plan
D. Performance-sharing plan

6. Which individual performance-based plan would be most appropriate for an account representative with a high degree of influence over company sales?
A. Performance against predetermined objectives (MBO) plan
B. Output-based plan
C. Commission plan

7. What activity would typically take place before designing the plan?
A. Selecting plan type
B. Defining eligibility
C. Obtaining management support
D. Determining plan objectives

8. Which of the following best describes an internal factor that should be considered in developing the plan?
A. Labor market
B. Competition
C. Technology
D. Costs/resource availability

9. Which of the following would most likely be a reason to use prospective performance instead of historical performance in setting baselines?
A. When past performance is indicative of future performance
B. When previously achieved levels of performance have been acceptable
C. When a capital improvement or change in the production process has been made
D. When seasonality or other volatility is predictable

10. Plan implementation usually involves which of the following activities?
A. Determining key points, defining eligibility and choosing communication channels
B. Selecting an implementation team, developing the communication plan, introducing the plan and plan administration
C. Conducting a readiness assessment, obtaining management support, selecting an implementation team and introducing the plan



本课程名称: 全球薪酬专家之六:变动薪酬―激励、奖赏与红利


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