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  • 课程时间:2009/09/18 09:00 至 2009/09/19 18:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:上海市
  • 授课讲师: 老师
  • 课程编号:73356
  • 课程分类:财务税务
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Senior manager and supervisors with previous experience who need to perfect their finance knowledge and methods


Obtain in-depth knowledge of financial terms and concepts to increase efficiency when dealing with financial and strategic decisions




Day 1

9.30 am
Welcoming participants

Programme Introduction

9.45 am
I. Business Environment and the role of Finance

10.15 am
II. Basics of Finance

10.30 am
Coffee Break (15 mns’)

10.45 am
II. Basics of Finance (continuing)

11.30 am
III. Accounting & Financial Statements

12.30 pm
Lunch Break

13.45 pm
IV. The Concept of Working Capital

14.30 pm
V. Measuring Financial Performance

15.00 pm
Coffee Break (15 mns’)

15.15 pm
V. Measuring Financial Performance (continuing)

16.30 pm
Financial Analysis

17.00 pm
End of day 1

Day 2

9.30 am
Wrap up / Q&As

9.45 am
VI. Evaluating Cash flows

10.30 am
Coffee Break (15 mns’)

10.45 am
VII. Capital Investment Analysis

12.00 am
VIII. The Cost of Capital

12.30 pm
Lunch Break

13.45 pm
IX. The Value Creation Formula

Test questions

14.00 pm
X. Case study (reading & preparation)

15.00 pm
Coffee Break (15 mns’)

15.15 pm
X. Case study (preparation)

16.00 pm
X. Case study (group presentations)

16.30 pm
X. Case study solution

16.45 pm
Instructions for group assignment and session closing

17.00 pm
End of day 2


Jean-Yves Le Corre is a professional trainer, lecturer and international consultant in the field of internal auditing, corporate governance and risk management in Asia.

Jean-Yves has more than ten years experience in large multinational corporations in finance and auditing senior roles as well as in management consulting. He was in charge of the corporate planning for the mining activities of COGEMA where he prepared the 10-year strategic and financial plan of a major business unit, implementing the financial modelling tools for financial planning, consolidated balance sheet and P&L accounts estimates and cash flow analysis.

Apart from being professional trainer at the Institute of Internal Auditing in Paris (IFACI), Jean-Yves is also a visiting professor at ESCP EAP European School of Management. He is a Sloan Fellow from London Business School (2005) and holds a Msc. in Management of the University of London (U.K). He is a Certified Internal Auditor and a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).

本课程名称: 非财务经理的财务课程(英文授课)


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