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  • 课程时间:2017/11/29 09:00 至 2017/11/29 17:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:北京市
  • 授课讲师: 洪桂彬
  • 课程编号:337722
  • 课程分类:人力资源
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For enterprises, to terminate a labor contract is not so easy but has high legal risks and many derivational problems. HR has to tackle the intractable issue because optimal management of enterprise personnel determines the operation and sustainable development of an enterprise.


To avoid unnecessary risks, most enterprises will negotiate to terminate the labor contract during HR management, wh even becomes the only way of termination except for natural expiration. However, as more employees tend to pursue maximum benefits, more enterprises are encountering the difficulties in negotiated termination.

will invite Lawyer Hong Guibin, an expert with plenty of legal practices.
He has provided us with 85 core problems in staff leave management, and analyzed in depth the misunderstanding, technique and control of compensatory cost relevant to labor control through the cases he actually took part in, so as to improve the safety and flexibility of dismissal by enterprises.离职管理中让人最棘手的85个问题及解决方案

I. Intractable problems for quit of staff
1. Can an enterprise postpone approval of the quit?
2. Can an enterprise determine the last work day of the staff?
3. Can the quit be canceled in case of pregnancy or work-related injury after the quit?
4. Is the quit made by e-mails, orally or by Wechat effective?
5. Can a manager agree upon a quit notice period longer than 30 days?
6. What can an enterprise do in case of a quit without a notice?
7. Can the "payment in lieu of notice" be agreed upon?离职管理中让人最棘手的85个问题及解决方案二、员工被迫辞职的个棘手问题
II. . Intractable problems of forced resigning
1. Is long-term leave of staff requested by an enterprise a type of no provision of labor conditions?
2. Is change of post by an enterprise a type of no provision of labor conditions?
3. Can separation allowance be requested for underpayment of overtime pay?
4. Can separation allowance be requested for delayed payment of wages for several consecutive months?
5. Can compensation be requested for slight breach of rules and disciplines?
6. Can compensation be requested for unpaid social insurance or illegal insurance payment base by an enterprise?
7. How is economic compensation calculated for forced resigning?离职管理中让人最棘手的85个问题及解决方案三、公司过错解雇的棘手问题
1. 试用期"泡病假"如何证明不符合录用条件?
2. 未约定录用条件,试用期就不能解雇了吗?
3. 试用期6个月,2个月能决定解雇吗?
4. 严重违纪的"严重"如何认定?
5. 严重违纪的"纪"如何证明?
6. 病假手续瑕疵能算旷工吗?
7. 不定时工作制员工如何证明"旷工"?
8. 规章制度未列明的违纪行为不能解雇了吗?
9. 规章制度的民主程序怎么破?
10. 严重失职的"重大损害"如何证明?
11. 公司能禁止员工非工作时间兼职吗?
12. 隐瞒工作经历算欺诈吗?
13. 被治安拘留能否解雇?
III. Intractable problems of fault dismissal by an enterprise
1. How can we prove that a person fails to meet recruitment requirements due to "unnecessary sick leave" during probation?
2. Can an enterprise dismiss someone failing to meet recruitment requirements during probation and why?
3. Can a dismissal be determined in 2 months in case of 6-month probation?
4. How can we define "serious" in serious rule-breaking?
5. How can we prove "rule" in serious rule-breaking?
6. Is it absenteeism in case of insufficient sick leave formalities?
7. How can we prove "absenteeism" for staff in flexible working hour system?
8. Can an enterprise dismiss someone under the breaches not listed in rules and disciplines?
9. How can an enterprise deal with democratic process in rules and disciplines?
10. How can we prove "significant damage" in gross misconduct?
11. Is an enterprise allowed to forbid part-time work by staff during non-working time?
12. Is it a fraud to conceal work experience?
13. Can an enterprise dismiss the staff under public security detention?离职管理中让人最棘手的85个问题及解决方案四、公司无过错解雇的12个棘手问题
1. 零星病假的医疗期如何计算?
2. 抑郁症有24个月医疗期吗?
3. 医疗期会"归零",循环计算吗?
4. 医疗期满继续请病假能立即解除吗?
5. 医疗期解除必须经过劳动能力鉴定吗?
6. "不胜任工作"如何证明?
7. 日常工作辅导属于"不胜任培训"吗?
8. 不胜任"调岗"如何保证"合理性"
9. 第二次不胜任如何证明?
10. 公司搬迁一定属于"客观情况发生重大变化"吗?
11. 岗位撤销、部门撤销、业务外包属于"重大变化"吗?
12. 提供关联公司岗位算履行"协商程序"吗?
IV. 12 intractable problems of non-fault dismissal by an enterprise
1. How can we count the medical period of sporadic sick leave?
2. Is 24-month medical period available for depression?
3. Will the medical period be "cleared" or circularly counted?
4. Can medical period be terminated for continued sick leave applied after expiration of medical period?
5. Is identification of labor capacity required for terminating medical period?
6. How can we prove "being not qualified for job"?
7. Does daily work counseling fall within "being not qualified for job"?
8. How can it be "reasonable" to transfer position due to being not qualified?
9. How can we prove being not qualified for a second time?
10. Is relocation of an enterprise a "significant change to objective circumstances"?
11. Is cancellation of position, department or business outsourcing a kind of "significant change"?
12. Has en enterprise implemented "negotiated procedure" by offering position in affiliated company?离职管理中让人最棘手的85个问题及解决方案五、公司经济性裁员的棘手问题
1. 20个人以下不能适用"经济性裁员"吗?
2. 协商解除导致裁员人数不足20人怎么办?
3. 经济性裁员方案必须职代会通过吗?
4. 经济性裁员方案劳动局拒绝出具回执怎么办?
5. 什么是"经营发生严重困难"?
6. 批量协商解除属于"经济性裁员"吗?
7. 无固定合同员工是否必须留用?
8. 执行经济性裁员是否不得重新招聘?
V. Intractable problems of economic cuts
1. Is "economic cut" applicable to lay-off of less than 20 staff?
2. What can an enterprise do if negotiated dismissal leads to lay-off of less than 20 staff?
3. Must the program of economic cut be approved by the workers congress?
4. What can an enterprise do if Labor Bureau refuses to issue a program of economic cut?
5. What is "serious difficulty in business"?
6. Is negotiated dismissal in a batch a kind of "economic cut"?
7. Does an enterprise have to retain the staff without a fixed contract?
8. Is re-hiring not permitted for an enterprise having economic cut?离职管理中让人最棘手的85个问题及解决方案六、公司违法解除的棘手问题
1. 违法解除的2N如何计算?
2. 员工主张继续履行合同,工资损失如何计算?
3. 诉讼中合同到期,劳动关系能恢复吗?
4. 公司已找人顶岗,或者岗位被撤销,劳动关系会被判恢复吗?
5. 恢复期间要支付未休年休假赔偿吗?
6. 恢复期间要缴纳社保吗?
7. 员工在诉讼中同意从事其他任何工作,劳动关系能恢复吗?
8. 高管被违法解除,劳动关系一定不恢复吗?
VI. Intractable problems in illegal dismissal
1. How is 2N calculated for illegal dismissal?
2. How are wage losses calculated if the staff claims continuing performing the contract?
3. Can labor relation be recovered in case of expiration of labor contract during a lawsuit?
4. Will labor relation be judged to recover if the enterprise has found other staff working on the previous position or the position has been canceled?
5. Should a compensation paid for non-taken annual leave during recovery?
6. Should social insurance be paid during recovery?
7. Can labor relation be recovered is the staff agrees to take any other positions during a lawsuit?
8. Can labor relation be recovered if an officer is illegally dismissed?离职管理中让人最棘手的85个问题及解决方案七、公司终止合同的10个棘手问题
1. 合同到期需要提前30天通知吗?
2. 合同到期前员工"泡病假"怎么办?
3. 合同到期符合无固定条件怎么办?
4. 合同过期,单位还能终止合同吗?
5. 员工退休但不符合领取退休金条件,能终止吗?
6. 女职工55岁退休如何确定?
7. 员工突然失踪怎么办?
8. 公司提前解散何时可以发"终止通知"?
9. 分公司被撤销可以终止合同吗?
10. 终止合同经济补偿金08年前工龄要付吗?
VII. 10 intractable problems of termination of labor contract
1. Is 30-day notice necessary upon termination of labor contract?
2. What can an enterprise do in case of "unnecessary sick leave" before termination of labor contract?
3. What can an enterprise do if the staff meets "no fixed conditions" upon termination of labor contract?
4. Can an enterprise still terminate labor contract if labor contract is overdue?
5. Can a labor contract be terminated for the staff under retirement but unqualified for pension?
6. How can determine retirement of female staff at 55?
7. What will an enterprise do in case of sudden missing of staff?
8. When does an enterprise issue a "notice of termination" in case of early dismissal?
9. Can a labor contract be terminated if a subsidiary is canceled?
10. Should compensation be paid for working years before 2008 in case of termination of labor contract?离职管理中让人最棘手的85个问题及解决方案八、经济补偿金、代通知金、赔偿金、医疗补助费计发棘手问题
1. 经济补偿金是应发数还是实发数?
2. 经济补偿金包括加班费、高温费吗?
3. 前12个月中员工休产假,补偿金怎么算?
4. 前12个月中员工休病假,补偿金要还原正常收入计算吗?
5. 经济补偿金何时要分段计算?
6. 经济补偿金何时不分段计算?
7. 解除经济补偿金和终止经济补偿金个税有差异吗?
8. 销售人员的"代通知金"如何计算?
9. 赔偿金是否有12个月封顶?
10. 医疗补助费有社会平均工资3倍限制吗?
VIII. Intractable problems in economic compensation, payment in lieu of notice, compensation and medical subsidy
1. Is economic compensation paid on a payable or actual payment basis?
2. Does economic compensation include over-time pay and high-temperature allowance?
3. How can we calculate compensation for staff on maternity leave during first 12-month employment?
4. Is the compensation calculated based on normal income for staff on sick leave during first 12-month employment?
5. When is piecewise calculation available for economic compensation?
6. When is piecewise calculation not available for economic compensation?
7. Is there any difference between economic compensation for dismissal and termination?
8. How is "payment in lieu notice" calculated for salesmen?
9. Is there a 12-month cap for compensation?
10. Is there triple average wage socially for medical subsidy?离职管理中让人最棘手的85个问题及解决方案九、特殊群体解聘的棘手问题
1. 外籍员工能约定"解除条件"吗?
2. 港澳台员工能"提前通知"解聘吗?
3. 劳务派遣员工能主张恢复派遣关系吗?
4. 劳务派遣员工违法退回如何赔偿?
5. 劳务派遣三期女职工泡病假不能退回吗?
6. 工伤职工一律不得解雇吗?
7. 职业病危害岗位协商解除要体检吗?
8. 三期女职工一律不能解除吗?
9. 15+5职工何时不能解除?
10. 停薪留职、内退员工解除有补偿金吗?离职管理中让人最棘手的85个问题及解决方案IX. Intractable problems of dismissing special groups
1. Can "conditions of dismissal" be agreed upon for foreign staff?
2. Is "advance notice" dismissal applicable to staff from Hong Kong and Macao?
3. Can service dispatching staff claim recovery of dispatching relation?
4. How a compensation made for illegal return of service dispatching staff?
5. Can female service dispatching staff be returned if they are during their pregnancy, lying-in or lactation period and under "unnecessary sick leave"?
6. Is staff under occupational injury not supposed to be dismissed?
7. Is physical examination required for negotiated dismissal of the positions with occupational hazard?
8. Are all female staff during their pregnancy, lying-in or lactation period not allowed to be dismissed?
When does "15+5"staff cannot be dismissed?
10. Is there any compensation for suspension from duty without pay or for early retirement?离职管理中让人最棘手的85个问题及解决方案讲师介绍:
Gary Hong  洪桂彬律师 特聘讲师



《社会保险风险控制与成本优化实务》(独著) 中国政法大学出版社,曾主笔专栏《模拟仲裁庭》。

本课程名称: 离职管理中让人最棘手的85个问题及解决方案


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