(31)通过最优方案工具,让计算机告诉你加班排班的最合适结果. ….涉及HR工作的方方面面… 讲师做过亚太区HRD,之后做了GM,可谓既懂HR的专业,又懂公司整体运营,相信这次培训一定能给您带来巨大帮助!《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)(The following topics will be shared and discussed during the two days’ seminar, two evenings’ private board and the roundtable lunch, and will be solved at the end) (1)As a HR, are you worried about do not know how to measure your value and work effectiveness? (2)When sales personnel and CFO/ finance manager use their data to continuously exert their influence and are concerned by the CEO and other key management personnel, as a HR, do you acknowledge their superiority? (3)What happened? How many? How often? Where? What is the problem? What actions need to be taken? Why did these happen? What will happen if this trend continues? What will happen? What will be the best? (4) Are you contemplating on finding the scientific basis of personnel decisions (5) Although HR E-formalization comes true, the HRIS system can not be effectively used, HR of each module is still“fragmented”, and the data is still not effectively used on the scientific decision. (6) Faced with piles of data collected, don’t know where to start and how to analyze and use these data. (7)Hope to become a strategic partner of company, but find that no matter how hard to try, always lack capacity. (8)Do you want to be a business partner? When communicating with higher-level boss, you have to talk based on data! No matter how excellent judgment you have, if there is no data or you don’t even know the data analysis, you will always be the second-class HR! (9)When communicating with senior management, do you know what the higher management really want to see? Do you feel helpless? Can you well express what you are trying to say? (10)You must talk to the incompetent staff based on data during the exit interview, so that they can be persuaded through reasoning. (11)Was there a conflict between operating department and HR department? What was the reason? (12)How to ensure the reasonableness of personnel planning, especially the management, technical staff and production staff? (13)How do you determine the style and type of business personnel for the reference to business department manager? (14)How to effectively conduct the demission analysis to control staff turnover rate; Can you provide a salary budget model for quick adjustment of salary budget; Before annual salary adjustment, how to use EXCEL to do analysis and adjustment of salary system table (15)How to do the efficiency analysis of performance management? What is the analysis method of human resources planning demand, when setting up human resources strategy? (16)The senior management always has a sales background, and they have no patience to read the specific data (except for sales data). They always go straight to the results using their experience to judge. Some HR data are not shocking, such as demission rate, performance appraisal has no incentive, staff’s passion reducing, high potential demission rate. (17)The fairness and impartiality confusion of enterprise internal salary structure and level; How to improve the staff motivation in the service -intensive business; It is hard to recruit not only the grass-roots staff, but also the middle managers. (18)Without the use of the software, how to completely express the training information through EXCEL, including training hour per person, total hours, number of people, each department’s training costs and place, etc., (19)How to better use the market salary labor costs data? The labor costs of enterprise must be inconsistent with the market in the same industry. The suggestion of HR department and the actual employing department can not reach agreement all the time (e.g. Finance department requires a salary raise for XX position, but HR department thinks that there is no basis for a raise.) How should HR department do? (20)Capacity allocation: For the old company, the former capacity allocation can no longer meet the existing business. How should HR department do? How does the general manager"s office authorize? (21)How to calculate the multi-dimensional human resources cost? How to read the ROI (Return on Investment) of multi-dimensional human resources? How to calculate the demission cost? (22)How to master a data language and all speak with data, becoming a real business partner. (23Know clearly the truth behind the company"s various types of data. Tell you the analysis ideas and help you learn to solve the company"s problems essentially. (24)Quickly analyze whether the company management and salary structure is balanced and reasonable. (25)Quickly make the payroll and do all kinds of salary statistical analysis in several minutes; (26)To build a dynamic salary adjustment program and find a range of options. (27)To prevent the possibility of the loss of staff in advance through multi-dimensional analysis of resigning personnel data. (28)Intuitively build a quantitative KPI indicator system that each department and positions are consistent with the target by the motivation factor table (29)Know about the sales behavior patterns of management personnel and salesmen. Distinguish the pioneering salesmen and the conservative salesmen. You are well-founded to suggest to send the right people when business transformation and develop the new market. (30)To find out where are the key business staff and the potential staff and to pay more attention to them. Arrange the personnel with a purpose. (31)Let the computer tell you the best results of overtime scheduling through the optimal program tool.
通过最优方案工具,让计算机告诉你加班排班的最合适结果. Applied in all field HR management Let you grasp a data language, use data to talk, truly become the Business Partner. Help you know about the truth hidden behind the various data, teach you the analysis idea, help you solve the company’s problems essentially. Rapidly analyze whether the company management structure and salary structure are balance, Make the salary table conveniently, and do all kinds of remuneration statistical analyses in several minutes; Build a dynamic remuneration adjustment plan, and find the optional range. Through the more latitude data analysis of leaving staff, prevent the possibility of losing employees in advance. By driving factor table, intuitively build the quantitative KPI index system that the goals of departments and positions are consistent Know the sales behavior patterns of management staff and business staff, which are pioneering sales staff and which are conservative sales staff. You can a well-founded recommendation to dispatch appropriate personnel when the company"s business transformation and developing new market. Know who are the key business staff and the potential staff, be able to give them more attentions and conduct the personnel collocation purposely. By the optimal solution tool, let computer tell you the most appropriate results of overtime and shift.《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)Course Outline 培训内容提纲《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)第一部分: HR数据分析在人力资源结构分析上的应用 公司员工结构多纬度分析 离职员工分析和职业周期预测 在职员工结构三维图形展示 Part I: The application of HR data analysis in human resources structure analysis The more latitude analysis of company employees structure The leaving employees analysis and the prediction of career cycle 3D graphic display of employees structure《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)第二部分: HR数据分析在薪资预算和薪酬管理上的应用 快速描述薪资结构的方法 年度薪资预算方案模型制定 工资表制作(自动计算税金和社保) 自动排班安排方案模型 Part II The application of HR data analysis in salary budget and remuneration management The method of rapidly describing salary structure The model formulation of annual salary budget plan The formulation of salary table (automatically calculate tax and social security) The plan model of automatically scheduling the shift《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)第三部分: HR数据分析在绩效体系设计和绩效管理上的应用 员工任职能力匹配分析 绩效驱动因素动态模型建立 绩效分布矩阵图 Part III The application of HR data analysis in the design of performance system and performance management The employee working capacity matching analysis The establishment of performance driving factors dynamic model Performance distribution matrix《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)第四部分: HR数据分析在业务人员管理上的应用 业务人员绩效跟踪的三个分析步骤 销售人员行为分析与绩效建模 采购人员行为分析与绩效建模 业绩、奖金与人员匹配模型 Part IV The application of HR data analysis in business staff management Three analysis steps of business staff performance tracking The behavior analysis and performance modeling of sales staff The behavior analysis and performance modeling of purchasing staff The performance, bonus and staff matching model《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)第五部分: 学会用数据分析和EXCEL提高工作效率和质量,学会做精美展示 难以想象的右键功能(基础之基础) 友好界面表格的制作及保护 数据的有效整理(分列、常用函数的) 数据透视表在海量数据分析中的应用 图形展示和在线分析的应用 预测与规划工具的使用 Part V: Learn to improve the working efficiency and quality by using data analysis and EXCEL, learn how to make a beautiful show Unimaginable function of right clicking (basis of the basis) The production and protection of friendly interface table The effective arrangement of data (parse, common functions) The application of PivotTable in massive data analysis The application of graphic display and online analysis The use of predicting and planning tool《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)主讲嘉宾Speaker: Dr. Yang 杨云博士(大嘴猴集团董事长,正和岛高级副总裁、7家上市公司董事、曾任均瑶集团DGM、多美滋奶粉亚太区HRD)分享最实用的分析思路和模板。
(杨老师2016被评为最受HR欢迎的讲师) Had ever serviced in world famous overseas-invested enterprise, Asia Pacific HRD/CHO/CFO will share experienced and valuable analysis ideas and template About Speaker杨云博士 有着多年海外生活工作经验和近二十年企业高管实战经验。
杨先生是上海市品牌授权经营企业协会秘书长,曾担任澳大利亚 Classique Furniture Pty. Ltd. Australia 上海办事处首席代表;宝隆洋行英特尔乳品有限公司亚太区高管;国内某著名乳业股份公司总经理;国内著名上市公司均瑶集团总经理等。
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
为什么会发生? 还会发生什么? 我们该怎么办?将来该怎么办?
《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)如何通过HR分析的数据来影响公司的战略,从老板的角度去思考问题。
(3)发生了什么?多少?频率?何处?问题究竟在哪里?需要采取什么行动?为什么会发生? 如果这个趋势继续发展会怎样?将来会发生什么? 最好发生什么?
(8)想做一个企业的Business Partner?跟更高层老板交流时,必须用数据说话!哪怕HR判断力再准,没有数据支撑,不懂数据分析,也永远只能是二流HR!!
(22)如何掌握一门数据语言,一切用数据说话,真正成为Business Partner
讲师做过亚太区HRD,之后做了GM,可谓既懂HR的专业,又懂公司整体运营,相信这次培训一定能给您带来巨大帮助!《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)(The following topics will be shared and discussed during the two days’ seminar, two evenings’ private board and the roundtable lunch, and will be solved at the end)
(1)As a HR, are you worried about do not know how to measure your value and work effectiveness?
(2)When sales personnel and CFO/ finance manager use their data to continuously exert their influence and are concerned by the CEO and other key management personnel, as a HR, do you acknowledge their superiority?
(3)What happened? How many? How often? Where? What is the problem? What actions need to be taken? Why did these happen? What will happen if this trend continues? What will happen? What will be the best?
(4) Are you contemplating on finding the scientific basis of personnel decisions
(5) Although HR E-formalization comes true, the HRIS system can not be effectively used, HR of each module is still“fragmented”, and the data is still not effectively used on the scientific decision.
(6) Faced with piles of data collected, don’t know where to start and how to analyze and use these data.
(7)Hope to become a strategic partner of company, but find that no matter how hard to try, always lack capacity.
(8)Do you want to be a business partner? When communicating with higher-level boss, you have to talk based on data! No matter how excellent judgment you have, if there is no data or you don’t even know the data analysis, you will always be the second-class HR!
(9)When communicating with senior management, do you know what the higher management really want to see? Do you feel helpless? Can you well express what you are trying to say?
(10)You must talk to the incompetent staff based on data during the exit interview, so that they can be persuaded through reasoning.
(11)Was there a conflict between operating department and HR department? What was the reason?
(12)How to ensure the reasonableness of personnel planning, especially the management, technical staff and production staff?
(13)How do you determine the style and type of business personnel for the reference to business department manager?
(14)How to effectively conduct the demission analysis to control staff turnover rate; Can you provide a salary budget model for quick adjustment of salary budget; Before annual salary adjustment, how to use EXCEL to do analysis and adjustment of salary system table
(15)How to do the efficiency analysis of performance management? What is the analysis method of human resources planning demand, when setting up human resources strategy?
(16)The senior management always has a sales background, and they have no patience to read the specific data (except for sales data). They always go straight to the results using their experience to judge. Some HR data are not shocking, such as demission rate, performance appraisal has no incentive, staff’s passion reducing, high potential demission rate.
(17)The fairness and impartiality confusion of enterprise internal salary structure and level; How to improve the staff motivation in the service -intensive business; It is hard to recruit not only the grass-roots staff, but also the middle managers.
(18)Without the use of the software, how to completely express the training information through EXCEL, including training hour per person, total hours, number of people, each department’s training costs and place, etc.,
(19)How to better use the market salary labor costs data? The labor costs of enterprise must be inconsistent with the market in the same industry. The suggestion of HR department and the actual employing department can not reach agreement all the time (e.g. Finance department requires a salary raise for XX position, but HR department thinks that there is no basis for a raise.) How should HR department do?
(20)Capacity allocation: For the old company, the former capacity allocation can no longer meet the existing business. How should HR department do? How does the general manager"s office authorize?
(21)How to calculate the multi-dimensional human resources cost? How to read the ROI (Return on Investment) of multi-dimensional human resources? How to calculate the demission cost?
(22)How to master a data language and all speak with data, becoming a real business partner.
(23Know clearly the truth behind the company"s various types of data. Tell you the analysis ideas and help you learn to solve the company"s problems essentially.
(24)Quickly analyze whether the company management and salary structure is balanced and reasonable.
(25)Quickly make the payroll and do all kinds of salary statistical analysis in several minutes;
(26)To build a dynamic salary adjustment program and find a range of options.
(27)To prevent the possibility of the loss of staff in advance through multi-dimensional analysis of resigning personnel data.
(28)Intuitively build a quantitative KPI indicator system that each department and positions are consistent with the target by the motivation factor table
(29)Know about the sales behavior patterns of management personnel and salesmen. Distinguish the pioneering salesmen and the conservative salesmen. You are well-founded to suggest to send the right people when business transformation and develop the new market.
(30)To find out where are the key business staff and the potential staff and to pay more attention to them. Arrange the personnel with a purpose.
(31)Let the computer tell you the best results of overtime scheduling through the optimal program tool.
让您掌握一门数据语言,一切用数据说话,真正成为Business Partner
Applied in all field HR management
Let you grasp a data language, use data to talk, truly become the Business Partner. Help you know about the truth hidden behind the various data, teach you the analysis idea, help you solve the company’s problems essentially.
Rapidly analyze whether the company management structure and salary structure are balance,
Make the salary table conveniently, and do all kinds of remuneration statistical analyses in several minutes;
Build a dynamic remuneration adjustment plan, and find the optional range.
Through the more latitude data analysis of leaving staff, prevent the possibility of losing employees in advance.
By driving factor table, intuitively build the quantitative KPI index system that the goals of departments and positions are consistent
Know the sales behavior patterns of management staff and business staff, which are pioneering sales staff and which are conservative sales staff. You can a well-founded recommendation to dispatch appropriate personnel when the company"s business transformation and developing new market. Know who are the key business staff and the potential staff, be able to give them more attentions and conduct the personnel collocation purposely.
By the optimal solution tool, let computer tell you the most appropriate results of overtime and shift.《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)Course Outline
培训内容提纲《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)第一部分:
Part I:
The application of HR data analysis in human resources structure analysis
The more latitude analysis of company employees structure
The leaving employees analysis and the prediction of career cycle
3D graphic display of employees structure《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)第二部分:
Part II
The application of HR data analysis in salary budget and remuneration management
The method of rapidly describing salary structure
The model formulation of annual salary budget plan
The formulation of salary table (automatically calculate tax and social security)
The plan model of automatically scheduling the shift《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)第三部分:
Part III
The application of HR data analysis in the design of performance system and performance management
The employee working capacity matching analysis
The establishment of performance driving factors dynamic model
Performance distribution matrix《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)第四部分:
Part IV
The application of HR data analysis in business staff management
Three analysis steps of business staff performance tracking
The behavior analysis and performance modeling of sales staff
The behavior analysis and performance modeling of purchasing staff
The performance, bonus and staff matching model《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)第五部分:
Part V:
Learn to improve the working efficiency and quality by using data analysis and EXCEL, learn how to make a beautiful show
Unimaginable function of right clicking (basis of the basis)
The production and protection of friendly interface table
The effective arrangement of data (parse, common functions)
The application of PivotTable in massive data analysis
The application of graphic display and online analysis
The use of predicting and planning tool《HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话》 (2017年度大数据课程之HR篇)主讲嘉宾Speaker:
Dr. Yang
Had ever serviced in world famous overseas-invested enterprise, Asia Pacific HRD/CHO/CFO will share experienced and valuable analysis ideas and template
About Speaker杨云博士
杨先生是上海市品牌授权经营企业协会秘书长,曾担任澳大利亚 Classique Furniture Pty. Ltd. Australia 上海办事处首席代表;宝隆洋行英特尔乳品有限公司亚太区高管;国内某著名乳业股份公司总经理;国内著名上市公司均瑶集团总经理等。
学历及教育背景:上海师范大学、理论物理系学士、上海交通大学管理学院 MBA、美国西海岸大学工商管理博士 DBA。
本课程名称: HR如何用数据跟各业务部门及老板对话