【Training Content|培训内容】 前言:什么是违纪,什么不是违纪 Preface: definition of violation and non-violation
一、民诉法新司法解释背景下的证据实务 I. Evidence Practice under the Background of New Judicial Explanation of Civil Procedure Law (一)证据类型(I) Type of evidence 7类法定证据类型Seven types of legal evidences 数据电文证据(邮件、短信、网页、微信等)新规则New rules for data and electronic evidences (e-mail, short message, webpage and Wechat) 涉外证据的取证规则Rules for obtaining the foreign evidences 合规访谈记录、调查报告的证据归类Classification of evidences of legal interview records and investigation reports (二)证据属性(II) Attribute of evidence 真实性:电子考勤记录如何确认其真实性Authenticity: how to confirm the authenticity of electronic attendance record 合法性:未经对方同意的录音、录像是否有效Legality: whether the voice recording and video recording not approved by the concerned parties are valid or not 未经在职员工同意进入员工邮箱获得邮件是否合法Without the consent of the current employees, is it legal to log in the employees'' e-mail boxes to obtain the e-mails? 关联性:证人证言、客户投诉信对于违纪行为的证明力Correlation: Probative force of the witness testimony and client''s complaint letter on the violations. (三)举证责任 (III) Burden of proof "谁主张谁举证"在违纪案件中的运用Application of "burden of proof borne by claimant" in the illegal cases "举证责任倒置"在违纪案件中的运用Application of "reversion of burden of proof" in the illegal cases 新民诉法司法解释对"举证期限"新规定New provisions on the "time limit for adducing evidence" in the new judicial explanation on Civil Procedure Law (四)证明标准 (IV) Standard of proof "排除一切合理怀疑" "Beyond all reasonable doubt" "高度盖然性" "High degree of probability" "优势证据规则" "Preponderance of evidence" "孤证"与"证据链" "Single evidence" and "chain of evidence"
二、案例解析十类典型违纪行为的调查取证 II. Case Analysis of Investigation and Evidence Collection of Ten Typical Violations (一)职业操守 (I) Professional observance 盗窃Burglary 商业贿赂Commercial bribery 性骚扰Sexual harassment (二)出勤违纪 (II) Attendance violation 旷工、旷职Absenteeism and absence from duty without leave 虚报工时、加班、代打卡False declaration of working hours, overtime work and punching card on behalf of others (三)业务违纪 (III) Business violation 越权行为Act in excess of authority 渎职行为Misconduct 非法侵占Illegal encroachment (四)违反诚信 (IV) Breach of good faith 虚假陈述False statement 骗取信任Trust cheating (五)对抗指示 (V) Breach of instructions 消极怠工 Demotivation 拒绝岗位调整Refusal of position adjustment 拒绝公司搬迁Refusal of company relocation (六)泄露秘密 (VI) Breach of confidence 泄露商业秘密Leak commercial secret 泄露秘密信息Leak confidential information 违反保密规定Breach of confidentiality provision (七)侵害致损 (VII) Loss caused by infringement 损害员工利益Damage employees'' benefit 损害公司利益Damage company''s benefit (八)利益冲突 (VIII) Conflict of interest 擅自兼职Do part-time job without authorization 在职竞业On-job competition 自我交易Self-dealing 飞单交易Betrayal-oriented transaction (九)危险行为 (IX) Dangerous behavior 打架斗殴Fighting and brawling 毁坏财物Damage of properties (十)过激维权 (X) Extreme rights protection 罢工停工Strike and shutdown 擅自报警Call the police without permission 群发邮件Send mass email 擅闯堵门Authorized entry and blockage of door 滞留办公Retention for official handling 跳楼群访Jumping and group interview 媒体披露Disclosure to media
三、案例解析"违纪案件"处理四要件 III. Case Analysis-Four Elements for Handling "Illegal Cases" (一)明确的法律依据 (II) Clear handling basis 法律依据的引用Quotation of legal basis 法律依据与事实依据相结合的"表述""Statement" combining the legal basis and factual basis 严重违纪与严重失职、不胜任的区分 Differentiation between serious violation of discipline and gross negligence & incompetence (二)明确的处理依据 (II) Clear handling basis 规章制度的配适性分析Analysis of applicability of rules and systems 规章制度的合法性分析 民主程序的证据要求(是否必须成立职代会或召开全体员工大会)Analysis of validity of the rules and systems 公示程序的证据要求(局域网公示是否具有法律效力?)Evidential requirement of democratic process (whether the workers'' congress or overall staff congress shall be held or not) 制度歧义条款的判断 Judgment of clause on system ambiguity (三)充分的事实依据违纪行为发生的证据(如何通过录音、访谈、邮件分析等获得证据)(III) Full factual basis 违纪行为调查的证据(启动违纪调查的注意事项) Evidence of occurrence of violations (how to obtain the evidence via recording, interview and e-mail analysis) 违纪行为处理的证据(作出违纪处理的证据固定)Evidence of investigation of violations (precautions for initiation of investigation on violation) (四)完整的程序依据 (IV) Complete procedure basis 避免重复处理Avoid repeated handling 避免超过处理"时效"Avoid exceeding the "deadline" for handling 避免违反既定流程Avoid violating the existing procedures 给予申辩的注意事项Precautions for giving defence 送达处理决定Deliver handling decision 通知工会及再次通知工Inform the labor union and inform the labor union again
四、违纪案件争议协调与处理 IV.Coordination and Handling of Dispute on Illegal Cases. (一)违纪解雇类争议的裁审应对 (I) Judge response to dispute on illegal dismissal 如何快速推进违纪员工的协商谈判How to rapidly promote the negotiation between employees violating the discipline 如何应对恢复劳动关系的仲裁诉请 How to cope with the application for arbitration for recovery of labor relationship (二)特殊群体的违纪处理注意事项 (II) Precautions for handling of violations of special group 三期、病假、工伤职工注意事项Precautions for employees under "three periods", having a sick leave and occupational injury 高级管理人员违纪处理注意事项Precautions of violation handling by senior managers 劳务派遣、委派人员的注意事项Precautions for labor dispatching and personnel delegation 外籍港澳台员工的处理注意事项 Precautions for handling of foreign employees and employees from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
Gary Hong 洪桂彬律师 知名公司法、劳动法专家,汇业律师事务所合伙人 洪桂彬律师专长于公司法、劳动法与争议解决,同时熟知人力资源管理与用工成本实践(社保/财税),在跨区域员工关系治理、高管治理、竞业限制及商业秘密等领域有丰富的执业经验。2013年曾参与《劳动合同法修正案》《劳务派遣规定》《上海市工伤保险实施办法(修订)》等多部法规的立法专家讨论与建议工作,洪桂彬律师同时具有丰富的授课经验,包括甲骨文、法国空客、强生、联合利华、杜邦、拜耳、施耐德、索迪斯、宝马、卡夫食品、耐克、欧尚、日立、联想、腾讯、中欧管理工商学院、苏格兰皇家银行等多家世界500强、跨国企业及境内知名公司曾聆听其课程。 经验: 成功为世界500强公司在华4000余人提供劳动关系规模转移安置综合解决方案 成功为某行业领先企业提供10000余人的劳务派遣综合解决方案 媒体采访: 曾接受上海电视台新闻综合频道、上海东方卫视、环球时报(英文版)、上海日报(英文版)、中国经营报、解放日报、上海人民广播电台、新金融观察、东方早报、新闻晨报等多家媒体采访就劳动关系热点问题发表专家意见。 出版物及其他: 《社会保险风险控制与成本优化实务》(独著) 中国政法大学出版社,曾主笔专栏《模拟仲裁庭》。
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Preface: definition of violation and non-violation
I. Evidence Practice under the Background of New Judicial Explanation of Civil Procedure Law
(一)证据类型(I) Type of evidence
7类法定证据类型Seven types of legal evidences
数据电文证据(邮件、短信、网页、微信等)新规则New rules for data and electronic evidences (e-mail, short message, webpage and Wechat)
涉外证据的取证规则Rules for obtaining the foreign evidences
合规访谈记录、调查报告的证据归类Classification of evidences of legal interview records and investigation reports
(二)证据属性(II) Attribute of evidence
真实性:电子考勤记录如何确认其真实性Authenticity: how to confirm the authenticity of electronic attendance record
合法性:未经对方同意的录音、录像是否有效Legality: whether the voice recording and video recording not approved by the concerned parties are valid or not
未经在职员工同意进入员工邮箱获得邮件是否合法Without the consent of the current employees, is it legal to log in the employees'' e-mail boxes to obtain the e-mails?
关联性:证人证言、客户投诉信对于违纪行为的证明力Correlation: Probative force of the witness testimony and client''s complaint letter on the violations.
(III) Burden of proof
"谁主张谁举证"在违纪案件中的运用Application of "burden of proof borne by claimant" in the illegal cases
"举证责任倒置"在违纪案件中的运用Application of "reversion of burden of proof" in the illegal cases
新民诉法司法解释对"举证期限"新规定New provisions on the "time limit for adducing evidence" in the new judicial explanation on Civil Procedure Law
(IV) Standard of proof
"排除一切合理怀疑" "Beyond all reasonable doubt"
"高度盖然性" "High degree of probability"
"优势证据规则" "Preponderance of evidence"
"孤证"与"证据链" "Single evidence" and "chain of evidence"
II. Case Analysis of Investigation and Evidence Collection of Ten Typical Violations
(I) Professional observance
商业贿赂Commercial bribery
性骚扰Sexual harassment
(II) Attendance violation
旷工、旷职Absenteeism and absence from duty without leave
虚报工时、加班、代打卡False declaration of working hours, overtime work and punching card on behalf of others
(III) Business violation
越权行为Act in excess of authority
非法侵占Illegal encroachment
(IV) Breach of good faith
虚假陈述False statement
骗取信任Trust cheating
(V) Breach of instructions
消极怠工 Demotivation
拒绝岗位调整Refusal of position adjustment
拒绝公司搬迁Refusal of company relocation
(VI) Breach of confidence
泄露商业秘密Leak commercial secret
泄露秘密信息Leak confidential information
违反保密规定Breach of confidentiality provision
(VII) Loss caused by infringement
损害员工利益Damage employees'' benefit
损害公司利益Damage company''s benefit
(VIII) Conflict of interest
擅自兼职Do part-time job without authorization
在职竞业On-job competition
飞单交易Betrayal-oriented transaction
(IX) Dangerous behavior
打架斗殴Fighting and brawling
毁坏财物Damage of properties
(X) Extreme rights protection
罢工停工Strike and shutdown
擅自报警Call the police without permission
群发邮件Send mass email
擅闯堵门Authorized entry and blockage of door
滞留办公Retention for official handling
跳楼群访Jumping and group interview
媒体披露Disclosure to media
III. Case Analysis-Four Elements for Handling "Illegal Cases"
(II) Clear handling basis
法律依据的引用Quotation of legal basis
法律依据与事实依据相结合的"表述""Statement" combining the legal basis and factual basis
Differentiation between serious violation of discipline and gross negligence & incompetence
(II) Clear handling basis
规章制度的配适性分析Analysis of applicability of rules and systems
民主程序的证据要求(是否必须成立职代会或召开全体员工大会)Analysis of validity of the rules and systems
公示程序的证据要求(局域网公示是否具有法律效力?)Evidential requirement of democratic process (whether the workers'' congress or overall staff congress shall be held or not)
Judgment of clause on system ambiguity
(三)充分的事实依据违纪行为发生的证据(如何通过录音、访谈、邮件分析等获得证据)(III) Full factual basis
Evidence of occurrence of violations (how to obtain the evidence via recording, interview and e-mail analysis)
违纪行为处理的证据(作出违纪处理的证据固定)Evidence of investigation of violations (precautions for initiation of investigation on violation)
(IV) Complete procedure basis
避免重复处理Avoid repeated handling
避免超过处理"时效"Avoid exceeding the "deadline" for handling
避免违反既定流程Avoid violating the existing procedures
给予申辩的注意事项Precautions for giving defence
送达处理决定Deliver handling decision
通知工会及再次通知工Inform the labor union and inform the labor union again
IV.Coordination and Handling of Dispute on Illegal Cases.
(I) Judge response to dispute on illegal dismissal
如何快速推进违纪员工的协商谈判How to rapidly promote the negotiation between employees violating the discipline
How to cope with the application for arbitration for recovery of labor relationship
(II) Precautions for handling of violations of special group
三期、病假、工伤职工注意事项Precautions for employees under "three periods", having a sick leave and occupational injury
高级管理人员违纪处理注意事项Precautions of violation handling by senior managers
劳务派遣、委派人员的注意事项Precautions for labor dispatching and personnel delegation
Precautions for handling of foreign employees and employees from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
《社会保险风险控制与成本优化实务》(独著) 中国政法大学出版社,曾主笔专栏《模拟仲裁庭》。
本课程名称: 员工违纪违规行为处理与合法调查取证