1. Leadership is a process, not a position * Where does authority come from * Today’s social environment challenges that leaders are facing * Recognize their own career development needs
2. Non authority leadership is from "the faith" * Differences in leadership: control and release * Non authority and leadership * Self-improvement in the art of leadership practice * Mutual trust and dependance - the core of high-performance organizations
3. The art of leadership is to release potential and achieve complementarity * 4E1P principles in talent development * Strategies and practices to motivate employees * Effective delegation tests the art of leadership in practice * Self-motivated leader * Every tiny change matters
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
* 需要说服他人接受行为改变并完成工作的中高层管理者
* 涉及跨部门协作的管理者
* 认识领导艺术的不同风格
* 完善自我,释放他人
* 领导的权威来自哪里
* 当今社会环境领导者的挑战
* 认识自身的职场发展需求
* 领导艺术的差异:控制与释放
* 非职权与领导
* 自我完善,实践领导艺术
* 互信互赖——高效能组织的核心
* 人才培养的4E1P原则
* 激励员工的策略与实践
* 有效授权是领导艺术的实践检验
* 领导者的自我激励
* 微小处改变,持之以恒
1. Leadership is a process, not a position
* Where does authority come from
* Today’s social environment challenges that leaders are facing
* Recognize their own career development needs
2. Non authority leadership is from "the faith"
* Differences in leadership: control and release
* Non authority and leadership
* Self-improvement in the art of leadership practice
* Mutual trust and dependance - the core of high-performance organizations
3. The art of leadership is to release potential and achieve complementarity
* 4E1P principles in talent development
* Strategies and practices to motivate employees
* Effective delegation tests the art of leadership in practice
* Self-motivated leader
* Every tiny change matters
本课程名称: 非职权领导艺术(微课程)