5.绩效体系与薪酬激励的结合 * 如何有效地将绩效与薪酬相结合 * 国际一流公司的绩效驱动模式 1. The mission of performance management * Analysis of performance and influencing factors * What performance management is * What performance management is not * Why should we spend time managing performance * Why line managers don’t like performance appraisal and counter measures * The principles of performance appraisal and keys to its success
2. Several main performance systems * MBO * KPI * BSC * Establishment of performance management system
3. How to establish and break down performance objectives * SMART * Annual plan * Skills to break down and quantify objectives * How to set up different objectives by functions
4. How to appraise performance and coaching * Performance appraisal interview * What should be prepared by the manager * How to handle poor performers * How to handle the disagreement * How to handle negative and unenthusiastic employee * Setting up the coaching plan
5. Performance system and payment system * How to link performance system and payment system * The examples of successful companies
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
* 各部门主管、经理、总监及副总
* 绩效的内涵和影响因素分析
* 绩效管理是什么
* 绩效管理不是什么
* 为什么要进行绩效评估
* 经理们不情愿的理由及对策
* 绩效管理的原则及成功要素
* 目标管理
* 关键绩效指标
* 平衡计分卡
* 绩效管理体系的建立
* 年度计划的制定
* 指标分解和绩效指标量化技术
* 不同职能部门的绩效目标设定技巧
* 绩效评估面谈
* 经理需要做的准备
* 怎样处理绩效不好的员工
* 怎样处理意见不统一
* 怎样处理消极和不热情的状况
* 员工辅导计划的制定
* 如何有效地将绩效与薪酬相结合
* 国际一流公司的绩效驱动模式
1. The mission of performance management
* Analysis of performance and influencing factors
* What performance management is
* What performance management is not
* Why should we spend time managing performance
* Why line managers don’t like performance appraisal and counter measures
* The principles of performance appraisal and keys to its success
2. Several main performance systems
* Establishment of performance management system
3. How to establish and break down performance objectives
* Annual plan
* Skills to break down and quantify objectives
* How to set up different objectives by functions
4. How to appraise performance and coaching
* Performance appraisal interview
* What should be prepared by the manager
* How to handle poor performers
* How to handle the disagreement
* How to handle negative and unenthusiastic employee
* Setting up the coaching plan
5. Performance system and payment system
* How to link performance system and payment system
* The examples of successful companies
本课程名称: 绩效管理与年度评估面谈