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  • 课程时间:2013/06/24 09:00 至 2013/06/25 17:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:北京市
  • 授课讲师: Kitty
  • 课程编号:218476
  • 课程分类:采购管理
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* 供应链部负责人,运营部负责人
* 销售预测经理,需求计划经理,供应计划经理(主计划,物料计划,生产计划)
* 与运营直接相关的部门经理和主管(生产,采购,物流,项目)


如何开发一个让组织真正可以提升企业竞争力、盈利能力和反应能力的、以客户为导向的集成业务规划和执行系统,对于已成为进入完全竞争状态的组织来说,是一个重要的战略性举措。S&OP(Sales & Operation Planning Process)是以集成计划的方式,以推动执行为导向和以平衡供应的精确性、灵活性和经济性为目的的组织内部最高运营的协调、平衡、决策和执行的系统。


1. 对企业运营现状的分析
* 企业所在的市场和客户诉求的分析
* 有竞争力和高效运营的制造企业的特征
* 识别企业内部和外部供应链、主链与辅链
* 企业运营中的主要困难和问题

2. 介绍集成的业务协调、平衡、决策和执行过程S&OP
* 什么是销售和运营计划? 对销售和运营计划的错误理解
* 销售和运营计划过程的目标
* 多层次的销售和运营计划
* 销售和运营计划的过程步骤、各步骤的参与者、主要目的和目标、输入与输出
* 销售和运营计划过程步骤的时间框架
* 运行S&OP系统的先决条件和遵循的规则
* 公司最高领导在S&OP中的角色

3. 启动:业务 回顾和关注新战略行动
* 上期公司层面业绩的回顾及偏差分析
* 来自组织外部和内部对业务产生影响的活动
* 制定新战略行动计划
* 调整业务目标

4. 第一步:需求回顾和规划
* 回顾上期预测的表现, 分析预测与实际偏差的根本原因
* 评估上期所记录的驱动需求的假设
* 讨论改善的行动方案和行动计划
* 更新各类市场、销售的新行动计划
* 整合市场和销售计划, 生成不受限制的需求预测
* 讨论并同意12~18个月滚动的受约束的需求预测

5. 第二步:供应回顾和规划
* 回顾上期供应的表现,寻找导致偏差的原因
* 定期回顾计划的参数,供应策略, 库存策略
* 整合各资源能力, 生成初步受制约的销售和运营计划和资源短缺清单
* 分析供应的限制、制约和风险
* 提供各种可能的选择机会和方案
* 预见中期,长期的资源需求

6. 第三步:预备讨论会 Pre-S&OP
* 整合与协调需求和供应计划
* 讨论可行的方案,作出优先级与取舍决定
* 生成经评估的需求预测并最终达成一致
* 生成财务的预测
* 高质量的信息共享和决策平台
* 评估业绩, 推动由外部市场和竞争所驱动的内部持续改善
* 检讨运营中存在的障碍、制约、困难和问题, 制定相应的改善行动计划
* 解决部门之间的冲突, 引导跨部门的高效合作
* 以结果为导向,积极推动变革管理

7. 第四步:S&OP 会议
* 设定主要业绩指标和绩效评估
* 批准受限制的需求预测
* 批准Pre-S&OP提交的决策清单, 并解决提交的问题
* 分享Pre-S&OP 行动计划的执行情况

8. 执行
* 生成最终的主生产计划
* 生成各辅链的计划
* Pre-S&OP, S&OP 行动计划的执行 1. Status Quo Analysis of Business Operation
* Understanding the market and customer requirements
* Character of the effective manufacturing company
* Identify internal supply chain,external supply chain and its sub-chains
* Major difficulties and issues in business operations

2. Introduction of Sales & Operation Planning Process
* What is S&OP process? the misunderstanding of S&OP
* Objectives of S&OP process
* Multi-level S&OP
* S&OP process, participates, the main goals and objectives, inputs and outputs of each step respectively
* Time frame of S&OP process
* Principle and guideline of running S&OP process
* The role of top management in S&OP process

3. Start: business review & new activity
* Business performance review at company level and analysis deviations
* Impact to business operation from internal & external activities
* Develop new activity plan (NPD, new client, new price strategy…)
* Adjust business goal(budget or LE/EFY)

4. 1st step: Demand Review
* Review last period demand accuracy performance , discover the root cause of the deviations
* Assess recorded demand assumptions
* Propose improvement solutions and record the actions
* Update new activity plan of marketing and sales
* Generate unconstrained demand forecast by integrating market activity plan, NPD forecast,sales forecast,statistics forecast
* Discuss and agree the 12~18 month rolling unconstrained demand forecast

5. 2nd step: supply review
* Review last period supply performance, discover the root cause of the deviations
* Regularly review planning parameters, supply strategy, inventory strategy
* Generate rough constrained sales & operation plan and resource short list by integrating all relevant input resources
* Analysis supply limits,constrains and risks
* Propose all possible options and solutions
* Predict mid-term,long-term resource requirements

6. 3rd step: Pre-S&OP meeting
* Integration and reconciliation of s&op
* Discuss viable solutions, and decided to make a priority and trade-offs
* Generate evaluated demand forecast and reach agreement
* Generate financial projections
* A high quality platform for information sharing and decision making
* Assess performance, promote internal continuous improvement which driven by external market and competition
* Review existing obstacles, constraints and difficulties, and develop appropriate improvement action plan
* Resolve conflicts between departments to guide the efficient inter-departmental cooperation
* Results-oriented, and actively promote change management

7. 4th step: S&OP meeting
* Set of key performance indicators and performance evaluation
* Approve the constrained demand forecast
* Approved the decisions list submitted Pre-SOP
* Solve the issues submitted by Pre-S&OP
* Share the performance of Pre-S&OP actions

8. Implementation
* Generate MPS
* Generate functional plan
* Execution of Pre-S&OP, S&OP actions

本课程名称: 销售和营运平衡决策系统


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