1.The definition of project risk management * What is project risk? * Features and categories of project risks * What is project risk management? * The importance of project risk management * The content and process of project risk management
2.The process of project risk management Step 1: Risk identification * What is the range of project risk identification? * The cycle of project risk identification * The techniques of project risk identification * The achievement of project risk identification-output list Step 2: How to assess risk * How to measure the project risk? * The calculation of project risk * The quantitative and qualitative analysis of risk * The matrix of project risk evaluation Step 3: How to manage risk * Principles of risk response planning * Four kinds of methods of risk response planning * The budget on emergency reserve funds * Link the emergency plan to the project plan Step 4: Risk monitoring * Set up the monitoring table * Choose and implement the appropriate solutions * How to record and sum up the process
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
* 新上任的项目经理、项目负责人
* 参与项目实施的各部门的项目组成员
* 什么是项目风险
* 项目风险的特征和不同类别
* 什么是项目风险管理
* 项目风险管理的重要性何在
* 项目风险管理的内容和流程
2. 项目管理风险的流程
* 项目风险识别的范围是什么
* 项目风险识别的周期
* 多种项目风险识别的技术
* 风险识别的结果——项目风险识别输出表
* 如何衡量项目风险的大小
* 项目风险值的计算方法
* 项目风险的定量和定性分析方法
* 指导项目应对规划的矩阵——项目风险的评价矩阵
* 项目风险应对规划的几项原则
* 项目风险应对规划的四种类别
* 项目风险应急储备金预算
* 项目风险应急计划与项目主计划的关联
* 如何建立项目风险管理监控表
* 项目风险应对措施的选择和实施
* 项目风险的记录和总结
3. 黄金要点提炼
1.The definition of project risk management
* What is project risk?
* Features and categories of project risks
* What is project risk management?
* The importance of project risk management
* The content and process of project risk management
2.The process of project risk management
Step 1: Risk identification
* What is the range of project risk identification?
* The cycle of project risk identification
* The techniques of project risk identification
* The achievement of project risk identification-output list
Step 2: How to assess risk
* How to measure the project risk?
* The calculation of project risk
* The quantitative and qualitative analysis of risk
* The matrix of project risk evaluation
Step 3: How to manage risk
* Principles of risk response planning
* Four kinds of methods of risk response planning
* The budget on emergency reserve funds
* Link the emergency plan to the project plan
Step 4: Risk monitoring
* Set up the monitoring table
* Choose and implement the appropriate solutions
* How to record and sum up the process
3. Key points debriefing
本课程名称: 项目风险管理