4.EHS系统 * ISO14000 * 职业健康安全管理系统(OHSMS) * 风险管理 * 危机管理 1. The basic knowledge of EHS * Safety, accident and its types * Basic conceptions of accident prevention * Requirements of safe production * EHS related regulations in industry * The relationship between the product quality and safety
2. The relationship between human factors and EHS management * Man-machine engineering * People and accidents * Accidents and other incident investigation * Means of controlling and preventing danger and accidents
3. How to achieve a safe and healthy workplace * The use of preventive and protective equipment * The conditions of atmosphere * The place for walk and work in the workplace * Safety exits * Noise and its control
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
* 各级生产负责人
* 维修负责人、EHS主管人员、工程师等
(Environment, Health and Safety)
* 安全、事故及其分类
* 预防事故的基本要求
* 安全生产的基本要求
* 工业生产中的相关安全、健康和环境法规
* 产品质量与安全生产的关系
* 人机工程
* 人与事故的关系
* 事故的调查分析
* 控制危险、预防事故的措施
* 个人防护用品的使用
* 工作环境的大气条件
* 行走和工作的场地
* 安全出口
* 噪音及其控制
* ISO14000
* 职业健康安全管理系统(OHSMS)
* 风险管理
* 危机管理
1. The basic knowledge of EHS
* Safety, accident and its types
* Basic conceptions of accident prevention
* Requirements of safe production
* EHS related regulations in industry
* The relationship between the product quality and safety
2. The relationship between human factors and EHS management
* Man-machine engineering
* People and accidents
* Accidents and other incident investigation
* Means of controlling and preventing danger and accidents
3. How to achieve a safe and healthy workplace
* The use of preventive and protective equipment
* The conditions of atmosphere
* The place for walk and work in the workplace
* Safety exits
* Noise and its control
4. EHS systems
* ISO14000
* Risk management
* Crisis management
本课程名称: 环境、健康和安全管理