3.KPI的设定与分解 * 如何将部门KPI指标向下分解到个人 * 绩效传递的三个载体 * KPI设定的基本原则和操作技巧 * 如何有效量化定性的考核指标 * KPI设定练习 1. Performance management and KPI * Performance and its character * How to align performance management with the strategy * Common mistake in behavior instruction practice
2. Performance management system based on KPI * Principle of KPI application * Dimensions of KPI analysis - Financial dimension - Client dimension - Inner management dimension - Learning and development dimension * How to built performance management system based on KPI - How to determine KSF - How to extract KPI - How to cascade KPI from company level down into departments level - How to design KPI by business function - Case study: ABC company’s performance management system
3. Technique of KPI setting and breakdown * How to set personal goal according to KPI * Transmitting performance by 3 carriers * Principles and skills of setting KPI and personal goal * How to quantify KPI * Exercise
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
* 绩效管理经理、主管、专员
* 各部门经理、总监及副总
* 企业绩效及其影响因素分析
* 如何使绩效管理符合企业战略
* 行为引导中常犯的错误
* KPI(关键绩效指标)的应用原理分析
* 绩效指标的分解维度
- 财务类
- 客户类
- 内部管理类
- 学习和成长类
* 基于KPI的绩效管理体系如何建立
- 如何设定KSF(关键成功要素)
- 如何提取KPI(关键业绩指标)
- 如何把KPI分解到各个部门
- 各个部门KPI指标的设定
- 案例分析:某公司基于KPI的绩效管理系统
* 如何将部门KPI指标向下分解到个人
* 绩效传递的三个载体
* KPI设定的基本原则和操作技巧
* 如何有效量化定性的考核指标
* KPI设定练习
1. Performance management and KPI
* Performance and its character
* How to align performance management with the strategy
* Common mistake in behavior instruction practice
2. Performance management system based on KPI
* Principle of KPI application
* Dimensions of KPI analysis
- Financial dimension
- Client dimension
- Inner management dimension
- Learning and development dimension
* How to built performance management system based on KPI
- How to determine KSF
- How to extract KPI
- How to cascade KPI from company level down into departments level
- How to design KPI by business function
- Case study: ABC company’s performance management system
3. Technique of KPI setting and breakdown
* How to set personal goal according to KPI
* Transmitting performance by 3 carriers
* Principles and skills of setting KPI and personal goal
* How to quantify KPI
* Exercise
本课程名称: KPI的有效设定和应用