All staff working in MNCs, and those who have contacts with clients of other MNCs.
PURPOSE: 课程目标 This course will give you the skills to communicate with confidence in English and improve the perception your colleagues and clients have of your abilities. 提升工作中的英语交流能力,凸显实际工作技能水平
OBJECTIVES: 可期待的学习成果 Upon completion of the training the participants will be able to demonstrate the following competencies: Practical Email &Report Writing Skills 工作邮件&报告写作 Effective Communication at Workplace 如何提高工作中英文交流的流畅度和准确度 英文能力问题,首先是状态问题(是否有热情去精进,提升自我),其次才是方法问题(是否选择了贴合实际需求,制定出便于执行,并能够持续达成自我激励的学习方案)。
Course Outline 课程大纲 WHO WILL BENEFIT FROM THIS COURSE* 适合人群:外企工作人群 Are you a non-native English speaker working for an English-speaking company* If so, then this course is for you. When you write business correspondence or documents or communicate with your foreign colleagues in English you can be at a disadvantage because you are writing or speaking in a foreign language. Even if you have been taught English well– you may not have learned the subtleties and nuances of communicating well in a business environment. Your knowledge of punctuation and grammar rules, on the other hand, is probably better than many of your English colleagues!
COURSE CONTENTS: 课程内容 This course covers the most important rules of English usage, but concentrates on the things that non-native English speakers& writers struggle with. We will look at the kind of clichés that are common in business usage, and cover many of the standard phrases you may typically come across in day-to-day work. The course was divided into the following two stages: 1. AWAKEN 开放积极的学习心态激发&学习方法讲解 - Introduction Language Learning Strategies - One-day Seminar (6hours) 2. ACCELERATE 英语应用能力主题研讨和学习习惯养成 - From Strategies to Abilities 由知道到做到 - One-day Seminars (6hours ) 主题内容如下: Practical Email Writing 实用电子邮件写作 Do your emails reflect well on you and your organization* Do you spend too much time writing your emails in English* Are you really happy with the result before you click on "send"* Well, we can definitely help you! The participants get a chance to continue their email training with the consultant by forwarding their work-related emails. This exercise, which is individually completed by all participants, allows the implementation of the writing tips and methods that are provided during the workshop. Producing professional and "reader-friendly" emails. The psychology behind writing "global" emails. Choosing the right pattern of development. Email abbreviations & acronyms. Business email formats and templates to enhance the "look & feel" of the email. Studying the format for writing an effective email. Recognizing the special needs and requirements of email readers. Understanding cross-cultural differences between the sender and receiver. Techniques, insights and rules of email etiquette. Achieving results by selecting the right tone. Better Business Grammar: - Using correct and consistent tenses. - Understanding the language of "Status Reports". - Applying the right prepositions. - Avoiding common errors and problems. - Using effective sentence structure. - Applying the K.I.S.S (Keep It Short and Simple) Approach How to Write a Report: Writing Reports 实用报告写作 A report is a structured written presentation directed to interested readers in response to some specific purpose, aim or request. There are many varieties of reports, but generally their function is to give an account of something, to answer a question, or to offer a solution to a problem. * Characteristics of an effective report * Report structure * Procedure for report writing - Planning - Writing - Formatting, revising and proof-reading
METHODOLOGY: 授课体系 LANGUAGE MODELS LEARNING METHOD 语言模块方法: 结构语言教学理论为基础, 针对企业工作人群英语实际学习中的难题, 经业内专家团队多年实践完善的学习体系, 把语法知识立刻转换为应用技能, 让令人纠结,充满挫败感的语法应用变得轻松。 从知道到做到,从知识到技能快速转化。 MIND MAPPING:脑图体系 思维导图是有效的思维模式,应用于记忆、学习、思考等的思维“地图”,利于人脑的扩散思维的展开。思维导图已经在全球范围得到广泛应用,包括大量的500 强企业。思维导图的创始人是东尼.巴赞。中国应用思维导图大约有20 多年时间。 同时,结合英文中的习语,语言模块,讲解中英文中的语言背后意象差异,体会两种文化的思维模式的不同,让跨文化交流更贴合文化背景,更自然,更准确。 英语文化中,虽然没有森严的等级观念,但是由于上下级,以及相互关系的亲密度,还是有正式和非正式的用语,也会给大家做些分析讲解,使不同级别,不同亲密度的同事的交流更得体。 Most of the time, it’s not the words but the cultural background and logic behind the words that confuse us, as a non-native English speaker, when talking to native speakers. By showing the images and logic behind the words, we help learners to feel more confident and comfortable in international communication in English.
李老师 Felix Li: 我公司培训讲师 苏州工业园区娄葑镇政府英语教练 脑图魔方集训课程(常熟理工)总策划&讲师 韦伯国际英语(苏州)中心主任(储备) 疯狂英语集训营(苏州)总教练
课程介绍 评价详情(0)
This course will give you the skills to communicate with confidence in English and improve the perception your colleagues and clients have of your abilities.
OBJECTIVES: 可期待的学习成果
Upon completion of the training the participants will be able to demonstrate the following competencies:
Practical Email &Report Writing Skills 工作邮件&报告写作
Effective Communication at Workplace 如何提高工作中英文交流的流畅度和准确度
Are you a non-native English speaker working for an English-speaking company* If so, then this course is for you.
When you write business correspondence or documents or communicate with your foreign colleagues in
English you can be at a disadvantage because you are writing or speaking in a foreign language. Even if you have been taught English well– you may not have learned the subtleties and nuances of communicating well in a business environment. Your knowledge of punctuation and grammar rules, on the other hand, is probably better than many of your English colleagues!
This course covers the most important rules of English usage, but concentrates on the things that non-native English speakers& writers struggle with. We will look at the kind of clichés that are common in business usage, and cover many of the standard phrases you may typically come across in day-to-day work.
The course was divided into the following two stages:
1. AWAKEN 开放积极的学习心态激发&学习方法讲解
- Introduction Language Learning Strategies
- One-day Seminar (6hours)
2. ACCELERATE 英语应用能力主题研讨和学习习惯养成
- From Strategies to Abilities 由知道到做到
- One-day Seminars (6hours )
Practical Email Writing 实用电子邮件写作
Do your emails reflect well on you and your organization*
Do you spend too much time writing your emails in English*
Are you really happy with the result before you click on "send"*
Well, we can definitely help you!
The participants get a chance to continue their email training with the consultant by forwarding their
work-related emails. This exercise, which is individually completed by all participants, allows the implementation of the writing tips and methods that are provided during the workshop.
Producing professional and "reader-friendly" emails.
The psychology behind writing "global" emails.
Choosing the right pattern of development.
Email abbreviations & acronyms.
Business email formats and templates to enhance the "look & feel" of the email.
Studying the format for writing an effective email.
Recognizing the special needs and requirements of email readers.
Understanding cross-cultural differences between the sender and receiver.
Techniques, insights and rules of email etiquette.
Achieving results by selecting the right tone.
Better Business Grammar:
- Using correct and consistent tenses.
- Understanding the language of "Status Reports".
- Applying the right prepositions.
- Avoiding common errors and problems.
- Using effective sentence structure.
- Applying the K.I.S.S (Keep It Short and Simple) Approach
How to Write a Report: Writing Reports 实用报告写作
A report is a structured written presentation directed to interested readers in response to some specific purpose, aim or request. There are many varieties of reports, but generally their function is to give an account of something, to answer a question, or to offer a solution to a problem.
* Characteristics of an effective report
* Report structure
* Procedure for report writing
- Planning
- Writing
- Formatting, revising and proof-reading
思维导图是有效的思维模式,应用于记忆、学习、思考等的思维“地图”,利于人脑的扩散思维的展开。思维导图已经在全球范围得到广泛应用,包括大量的500 强企业。思维导图的创始人是东尼.巴赞。中国应用思维导图大约有20 多年时间。
Most of the time, it’s not the words but the cultural background and logic behind the words that confuse us, as a non-native English speaker, when talking to native speakers. By showing the images and logic behind the words, we help learners to feel more confident and comfortable in international communication in English.
15 年英语教学经历,近10 年的企业内训经验,对企业培训需求分析和培训计划有很切合实际的理解和认知,擅长根据企业实际需求和客观条件度身定做课程,操作性强,时效性高,求实,求新
精心设计与课程紧密结合的小室内拓展活动,让学员全身心投入,引发学习激情 图文并茂的多媒体课件,充分调动学员多感官参与学习,效果倍增
本课程名称: Practical Email &Report Writing