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Winning Proposal Strategies

  • 课程时间:2011/09/23 09:00 至 2011/09/24 17:00 已结束
  • 开课地点:上海市
  • 授课讲师: 杰里米波拉德
  • 课程编号:121920
  • 课程分类:销售管理
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Who Should Attend
* Sales Managers
* Account Managers
* Business Development Managers
* Marketing
* Bid Specialists
* Proposal developer/writer


Improve your sales effectiveness with proven winning proposal framework method;
Learn how to position, plan and develop responsive, customer-focused proposals that sell & win;
Learn how to organize a clear and persuasive message leveraging your existing sales techniques focusing on customer needs;
Adapt best-practices guidelines to reduce rework, rewrites, and waste.


Course Processing Methods

30% lecture +20% discussion + 50% simulation exercise and case study

Workshop Material

Workbook with Capture Management Tools
Shipley “Capture Guide 3rd Edition”

Course Content Highlight
* How to develop superior proposal that stands out from competitors
* Put yourself in the proposal evaluator’s seat to better understand what a proposal evaluator is looking for.
* Cost/Pricing strategy and how to price to win.
* Develop effective value proposition from sales strategy.
* How to emphasize your strength, mitigation your weakness and downplay your competitors strength
* User of Shipley tools to ensure compliance to all requirements
* Techniques for preparing winning proposal with design, theme, callout, graphics that addresses the customer’s needs.
* Tips on how to increase your chances of winning.


About Instructor
Shipley Certified Consultants are highly achieved and experienced professionals in business development and proposal management, qualified with applied expertise in the Shipley winning processes for million or billion-dollar projects. Workshop will be conducted by assigned instructor at the scheduled class time of a specific instructor’s availability.

本课程名称: Winning Proposal Strategies


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