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  • 课程时长:2.0天
  • 授课讲师: 朱纲
  • 课程分类:职业素养
  • 课程编号:191674
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1、 学会如何在部门内部与上级、下级以及同事之间沟通的技巧。
2、 学会如何与跨部门不同的人沟通的技巧。
3、 学会在公司内部及外部如何有效与不同类型的人沟通的策略。
4、 如何通过团队成员合作来创造多赢的沟通效果,以达到企业共同目标。
5、 主动倾听并坦率地与他人交流,增加团队成员间的信任度。
6、 突破情绪障碍,创建解决冲突的双赢结果。
7、 学会沟通中的反馈和聆听的技巧。
8、 掌握沟通中的语言技巧和非语言技巧。

“Win-win communication & Interpersonal Skills will help you:
Manage the roles of communication, understand why effective communication is important, and know how to follow the steps of the communication process. This interactive multimedia training program provides you with opportunities to make personal improvements to your communication effectiveness.
Teaches you how to develop the skills you need to be a critical listener and how to respond appropriately to speakers. This interactive multimedia training program provides you with opportunities to visit with a listening expert, as well as practice your listening skills in a work environment. Both activities will help you improve your ability to listen effectively and decrease listening problems in the workplace.
You will learn guidelines for asking and answering questions, using nonverbal communication and power, and giving feedback when building relationships. You will also learn the various communication styles and techniques to use when communicating with them.
You will learn suggestions for communicating with individuals who hold various roles in an organization, such as peers, supervisors, subordinates, and customers/vendors. You will also learn guidelines for promoting ideas and handling human resource issues, such as negotiating raises and dismissing subordinates.
You will learn how to define difficult co-workers, cope with their difficult behavior, and resolve conflict caused by the negative behavior. You will also learn the proper methods to address each difficult personality type, the appropriate techniques to use to cope with and manage difficult behavior, and the steps that create the conflict resolution process.


Module 1 Communication Awareness
第一单元 沟通认知

◆ 沟通的定义 The definition of communication
☆ “游戏”引入正题 A interesting Game
☆ 单向沟通与双向沟通的区别 Distinguish between one-way & interaction communication
☆ 沟通(communication)的定义 The definition of Communication
☆ 有效的沟通(effective communication)
◆ 影响沟通的障碍 Communication Barrier
◆ 寻找自身沟通的障碍 Find out yourself Barrier
案例分析 Case Study

Module 2 Internal Department Communication
第二单元 部门内部的双赢沟通

◆与上级之间的沟通技巧 Skills for communicating with superiors
1、 正确的沟通准则 The principles for correct communication
★ 上司需要什么样的人 Who would the superior like?
★ 怎样与上司相处 How do you work together with your superior
★ 怎样与上司配合 How do you cooperate with your superior
2、 常用沟通技巧 Common Communication Skills
★ 如何请示汇报工作 How do you report
★ 如何向上司提建议 How do you bring up a proposal
★ 如何与不同性格的上司沟通 How do you communicate with managers with different personality type
3、 现场研讨: Group Discussion
★ 怎样对待上司的越级指挥?How could you deal with delegation from your indirect superior?
★ 上司过多干预部门工作怎么办?What’s your idea for fulsome intervene from superior?
★ 怎样“对付”上司的不讲理?How could you deal with impenetrable superiors?
★ 怎样拒绝上司的不合理的指令?How could you refuse to implement unreasonable command?
★ 上司不兑现承诺怎么办?How could you do when your superior break promise?
案例分析 Case Study
◆与同事之间的沟通技巧 Skills for communicating with colleagues
案例分析 Case Study
◆与下级之间的沟通技巧 Skills for communicating with subordinates
★ 培养下属“回报”的习惯 Enhance the ability for subordinates to give feedback to you
★ 指令明确,培养下属出“选择题”的能力 Specific dictate
★ 怎样拒绝下属的不合理的请求?How to refuse the unreasonable requests
★ 下属越级汇报怎么办?How to deal with reporting over echelon
◆部门内部双赢沟通技巧 Skills for internal department communication
★ 填平办公室“陷阱”,通过沟通与协调营造和谐工作环境。Be careful of the office trap
★ 要尊重办公室/团队的任何人员,以免挫伤员工的自尊心。Respect for people
★ 尽可能在团队中寻求人际的平衡。Make interpersonal balance
☆ 团队沟通游戏 Communication Games

Module 3 Cross-Department Win-win Communication
第三单元 跨部门的多赢沟通
1、正确的沟通准则 Principles for communication
★同级相处的几项原则 Principles for communication with colleagues
★部门间的沟通方式 Communication ways for Cross-department communication
★部门间的服务模式 Service Styles for Cross-department
★提高部门间沟通效率的方法 The way to improve the efficiency of c-department communication
2、常用沟通技巧 Common Communication Skills
★怎样正确对待和处理部门间的争执与冲突How do you deal with the conflict from cross-dept.
★部门间的协作沟通技巧 Cooperation & Communication Skills for cross-departments
★部门间横向沟通的要点与技巧 Key points and skills
3、 现场研讨:Group Discussion
★如何处理部门权限之间交叉地带的事?How to deal with the issues overlaped between the cross-departments.
★如何对待和处理部门之间的沟通不畅问题?How could you make cross-department communicate smoothly?

Module 4 Oral Communication Skill
第四单元 沟通中常用的语言技巧
赞美的技巧 Praise Skills
批评的技巧 ’Hot Sotver’ Skills
迎合的技巧 ’Bootlicker’ Skills
案例分析和小组讨论 Case Study & Group Discussion
语言沟通中的其他常用技巧 Other Skills

Module 5 Non-oral Communication Skill
第五单元 沟通中常用的非语言技巧
肢体语言 Body Languages
表情 Expression
倾听技巧 Listening Skills
情绪掌控 Emotion
情境模拟和游戏互动 Games and Role Play

Module 6 Listening & Feedback
第六单元 倾听与反馈
什么是坦决式沟通模式 What is intermediate communication Style
明确反馈方法:啤酒模式 Beer Feedback
倾听技巧 Listening Skill
如何说“不”How do you say ‘No’

Module 7 Communication Style Test
第七单元 沟通风格测试
沟通风格测试 (现场诊断,了解自身沟通风格)Communication & Interpersonal Style Testing
沟通风格认知 (四种类型)4 Styles for Communication & Interpersonal
沟通风格在工作中的运用 Applicable Skills
如何与不同风格的上司进行沟通 How do you communicate with superiors with different styles
如何与不同风格的下属进行沟通How do you communicate with subordinates with different styles

Training Object: unlimited

Training Methods: Instruction,Games,Case Study,Role Play,Group Discussion

Training Duration: 1-2 Days
授课时间:2 天 (12小时)

Training Facility: Lap-top,In-focus,Flipchart,Whiteboard,other appliance


朱 纲 先生
联合国人口基金驻京办 特邀高级讲师
首席人力资源/沟通/管理/销售/团队品 牌讲师




本课程名称: 双赢沟通与人际交往技巧


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