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Change Management Workshop 变革管理

  • 课程时长:2.0天
  • 授课讲师: Office Manager
  • 课程分类:领导力
  • 课程编号:188670
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The Simitri Change Management Workshop provides team leaders and project
managers with an understanding of the change processes and the responses people
display when confronted with change.

The workshop is designed for managers and teams that are currently involved in a
change initiative. During the workshop we explore a number of skills and techniques to
help the participants minimise the negative impact the change is having on the
organisation and accelerate the successful implementation of the change.

The workshop will assist the participants to better understand the change they must
implement and communicate up, down and across the organisation. Furthermore, it will
help them adjust their personal responses to change, lead others that are confronted with
change, and contribute to their team’s overall success.

What are the benefits for the participants?
By completing this workshop, participants will:
• Understand the reactions and process people go through when faced with change
• Help key stakeholders understand the need and embrace the benefits of the
• Reduce their stakeholders’ resistance to the change
• Develop strategies to accelerate the change acceptance process
• Increase the productivity and performance of themselves and their teams

What topics are covered?
Understanding Change
Reactions to Change
Stakeholder Analysis
Individual Change Process
Accelerating the Change
Communication Plan
Sustaining the Change

本课程名称: Change Management Workshop 变革管理


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